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A Reader | 26.02.2001 14:26

Farmers are already having Foot & Mouth protests broken up in Brussels. The Countryside Alliance has postponed its mass action till MAY. Why has there been nothing about the latest farming crisis on this site?

At least Commondreams newscenter is covering it; they're quite similar in content to IMC (except they dont take do-it-yourself reports like this one!).
Ken Livingstone has insultingly, and erroneously, accused the farmers of plotting to bring disease into London and poison police horses ! What rubbish ! Horses are not prone to Foot & Mouth, police or otherwise. What is it with this guy ?
Why has the C. Alliance moved its action to May, of all possible months [according to tv reports] ? Intriguing possibilities and shades of December seem to appear ?
Probably, the bias in IMC UK is towards the animal rights lobby, (which unfortunately sees all farmers as enemies) but this mustnt be allowed to blind the editors to other, and perhaps equally important developments...

A Reader
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whats more...

26.02.2001 15:42

i pick up a copy of the Guardian only to find that both WOLFENSOHN of the WORLD BANK, and HORST KOHLER of IMF are both in London, somewhere, meeting with BROWN about Commonwealth finances, cynically restructuring it in the name of poor kids, but in fact pushing it as part of a global machiavellian scheming.

a reader

Rather blatant self-promotion

26.02.2001 22:43

This is rather blatant self-promotion for your site. Nice of you to put your name on your post.

There's nothing about the livestock crisis because nobody has posted anything. We don't have paid editorial staff: this is open publishing. Get in there and write something and put it up!

Or do you prefer to complain that "someone outta do something" from the sidelines?

Rev Simon Rumble
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Fuck the Countryside Alliance!

27.02.2001 21:54

The Countryside Alliance's march has been postponed - great! This gives us more time to organise to oppose it!

Don't forget that these toffs are our class enemies - them marching on London is equivalent to the Orange Order marching down Catholic streets in N. Ireland. We need to mobilise a diverse bunch of class warriors, animal liberationists and possibly even Labour Party activists if they're willing (!) to send them a clear message: FUCK OFF BACK TO THE COUNTRY!

See the Urban Alliance web site (below) for more details.

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commondreams poster UP THEIR OWN ARSE!

28.02.2001 12:06

so ''At least Commondreams newscenter is covering it''...

oooh well done common dreams!!!

Here in the uk we can't move (if you pardon the pun) for foot and mouth coverage coming out from every media channel that exists.

So i did have a look at common dreams and couldnt find anything on foot and mouth other than in the news feeds from the corp press and AP.

If you had something valuable on the issue then why did you not post it here instead of saying 'oooh imc is crap and common dreams is way ahead of the game' - I mean c'mon!

That said I do like some of the stuff on common dreams like the media search tools and some of the articles - but hey, at the end of the day it's a closed professional shop.


NB horses can carry FandM though

28.02.2001 13:05



Common Dreams seems to augment IMC

28.02.2001 15:58

quite well. it seems to be a 'semi- professional' outfit, but i think there's room for both. in an age of uncertainty such as the one were privileged to be part of, amatuer and small press can reassert its importance. notice how a major case of injustice (in bakewell) was uncovered not by the observer or new statesman, but a local 'daily bugle' type paper. IMC and commondreams are on the same side as each other, i think.

Coup Watcher

Get the fuck off our land!

28.02.2001 19:45

First off I think Common Dreams is great, even if it's not very radical. There's definitely a place for sites like them (along with on the Net.

Also animal rights activists don't see farmers as enemies, and they're just as concerned about the foot and mouth outbreak as anyone, after all it's not exactly good news for pigs is it?

Another thing - it's naive to think that the NFU represents the interests of all farmers, as it is to think that the Countryside Alliance represents all rural people. We need working class people all over Britain to stand up to the toffs when they try and march through our city and tell 'em to GET THE FUCK OFF OUR LAND!

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