Hack Hunter | 09.11.2001 14:31
The article by Thomas Lardin in today's (9/11) Telegraph which makes refernce to the WOMBLES is utter shite. It doesn't really even merit a response, but briefly: noboby has been 'expelled' from the WOMBLES for pro-war sentiments; the WOMBLES has no 'members' cos it is not an organisation; the WOMBLES hasn't 'lost' its cohesion; no-one from the WOMBLES spoke to Lardin.
This is the wanker that claims to have infiltrated WOMBLES PUBLIC MEETINGS. True he came to a few pre-Genova, but how does one infiltrate a public meeting? He gets told to fuck-off everytime he contacts us.
Anyway, stroll on...
Until All Journo Scum Are Up Against The Wall Motherfuckers
This is the wanker that claims to have infiltrated WOMBLES PUBLIC MEETINGS. True he came to a few pre-Genova, but how does one infiltrate a public meeting? He gets told to fuck-off everytime he contacts us.
Anyway, stroll on...
Until All Journo Scum Are Up Against The Wall Motherfuckers
Hack Hunter
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the whole thing
09.11.2001 15:25
Article at:
Anti-capitalist guerrillas lost in a greater war
By Thomas Harding
(Filed: 09/11/2001)
'WE have just heard that the World Trade Centre has been hit by two aircraft," the man on the loudspeaker said.
"We hope there are no casualties, but if the towers do fall down may it take them many decades to rebuild the heart of capitalism."
The announcement was greeted by cheers and applause by the 1,000 protesters who had just been scuffling with riot police during a march on the world arms trade fair in Docklands, east London, on September 11.
But as the enormity of the events sank in, the snarling atmosphere changed to sullen acceptance that the anti-capitalists had been sidelined.......
- the article goes on (just like the FT has) to say the whole movement has been sidelined amid the rubble of new york... then uses wombles as some kind of illustration.
The journo also says that having changed from global justice demands to global peace demands the public have no appetite for such things as the dwindling numbers outside the regular peace vigil opposite downing street shows... er like HELLO! of course numbers for regular weekly (now bloody freezing cold) events will fall off (they may soon rise again depending on other events).
If there are less people at the next peace march on the 18th November they'll say oooh look more people approve of the war now... the peace movement is losing (let's hope the weather is good eh?!).
Still, the massive protests planned in Brussels for the 13-14 December at the EU Summit should set them straight!
There's a trade union demo on the Thursday - backed by the British TUC and the Belgian unions who are promising 40,000 will attend. On Friday there will be a march For Global Justice and Peace.
BTW this is the journo (Thomas Harding) who infiltrated the wombles and went to genoa with them and wrote articles like:
'Thousands' at arms fair demo
By Thomas Harding
(Filed: 11/09/2001)
THOUSANDS of anti-capitalist demonstrators are expected to protest at Europe's biggest arms fair, which starts in east London today.
How I became a Womble (ps: see a pic of him in padding here)
By Thomas Harding
(Filed: 23/07/2001)
Weeks of careful preparation went into the violence and chaos that overshadowed the meeting of world leaders, reports Thomas Harding in Genoa.
WITH a lungful of tear gas, eyes streaming and body soaked in sweat, I stopped to tell some protesters how I had come within inches of being collared by riot police and given an inevitable beating.
Anarchists too scared to stage protest in China
By Damien McElroy in Beijing and David Bamber
(Filed: 09/09/2001)
BRITISH anarchists - veterans of protests ranging from Seattle to Gothenburg and Genoa - are refusing to demonstrate at an economic summit of world leaders in China next month because they fear being shot or imprisoned.
m hor
Facing down
10.11.2001 00:12
All the info is up here.
That's all that matters.
Time is short before learning disabled but occupied Bush pushes the new world order agenda into an unstoppable flow.
Where not only wombles will be targeted and banged up.
Perhaps time for the anti-war movement and anti-globalist movement to stand up and say 'you did this whole thing, bastards'
Sure it's an extreme right wing American stance, but ongoing events tend to correspond to that model.
Time to take ownership.
dwight heet