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"UK Censor:"

Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger | 03.06.2001 21:29

This "andiarbeit" informed me after #5674 that he had removed it claiming that it was "self-promotional, messianic, and antisemitic". After they went ahead and practically did away with my cousin Bobby in spite of my getting "Messiahs in the Making" Id=43985 posted beforehand, it is time for this self-righteous Messiah-wannabe "andiarbeit" to be called to account.

Dear UK; This is what "andiarbeit" wrote after my article; "Foolproof Plans of UK's Lawless Ones" 12:39 PM 6/1/01 Id=5674, which I posted after "Contrived Organized Stupidity" Id= 5638 was also removed, after the text of "Dwelling of Violence" Id=5631 was stolen: He wrote: "i have hidden this article as i think it is not news and again another one of a series of self-promotional, messianic, and antisemitic postings. see our editorial guidlelines."

Time after time I have asked these people who call me an antisemite to define semite. It is not a race. What is wrong with messianic writings? These did not start out that way; but the lawless ones have brought it to that point. Why would he call my writings self-promotional when I have watched the lawless ones carry on a "Concealed Holocaust" Id=35206 and am reporting on it because the mainstream media is one big communication glitch that is part of it? The professed holy status of these people makes them feel that they don't have to explain anything. They just move on anyone who questions them. Let them refute the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, for they have never been refuted as far as I can tell. If so, it was covered up because they probably just move on anyone who talks of them. I have never opposed anyone in the ten years as His messenger nor in the seven million words that I have published. God's opposes the evil ones via the Bible. If I had opposed anyone, I would probably not be alive.

"The Dwelling of Violence" Id=44378 is now on as well as "Messiahs in the Making" Id=43985. These lawless ones are terrified that their own lawlessness is going to come back on their own heads. In spite of their "Rigging the Messenger for Disaster" Ids= 42982 & 43171; I can only report on their attempts to ward off the evil that they have brought on their own heads. If "andiarbeit" has been behaving as Lord and Master of all he surveys in order to protect his compatriots from the truth; he must be feeling holy today; and he is showing his own messianic potential. That is news that is fit to print.

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Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger

Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
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Hide the following 13 comments

"Here I am Where "andi" Can Hide Me"

03.06.2001 21:37

Dear Readers; These articles are placed here off the front page probably so the lawless ones can protect their lawlessness and never have to defend it. Maybe they are also targetting those who object to their actions. Get the "Dwelling of Violence" article and publish it throughout the UK if they insist on playing this game. Hasta luego, adios.

Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger

Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
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04.06.2001 00:44

With respect Bobby, the unmentionable Protocols states, they will destroy every monarchy which is their only obstacle to controling the peasants and the gold of all Nations, they accomplished this by revolutions in France, Russia, Hungary and Germany and now as the Maoists wished, the Nepalese Monarchy, adored by the people has been wiped out in one night, in an accident!?


holocaust rapists

04.06.2001 01:12

Yes, i know the holocaust was bad, i've traipsed around a concentration camp and seen where the terrors were carried out. Hopefully the masses can learn from this and ensure something like it never happens again, at least that is the supposed idea.

The major trouble i have with this is the way certain agencies particularly in america seem to think they can wheel it out time and again in order to try and humiliate people, this is surely raping the memories of the millions killed and the survivors who have to live with it to this day.

And the tragedy is while people spend so much time concentrating on the past hoping it won't happen again, there is a daily holocaust taking place across the world, right under our very noses. In the west, they'll abuse your mind, the less fortunate across the globe are not even deemed worthy of this and will be the ones left to drown as the oceans swell, choke as the oxygen runs out and be poisoned as the waste of the few kills the many.

I got the message from the holocaust, now let's shut up about it and stop the next one.

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04.06.2001 09:16

History is always written by the victors in a war, and so a new generation are being brainwashed, with the one-sided Second World War, (a five year war, 55 years ago) whose climax was the Atomic anninilation of two Japanese cities by America, although this is skirted over as an afterthought, in the 'education' process, lest we remember. The establishment of the UN at this time is hailed as having prevented another World Conflict, stemming from Europe, yet there has been more wars since the creation of the UN, than in the history of the World. All of these conflicts have been in the Third World, costing tens of millions of life. Angola was at war for thirty years. In Sudan alone 2 million (mostly youngsters) have died and 2 million have been displaced in as many years. Where's this holocaust on the curriculum? Then there's the 'hidden' genocide, where 44 million people in Africa are infected with AIDS, and Botswana is populated by a generation of HIV positive orphans, while we sit back and watch...


"Author to Commentors"

04.06.2001 14:49

Dear Commentors: This holocaust that I speak of is different in that it is made possible by the communication glitch that is the mainstream media and the communication glitches that have been set up throughout society. If someone is abducted and dispatched at the local hospital, no matter where one turns the answers are: "Nobody can do nothing about it" or "Nobody is gonna do nothing about it". In reality they are saying "No Body is Going to do Nothing about It" Id=41739, for they believe that if they get rid of the bodies, there is no proof that anything happened. Missing Persons bureaus are nowhere to be found, and social services claim that it is not their responsibility even if they are the ones who had the victims abducted.

