calling the Alnwick Anarchists
P.U.K | 24.11.2001 19:08
“Know your enemy” you say ……. I hear that Tesco’s are planning to build a supermarket on a site literally just outside of Alnwick. This is a real threat to the community of your town,and all the surrounding small villages such as felton, seahouses, etc, Instead of smashing lamps and alienating the local people join them in opposing this multinational. I Live in North tyneside and have been to your neck of the woods quite a few times, I hear that the public are demanding the council turn over the site for a community venture either field or centre. (I think the land in question is around and on the old car showroom/garage area but not 100% sure). The locals are already starting a campaign so if your not already, get involved, as LB said on his posting your council/officials are no different from any other town/village/city. I also agree with him in that I do not support your actions, as all you will achieve is to alienate yourself from the local people. You may not agree with your council but its public money that has to pay for the damage you caused. It’s also the community that has to live in a shitty area if its not rectified by the council.
Here on north tyneside a similar thing is happening KFC are wanting to open up one of their drive thru’s, much to the anger of the residents who will be affected by the litter and traffic this development will cause. Also the community as a whole wants more community space not another capitalist venture. We will be joining the locals and opposing this in any way we can…….no email addresses, phone no’s, contacted addresses, just as the name states P.U.K (persons unknown).. That’s were we are strongest we need to support one another, fight against the multinationals on a united front, we need to widen this movement, appeal to the general public not distance ourselves from them….
Ps I know hunting goes on up your way, and I know sabs operate from tyneside and around… but does anyone oppose these scum who go out ferreting and shooting, or lurching with their dogs…… dark winter nights are now in and all that……… P.U.K
Here on north tyneside a similar thing is happening KFC are wanting to open up one of their drive thru’s, much to the anger of the residents who will be affected by the litter and traffic this development will cause. Also the community as a whole wants more community space not another capitalist venture. We will be joining the locals and opposing this in any way we can…….no email addresses, phone no’s, contacted addresses, just as the name states P.U.K (persons unknown).. That’s were we are strongest we need to support one another, fight against the multinationals on a united front, we need to widen this movement, appeal to the general public not distance ourselves from them….
Ps I know hunting goes on up your way, and I know sabs operate from tyneside and around… but does anyone oppose these scum who go out ferreting and shooting, or lurching with their dogs…… dark winter nights are now in and all that……… P.U.K
Hide the following 4 comments
24.11.2001 22:38
inevitably mean a lower quality of life for ordinar punters.
They like to build complexes which also include filling station,newsagents, restaurant/cafe practically everything that the average shopper needs. doing deals with local bus companies enables them to divert the traffic and all the cash into one direction. This means that local shops including
Greengrocers,newsagents,butchers,bakers,off licenses and general supply food stores very quickly go bust.
The town centre is then let to slowly decline for a couple of years it soons starts to decay, shops become vacant and then some one opens up a more down market activity, pretty soon a fair percentage remain borded up, then they get graffiti on them and people start pissing in the door ways .
Property prices fall and at this stage Mr Bigdick property developer steps in and buys up the whole town centre for peanuts. Wine bars and fancy shopping malls with antique shops and other yuppie leisure earners are the order of the day. A few trendy apartments with security gaurds and the town is not a centre for the people any more.
The shopkeepers will be the first to lose out, if you talk to them you'll find that a lot of them have strong opinions and are just as pissed off as errr anarchists. There is nothing they can do so they might well be willing to stick anti tesco's posters in their windows. Get them on your side.
get on the case with checking out every aspect of the planning permission, if it's not already been granted you hve a better chance, Get along to a few council meetings and see at stage they have got to. Check out the land , who owns it ?
when did they buy it , when were the plans for the new supermarket made public, are there any bye laws that could be used to block the project, is the land of particular natural beauty, does it contain rare examples of wild life, it's all pretty rare these days, is it on a flood plan, whatever, if you look hard enough you'll find reasons. If you check the wasy the local authority has acted you'll probably find irregularities, overlooking certain aspects of their reponsibility to the tax paying voters who elected them.
The environmental protection agencies health and safety are all get a bung from people like tesco's so see if they have done their jobs properly , which is unlikely...
