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A Reader | 26.02.2001 14:26

Farmers are already having Foot & Mouth protests broken up in Brussels. The Countryside Alliance has postponed its mass action till MAY. Why has there been nothing about the latest farming crisis on this site?

At least Commondreams newscenter is covering it; they're quite similar in content to IMC (except they dont take do-it-yourself reports like this one!).
Ken Livingstone has insultingly, and erroneously, accused the farmers of plotting to bring disease into London and poison police horses ! What rubbish ! Horses are not prone to Foot & Mouth, police or otherwise. What is it with this guy ?
Why has the C. Alliance moved its action to May, of all possible months [according to tv reports] ? Intriguing possibilities and shades of December seem to appear ?
Probably, the bias in IMC UK is towards the animal rights lobby, (which unfortunately sees all farmers as enemies) but this mustnt be allowed to blind the editors to other, and perhaps equally important developments...

A Reader
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