On the international level wars are one of their favorite ways to target selected areas. If you got to the root of the matter, you would probably find that World War II was little more than a stage for the rise of Jewish Zionixm with the majority of those Jews who perished being antiZionist Jews and the majority of all who perished being those who were targetted by the Protocols. The story of what has been happening in Sudan has probably been completely suppressed for years. I've also been trying to find out what is happening to cause the apocalyptical rains in Congo. Numerous human, plant and animal diseases have probably been intentionaly initiated in an attempt to fulfill prophecy about such things with the interlopers feeling that doing so confirms that they are God's people. The murders of the Nepalese royal familly was probably more than it looks like. Maybe they will try to bring the wounded prince back as the Beast of Revelation 13 that recovers from the head wound, a matter that was addressed in "Silent Murder Epidemic" Id=24603 in February.

You cannot oppose these people unless you are ready to take up the sword and never put it down; and you are destined to perish by it (Matthew 26:52). The lawlessness of the lawless ones is so entrenched that they don't even know when they are breaking the law. If these sword-bearers die as Israelites, they will probably be back here in a few years for the first resurrection (Rev. 20:5). This has been addressed in "The Dwelling of Violence" Id=44378 and "Israel, A Kingdom that Cannot be Shaken" Id=41296. I can't understand why you are talking about wars etc. when the matter of censorship in UK was the major issure. Is this part of the communication glitch? Are you trying to get a moron elected over there? If "Coprophagia Rules" Id=32589, that is what you will do. Hasta luego, adios. Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger

Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
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04.06.2001 21:00

Dear UK; I am writing to inform you that I just posted "Anti-Semite?..." Id=44851 on in which I addressed this matter of being censored by "andiarbeit". Those articles that were "hidden" should have been returned and placed on the front page until something better came along. The communication glitch that prevails in the mainstream media should not prevail here. Hasta luego, adios. Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger

Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
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You bore me to tears

05.06.2001 10:03

Ok you lot - i am bored with your rantings - why don't you take each others e-mails or addresses and write to each other - why subject the world to your whingeing and moaning texts about who took what off where when you said what to whom... it is fucking boring me to tears. Yours - with hope that you post nore interesting responses - claire.


Compassionate Claire

05.06.2001 11:24

So you think the genocide in Africa is not worthy of public debate, and just whinging and moaning. When they take you're food away or give you AIDS, you'll be the first to complain.



05.06.2001 13:26

thanks claire for your 'interesting' contribution. I'm sorry you found the rest of the messages so boring, but there is a little known technique to stop this, you simply break your fixation on the 'boring' messages, and try looking at something else!

It's novel, but it'll save you reading the ingredients on shampoo bottles and then bitching that polyphosophurate needed a bigger role...

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"Hosanna "Claire" sanna;Sanna sanna "Claire"'

05.06.2001 15:03

Dear "Claire"; What is news to you? If I had the largest readership on Indy Media, would you still be mouthing off like that? Don't you think that silence is preferable to venting inanities. Do you think it is a joke what is happening? Don't you think that these lawless ones wouldn't start wars, foment riots, blow themselves up, or hang people in England in order to prevent their lawlessness from coming back on their own heads? Do you think that it is a joke what I reported about Elijah being ripped from his mother's womb in the "Love Festivals of Hooterville" Id=29190? The land has been placed under a curse to repeat such atrocities as a result of the reign of lawlessness. You had better take a good look at "Messiahs in the Making" Id=43985 to see if you have been set up to be a "communication glitch" that saves her people from the truth. On the other hand surely the feminists will be pleased to have a female Messiah. Hope you feel Holy today, sanna sanna hey. Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger

Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
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Hey boys - you seem to be rattled

05.06.2001 15:22

Now now there boys. Calm down, i seem to have hit a nerve, and your true colours are showing through! I thought about your comment about reading shampoo bottles - and then foolishly re-read your postings, and guess what the shampoo bottle sound like better reading! Booby and tweenie just like writing to each other, they just continuously reply to each other - mindless rubbish that informs no-one and bores the rest. So i will say it again, swap e-mails and adopt a pen-pal - please!

love and kisses


Jesus christ just fuck off !

05.06.2001 15:27

Serious debate? This is not a debate or anything. Just because you mention the word Holocost does not give your writtings depth or meaning, so do as Claire said earlier - fuck off!

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""xx" Another Messiah-wannabe?"

05.06.2001 21:26

Dear "xx"; This is not a chat room. Why are you making it into a debate setting? You know already of course that Jesus Christ is a title and that it will be your title if you are the Messiah-wannabe that you profess to be. Frankly because you can't spell the word "holocaust"; I think you don't belong here. Did you read any of my writings at all? I know that I have readers worldwide. If you are not interested in this stuff. Don't read it! And don't bother commenting on it! History ended when the Persian Gulf War was set off. All attemts to cover this up and censor me are part of the communication glitch that you are supporting. Go read "Persian Gulf War Delusions: One for Bush" Id=36001 and understand that the world is never going to be the same as a result of what happened that night. That is news, but maybe not to you. You probably won't wake up until you come round the bend and know its the end. Hasta luego, adios. Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger

Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
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