Reclaim our town centers !!!
Luther Blissett
26.11.2001 19:14
- P
Poisoned By Tesco
24.09.2004 10:50
This is the story a British man severely poisoned by a Twix chocolate bar, as he felt his life slipping away from him he saw the helpless innocent children dying due to this most deadly chocolate. The sad saga escalates as Tesco is slow to withdraw the terrible Twix from the shelves of death and the guilty party starts using threats and coercion.
The incredible incident began brewing on the evening of Friday May the 10th 2002 when I purchased my groceries at Tesco Rama 3, this was my regular shopping haunt as I had moved into a new condominium based partly on the fact that it was located conveniently close to Tesco.
When I was at the checkout I noticed a chocolate display that had my all time favorite since childhood - a good ole Twix bar. Twix bars were often of poor quality in Bangkok most often probably due to heat exposure, in 7-11 the chocolate often shows evidence of melting and re-solidifying subsequent to manufacture. The packaging on the Twix seemed fresh and shiny and I had already picked up a dozen cartons of soy milk and knew that they did indeed complement each other nicely for a midnight snack.
As midnight approached it was time for my snack and I got my Vitamilk and Twix from the fridge and reclined in my armchair to enjoy my supper. I took a bite of the Twix and started chewing, seconds later a pungent aromatic organic smell filled my nasal cavities and surprised me - something was obviously wrong. I ran to the bathroom to wash out my mouth and felt nauseous, fearing that I would pass out I returned to my seat to regain my senses. It was very puzzling indeed, as I thought frantically how on earth could they smell like benzene I started to feel my chest going tight and started to asphyxiate, I could breath in but not out. Even though something was seriously wrong with the Twix I was helpless, I could feel myself blacking out and thought that I was dying, as the light faded I said my prayers, I prayed for justice and prayed for mankind.
Hours later I regained consciousness, I pinched myself to perform a reality check and felt a sigh of relief - I had survived. I could hardly believe what had happened, I smelt the Twix wrapper but there was nothing suspicious. I decided to taste a tiny bit of the Twix chocolate to discover whether or not it was at fault, after sampling a tiny piece in the bathroom and getting that tell tale smell again it was plainly clear that my chocolate had definitely been adulterated. I washed my mouth out thoroughly and as I was still feeling light-headed went to lie down.
It was nighttime and there was not a lot that I could do until the store opened when I could warn them of the danger. I was shocked when I called Tesco and found that they could not do anything, as their manager was not there. I contacted Effem the distributor of the chocolate and they told me that they would send an officer to withdraw the suspect product. My stomach regularly started convulsions and heaving on an empty stomach was extremely painful, I could feel the gastric juices being pushed up my larynx and burning my throat, my neck had started to swell and felt hard.
The following week my throat was still swollen, Tesco had come round with a basket of fruit to apologize but I was not in the mood for the fruit and so distributed it in dribs and drabs to various security guards in the condo where I live.
Effem explained verbally over the phone and then by visiting me and finally in writing on headed paper signed by their Regional supply director that Tesco had used concentrated industrial warehouse floor cleaner to remove price stickers.
Tesco subsequently wrote stating that they believed that this was the cause of the poisoning, they also arranged for me to meet their internal lawyer - Steve Purser. When I went to see Steve Purser he shook my hard extremely hard almost crushing it as he spoke in an intimidating voice. He expressed anger at me for making noise about the issue and explained that he felt that Tesco was a victim of an internal terrorist attack. I told him that I was the real victim and he took me to see the bottle of floor cleaner in the Tesco warehouse. The floor cleaner came in a big bottle and had a skull and crossbones Hazardous chemical warning clearly on the bottle. I opened the bottle and there was a hiss as vapors pressured through the loosened lid, the stench that came from the bottle was indeed the same smell as in the poisoned Twix bars being sold by Tesco.
The instructions on the floor cleaner gave clear warnings, the floor cleaner was also supposed to be heavily diluted before use.
