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"UK Censor:"

Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger | 03.06.2001 21:29

This "andiarbeit" informed me after #5674 that he had removed it claiming that it was "self-promotional, messianic, and antisemitic". After they went ahead and practically did away with my cousin Bobby in spite of my getting "Messiahs in the Making" Id=43985 posted beforehand, it is time for this self-righteous Messiah-wannabe "andiarbeit" to be called to account.

Dear UK; This is what "andiarbeit" wrote after my article; "Foolproof Plans of UK's Lawless Ones" 12:39 PM 6/1/01 Id=5674, which I posted after "Contrived Organized Stupidity" Id= 5638 was also removed, after the text of "Dwelling of Violence" Id=5631 was stolen: He wrote: "i have hidden this article as i think it is not news and again another one of a series of self-promotional, messianic, and antisemitic postings. see our editorial guidlelines."

Time after time I have asked these people who call me an antisemite to define semite. It is not a race. What is wrong with messianic writings? These did not start out that way; but the lawless ones have brought it to that point. Why would he call my writings self-promotional when I have watched the lawless ones carry on a "Concealed Holocaust" Id=35206 and am reporting on it because the mainstream media is one big communication glitch that is part of it? The professed holy status of these people makes them feel that they don't have to explain anything. They just move on anyone who questions them. Let them refute the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, for they have never been refuted as far as I can tell. If so, it was covered up because they probably just move on anyone who talks of them. I have never opposed anyone in the ten years as His messenger nor in the seven million words that I have published. God's opposes the evil ones via the Bible. If I had opposed anyone, I would probably not be alive.

"The Dwelling of Violence" Id=44378 is now on as well as "Messiahs in the Making" Id=43985. These lawless ones are terrified that their own lawlessness is going to come back on their own heads. In spite of their "Rigging the Messenger for Disaster" Ids= 42982 & 43171; I can only report on their attempts to ward off the evil that they have brought on their own heads. If "andiarbeit" has been behaving as Lord and Master of all he surveys in order to protect his compatriots from the truth; he must be feeling holy today; and he is showing his own messianic potential. That is news that is fit to print.

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Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger

Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
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Display the following 13 comments

  1. "Here I am Where "andi" Can Hide Me" — Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
  2. Coincidence — peasant
  3. holocaust rapists — townie
  4. History? — Historian
  5. "Author to Commentors" — Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
  6. "ANTI-SEMITIC? TELL ME IF YOU KNOW?" — Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
  7. You bore me to tears — claire
  8. Compassionate Claire — Unity
  9. *sob* — townie
  10. "Hosanna "Claire" sanna;Sanna sanna "Claire"' — Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
  11. Hey boys - you seem to be rattled — claire
  12. Jesus christ just fuck off ! — xx
  13. ""xx" Another Messiah-wannabe?" — Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger