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GM Coffee

Eskimo | 22.05.2001 23:04 | Bio-technology | Globalisation

GM Coffee

Just heard about this today. 70% of all coffee is grown by smallholder farmers because coffee doesnt ripen at the same time - making large mechanised farming unpracticle. A US company ICTI is developing GM coffee beans which can be made to ripen at the same time. These GM coffee beans can be 'switched on' when sprayed with a chemical.
Obviously this is being developed so that multinationals can increase the size of their operations and reduce their workforce.
Im surprised this hasnt had more media coverage, I think it must have been hushed up.

Anyway, if you get chance copy & paste the e-mail here:

Some interesting stuff on regarding patenting of basmati rice etc.

Cheers Eskimo

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GM Blend

23.05.2001 13:55

Wake up and smell the genetically modified coffee, folks!

A. Roma