Tesco tried to make me believe that a young innocent untrained boy from the rice fields was responsible for the poisoning incident. I asked the staff there if they received training as to how to safely deal with foodstuffs and they explained that they had not received any such training whatsoever. I was very saddened by this total lack of corporate responsibility and told Tesco that I would like to know how t
I do not particularly like doctors and this can be easily understood by looking at three simple facts:
1) I have not had vaccinations against diseases as a child like other children and my entire body is totally void of any evidence of vaccination or needle scars. This is because my ancestors lived natural lives and unlike capitalist consumers were allergic to modern medicine.
2) I had to undergo extremely painful operations as a child, which left me mentally scarred, and with an even stronger phobia of doctors.
3) Since my horrific operation on my throat, inner ears and nasal cavities I have avoided hospitals and doctors and have only visited in cases of broken bones as a quick in and out visitor.
My friends recommended that I visit a doctor as more than a week passed and my throat was still swollen. I thought that a visit would not do to much harm and I plucked up the courage to go. I was terrified and almost fainted when I heard that I must take a blood test. The first time I went to see the nurse I almost vomited and had to sit down and collect myself for over 2 hours before mustering up the courage to visit the nurse. Even though I felt my body tensing like a rock I knew that for the sake of all the poor children the poisoned chocolate from Tesco that I had to let my blood be drawn.
Tesco had promised to get back to me with details of the poison and how it reacts with cocoa butter to produce even deadlier poisons, they also promised to let me know about the side effects and after affects of these poisons, this they never did and so I felt compelled in the interests of mankind to pursue by filing complaints with the Thai FDA at the Ministry of Public Health and Welfare, the Thai Consumer Protection Agency and the Crime Suppression Division of the Royal Thai Police.
These complaints soon disappeared as Tesco confessed in writing that Mars in Australia had found traces of solvent contamination in the Mars bars that were on sale at Tesco Lotus Rama 3.
The case progresses reports and evidence has been scanned and copies of the evidence can be obtained by emailing and requesting it from >
The case has been submitted to numerous Thai authorities and it is surprising that justice is not forthcoming.
Tesco Poisons Brit in Thailand
24.09.2004 10:59
I was poisoned and say no more.
This I know and know full well.
It is a very sad story to tell
Today is the 5 th, as you can see below the only explanation for the derogatory treatment regarding my water heater is that from an autoresponder bot. In terms of excellent customer service I would like to advise you (free of charge!) that the human approach is much more compassionate and acceptable to a modern consumer. An autoresponder is only suitable for an interim message to a consumer prior to a follow-up. Poison him AND let him pay us for hot water and shower in cold, not funny, Tesco is a poor joker and businessman.
Well instead of me roaring my mouth off at you, I had to bite my lip when you tried to tell me that no-one is threatening me and do a little keyboard bashing instead. I and mother earth know much better. Just because the Thais don't use Steve Purser methods does not mean that the Thais are void of intimidation and threatening strategies - quite the contrary my dear chap. One moment and I shall elucidate.
As regards the issue of threatening behaviour I should first point out that I have lived here for a number of years and tried to study the local psychological paradigms to the best of my ability. I am sure that you being a Thai are fully aware of how far more subtle the Thais are than many of their Western counterparts. Unlike in the West where threats are made directly and almost shamelessly, here in Thailand most often an indirect more subtle approach is taken. The style is very low profile and hard to identify clearly especially to a westerner that is not accustomed to it. Together with Thai academics I have come to learn of the very subtle ways which negative influences are set to work in Thai society for purposes of coercion, corruption and social degradation. Although such behaviour does reveal a complexity and intelligence invisible to most westerners and although it shows some depth in cunning nature it is indeed very sad to see that human life must be subjected to it. The truth of the matter is that I have been sickened by the use of such strategies and especially under the circumstances that make it adding insults to injury. I do not wish to argue about what constitutes threats and I am also fully aware of how organizations externalize their dirty work here. The people that mean something to me know exactly what is what and are fully aware and furbished with sufficient evidence to know how very very sad the plight of the Thai people is - I am living testimony to the abuse that innocent Thai citizens must suffer day in, day out.
