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Yankkky bomber crashes! We celebrate!

bring_back_the_real_daniel_brett | 12.12.2001 19:07

Yankkks crash into Indian oceans but no bombs are needed. Daeth to Amerikkka!

A US B-1 bomber has crashed into the Indian Ocean 30 miles (48kms) north of the British base of Diego Garcia.
The Pentagon said a mission was under way to try to rescue the plane's crew of four.

Pentagon spokeswoman Victoria Clarke told journalists in Washington that there were no details of the casualties or how the accident happened.

"This underscores what we try to remember all the time - that the men and women in the US military put their lives at risk every single day," she said.

Another Pentagon official said there were few such planes in operation.



Display the following 7 comments

  1. WOOOOOOOOOT — wonko the sane
  2. become human — dwight heet
  3. these kids are dupes — zedhead
  4. If you liked this... — Protestix
  5. USA FORVER!!! — Dan G.
  6. Wow... — townie
  7. lawyer? so what! — asdf