I can start you 6 little examples to help you understand that I understand very well the origins and methodologies used
1) Firstly I will not pay one Baht to any Thai government officials for the fact that I can speak more Thai than I am supposed to
2) Secondly I shall not purchase any overpriced AIA life insurance from Thai government officials
3) Thirdly I shall not listen to any un-named or non-uniformed officers using the names of retired police generals whether they are on Tesco's board or wherever else. Interestingly enough many officials expressed contempt for the decisions and policies of their superiors with relation to the Tesco case. e.g. as done in the Thai games the most prominently used name by officials started with the letter Wor has two syllables and the second syllable is also the name of a large rodent once prolific on Bangkok streets.
4) Fourthly regarding threats of Thais suing other multinationals as retaliation to my protest for human dignity, I just ignore it and find it a truly pathetic use of influence and whoever wishes to sue whoever they can go ahead - it is not my business and I do not care about it either.
5) Fifthly threats received regarding my visa status, I would like to tell you that not only do I pay all my taxes, I always have done. I do not overstay on my visa and I have just been offered another job by another multinational (hint: you should congratulate me!) that has agreed to deal with the bureaucrats on my behalf in future should I accept their package. They can clearly see the immense value that I can add to this nation and that I should not have to deal with biased bureaucrats.
6) Finally you might like to read my essay that is being commissioned regarding the whole affair, they love the depth color and passion of a no holds barred, gut-wrenching, tear-jerking saga like no other. Personally however I am dubious as to whether a documentary would really be made on such a topic so you may have to wait as I am no-ones puppet. Interestingly enough such activities confirm my opinion that Tesco did make a good move by deciding to stop outsourcing "PR" services and take it in house. Of course I could go on and on about how the forceful protectors of Tesco like to whisper their Thai language innuendos into the air such as "dead men can't talk", well at least I can look at the bright side that the puzzle of what are the favorite intimidation strategies, I guess until one actually gets in the firing line himself he is never going to know what lies "Behind the Picture". I am sorry for my poor literary ability as I know that I shouldn't use the name of one of my favorite Thai movies that shows the beautiful side of the Thais to make analogies to the dark side but I am very busy and have other things to do other than make perfectly clear to you that no matter how dark influence is disguised I shall not let it go past unrecorded.
It has hurt me too much, I can only pray with all my soul that the people that are behind my persecution are persecuted, the people that look down on me are looked down upon and their families and children, mothers and fathers suffer from poison, maybe then will they realize that what they did to me was WRONG in the eyes of any civilized society. This is a rather Christian "eye for an eye" but my civilized Buddhist behaviour means that I am ignored - ignored by people that have seriously messed with my life and do not have any remorse for their EVIL actions. I could never ever act as low as Tesco but I seriously hope that Karma deals with them in whatever way Karma see fit.
Well If you don't know any at least you know me, even if I am not Thai and even if I was born in England I am much more proud of my Asian heritage and culture than the majority of modern day Thais. I feel sad when I hear the reckless way that even Tesco employees used the word "farang" and could not help but thinking that these Thais need to be led in front of a mirror to have a good hard look at themselves and to think very very carefully as to how "Thai" are they? If they could see their materialistic existence, if they could see their lack of spirituality then perhaps I would be treated with basic human respect.
I feel sorry for Tesco, employing aggressive lads with too much testosterone as "lawyers", just think had you yourself used your charm and intellect with your smooth voice and beautiful "wai" then perhaps Tesco might not have opened a can of worms. "Out of the frying pan and in to the fire" is the usual result for those that think they can put out a fire by throwing petrol on it. There again Tesco has another valuable free lesson "put the right man on the right job".
I have a dream that one day consumers will have rights and respect and society will permit healthy competition for the promotion of a nation to be proud of. I have a dream that one day Thailand's subjects will no longer create the infamous culture of "Khaen" and "khu" but love eachother as REAL brothers and sisters. I have a dream that regardless of religion, creed or colour Tesco accepts all consumers. I have a dream that conflict will be resolved using ethics, truth and professional apology, ( note very large companies here in Thailand have used me to train their management how to resolve conflict painlessly, Thai managers that learnt the full and proper techniques of how to deliver an apology that will be accepted were truly enlightened and had much easier lives afterwards as a result of learning what they couldn't get from their Harvard colleges! e.g. When a tapeworm was found in a consumer's meal of a very famous Thai restaurant they luckily had been trained by me and used my lessons and to their awe and amazement the customer ended up apologising to them! The Thai staff at this famous restaurant that surely every Thai knows relish this story privately and they are confident that no matter how big the problem they need not fear or hide from it as Ak is in their hearts. The agency that recruited me specifically for this project also remain very proud of me and my magic.) Believe it or not I could go on forever and a day about retail ethics and as testimony to abuse and forgiveness I have a collection of apologies from companies in Thailand and should you see these successful Thai businessmen you will learn that they were lucky to have messed around with a very reasonable consumer, especially when treated with culture. These Thais know how fabulous I am and are almost happy they messed up because then they had the pleasure of knowing me. Steve Purser, your so-called lawyer, has no cultural understanding or respect which Thai academics fully realise is just a catalyst for catastrophe, if he thinks that he does have it then he should not have any bias as to how he determines who to respect and who to not respect.
Much as I would like to help you iron out your share of Gremlins I fully realise that Tesco must learn from her mistakes there are limitations on how much I can help her as she drew first blood and failed to show immediate care or remorse. Tescos were standing in front of a proverbial gift horse, now I realise that even when they are looking down the horse's throat they were totally incapable of recognising it. Is the fact that I was born in the year of the horse is just coincidence? The fact that I was born on a Thursday also coincidence? I have exhalted Saturn in the fourth house, Rahu and Pra Khet are also exhalted, then again it is only leading Thai corporations that understand fung shui so no big deal.
I have dozens of amazing stories sent to me and relayed to me from the Thai masses as to mega messes regarding such issues as security and the unprofessional ways in which Tesco was led up garden paths. Many of these stories came from excellent sources very close to the Heart of Darkness and hopefully the release of such stories is the evolution of an era where mankind will be free of persecution.
I have made it well known internationally that Mr Bundit claims that there are no threats on my life, just last week immigration made me wait an unreasonably long time under suspicious circumstances and Tesco is a major suspect especially after ignorantly ignoring the fact that Tesco Thailand drew first blood almost killing me outright with their poisoned chocolate bars and then ignoring the medical responsibility and no reimbursement for my expenses caused due to damage done to me by Tesco. Tesco is a crying shame!
Bottom line my dear chap is that the truth is the truth no matter how Tesco tries to twist it such behaviour is clearly detrimental to society. I myself , with all the pain and anguish you have caused, will never forget the callous brutal evil of Tesco Thailand!!!!
Mr Bundit, if I remember correctly you had invited my for lunch and never followed up on that either, now on father's day I feel especially sad that after being poisoned that I would be so easily forgotten. Then again I am getting used to Tesco forgetting me, after they made very very sure that I cannot forget them. If I remember rightly about a month ago you said that you would contact my lawyer and explain to him. Neither I, nor my lawyer have had any explanation to date.
I shall be speaking with Sir Terry in due course about all the childish behaviour going on here in Thailand and how just because of my name I am looked down upon by your people. I feel very sorry for Tesco , I feel very sorry that they were so blind and ignorant in their inhumane actions towards me and lack of ability to apologise. I hope on father's day, the day that fathers should think about how they treat the children, that you can finally realise that what your company has done to me, like it or not, it is WRONG!
I may remind you so that Tesco realises how ungrateful they were to me:
I was one of their best customers - I fitted my home from Tesco , shopped at Tesco and ate at Tesco almost every day.
I was the only person in Thailand that sung the Tesco anthem as I went to Tesco everyday, no body sang it only me, and that itself just goes to show what ungrateful people Tesco Thailand has.
Can you not see how foolish it is to poison , insult, threaten and coerce the ONLY man in Thailand that skipped down the Soi to Tesco singing the Tesco National Anthem?
I was the one that had Mars corporation remove all the chocolate that Tesco had poisoned, I was the one that saved all the poor innocent Thai children. I saved the Thai people.
Gratitude came in the form of some chocolate and threats. I can honestly say that Tesco amounts to some of the most ungrateful people that ever walked in shoe leather.
So next time your staff think that they frighten me with their bonecrunching handshakes, they should be taught that they are nothing and meaningless and just a sign of Tesco's use of brutality with those that only were so loyal and good to them.
Tesco bit the hand that fed them. That is a violation of one of the first rules of civilisation.
Finally just to let you know that although Tesco stoops so low as to use the forces of EVIL against me I am confident and I have a dream, dead or alive my dream will come true - I do not care how smart the users of evil are but I am sorry at the end of the day only GOOD can win.
Time can never mend the careless poisoning of a good friend.
Once poisoned by Tesco, Twice shy.
A Twix in the hand is worth a million in the bin.
To say sorry or not to say sorry that is the question.
He who knows how to apologise is the wiser.
An apology in time saves nine.
Every supermarket has a silver lining.
How low can Tesco go.
I hope that the management of Tesco experiences the mental and physical torture that I have been through so that they can learn that it is not nice at all. Someone once suffering as much as I have at the mercy of Tesco would WISH that they had ALZEIMERS so that the painful memories would go away. If you die before your very own eyes you too will learn what I went through.
Real men do not threaten or make excuses for their wrong doings, they do not play for time. Real men do not use violence. A real man is not too proud and worried about "face" to say "sorry".
If only Tesco had some REAL men.
I hope that you Mr Bundit are a real man, I hope you fulfill your promises to me. I hope Tesco does learn to stop using influence from the Belly of the Beast as you have promised me.
Unfortunately I do not have enough time right now to fully answer all your questions, please do not be disheartened as I really do have other things to do and hope that this little note to you will help you realise that I know what is right and what is wrong, what is friendly and what is threatening. I am trying to find somewhere to live where when I open my eyes I literally have a giant Tesco sign in my face. If you do not believe how ironic this is you may see from my window one day then see, yes he bought a home next to Tesco because he wanted to be near Tesco , he even chose a room with a view of Tesco and the Tesco sign in his face - Tesco poisoned their dream customer, Tesco was blind, Tesco was ignorant, Tesco were ungrateful to the max.
QUESTION: Tesco took their very very utmost best customer by far in the entire Kingdom of Thailand and poisoned him! then threatened him! WHY?
The 40,000 dollar question this week is why did Tesco poison then threaten their ultimate customer - the customer of their dreams, I challenge anyone in the entire of Thailand to show me one consumer that had as much loyalty as me. Just like an ungrateful, dirty woman cheating on her loving caring husband!. Tesco Thailand trying to say that they care for consumers is the oxymoron of the century.
QUESTION: Now that Akbar has been poisoned does Thailand have a Tesco customer as charming and loyal as he was? If yes show me him skipping along singing the Tesco anthem and I may eat my words.
In fact I challenge Tesco to find a consumer as loyal and caring as me - I know now that they can't because they do not have the necessary spirit or love in their bad black hearts, just throwing up smokescreens as to how they pretend to care - at least I and my friends know the truth about Tesco Thailand. Tesco needs to be taught alot about love , thinking that by being a greedy selfish ungrateful uncaring company will get them far really is a joke!
QUESTION: Why did Ak have to work so hard to save the poor innocent children from the poisoned chocolate of Tesco?
Can Tesco answer even one of my questions?
Tesco really is the pathetic proverbial crying shame until it can answer all of my questions.
I have a dream that one day Tesco can explain how it can justify wrecking people's lives!
Before threatening or looking down on another man one should look at himself first!
In order to avoid any further conflict with ungrateful Tesco staff I am looking for a new home - far far away from any Tesco supermarket. I have helped Tesco enough they can now learn to help themselves. Below is the totally unanswered enquiry!! I am an e-commerce expert and know that Tesco is not doing it efficiently!!!
I remain, although hurt by Tesco, yours sincerely and ever-loving,
Akbar Khan
Tung Loke Sum Gum Sat Vibat Bpen Mai Leng Hen Tee Sung Ja Pung Pa
----- Original Message -----
Akbar Khan