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UK Ocean Defence Newswire Archive

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Community walk brings Shell drilling work to a standstill in Sruwaddacon Estuary

11-08-2010 15:19

Community walk onto the estuary
Yesterday morning forty people from around Sruwaddacon Estuary brought Shell’s survey work in the area to a complete standstill. The community walked out onto the mudflats at low tide to assert their cockle-picking rights and disrupt Shell’s borehole drilling survey.

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Shell disrupted - Beat the Boreholes continues

09-08-2010 16:33

Yesterday at about 2.30pm Shell began to lower "Jack - 1" - one of two survey barges currently in Sruth Fhada Chonn estuary SAC (Special Area of Protection) - in order to tug it to another part of the estuary.

The Rossport Solidarity Camp was ready and willing to claim free passage of the public estuary and in the process upset the operation. Over a dozen Shell security boats and two Garda RIBS couldn't keep the 6 kaykers out, with two of them reaching the moving barge after an hour and a half of chase.

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Shell drilling stopped for 5 hours – as Beat the Boreholes continues

05-08-2010 14:29

Yesterday morning 11 people from Rossport Solidarity Camp waded and kayaked out from the camp to again delay Shell’s survey work in Sruwaddacon Estuary. Overall drilling work was stopped for over 5 hours, with one person climbing up one of the legs of the drilling platforms. Several people also attached themselves to the 2 outer drilling poles which are under the platforms.

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Waders tie down Shell testing rig in Mayo, Republic of Ireland

30-07-2010 16:39

10 people from the Rossport solidarity camp delayed Shell’s survey work for the dangerous and experimental Corrib gas pipeline yesterday. The campaigners waded out to one of the rigs drilling boreholes in the Sruwaddacon estuarythe rig at high tide, fixed rope around the legs of the rig, and occupied the space underneath it to prevent the being moved to a new site. Work was delayed for around two hours.

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Campaign launched to close down German dolphinarium

27-07-2010 21:38

Forced to live a life as an attraction

"Not only do we have to fight criminal operations and cruelty to animals on the high seas but also take responsibility and direct action to help those who are imprisoned in concrete pools, doomed to entertain us".

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BBC Promotes Vivisector who Forces Antidepressants On Shrimp

07-07-2010 10:17

Prozac, correlated to homicide and suicide, being forced on shrimp

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BP, Government Blocking Press from Reporting Their "Ballet at Sea"

06-07-2010 05:56

"As high tourist season approaches, there will be people who 'come on down to Alabama' regardless of the oil spill. A delicate balance between preparation for the worst and the pleasure of tourists is in the making."

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Overwhelmed by Oil and Toxic Pollutants: The Destruction of an Entire Coastline

06-07-2010 02:33

"Fifty dolphin have so far, been reported found dead. Experts estimate only one tenth of species which die will be washed up. The full toll of big oil's "collateral damage", now, previously and in the future, will likely never be known."

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Eye witness: Sea Shepherd frees 800 endangered bluefin tuna

29-06-2010 13:51

Sea Shepherd diver cuts tuna pen
This is an eyewitness account from an action by the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, which set out onto the Mediterranean Sea last month in search of bluefin tuna poachers. As one of the most valuable fish in the world, the bluefin populations in the Mediterranean region have been reduced by over 85% in the last 50 years due to relentless industrial overfishing. Crew member Wietse van der Werf reports.

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24-06-2010 05:33

While crackpot radio warns millions will die - I interview experts. Dr. Joye just returned from the Gulf measuring plumes. Hirshfield just testified to Congress. Mencimer writes: Tea Party fears Gulf spill leads to FEMA camps.

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A hole in the World

19-06-2010 14:09

oil soaked pelicans
The Deep Water Horizon disaster is not just an industrial accident – it is a violent wound inflicted on the Earth itself ...

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Is Obama Child-Endagering In Recommending Gulf Fish Flesh?

15-06-2010 22:09

A fish suffocating in filthy toxic water
Fish flesh is full of brain destroying heavy metals, radiation from illegal nuclear dumping, parasites such as liver flukes, worms, colon bacteria. Fish are waterboarded, suffocated,
asphyxiated as they die.

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CALL OUT: Actions Against BP

04-06-2010 22:26

Everyone has a local garage, give it some attention

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Targeting the Free Gaza Flotilla

29-05-2010 06:09

Israeli disinformation cannot hide the siege of Gaza.

According to an article in the Jerusalem Post on May 25, 2010, the Israeli “Navy is preparing an operational plan to stop the flotilla of nine ships–loaded with hundreds of international activists and thousands of tons of supplies–– which are scheduled to try and break the sea blockade on Gaza by anchoring in the newly-expanded port later this week.” The article describes a military campaign coordinated with a major media campaign.

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Film Night in Southampton this Sunday

07-05-2010 11:04

Subvert The City Arts Collective presents a double feature film night raising money for Sea Shepherd Conservation Society

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BP Gulf of Mexico Spill Special

06-05-2010 18:11

The Gulf of Mexico "spill" is really a man-made underwater volcano of oil. This accident taps a primeval fear in the human mind. Something dark and uncontrollable rushes out of the Earth, poisoning the global oceans. Could that really happen? Richard Heinberg, Anita Burke, Riki Ott, Antonia Juhasz, and new song "Corporate Catastrophe".

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The Ugly Truth About BP and Its CEO

30-04-2010 18:46

Karma comes back for Tony Hayward and his messy oil company.

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Struggle stepped up as another whaling ship is sabotaged in Norway

08-04-2010 20:40

Norwegian whaling vessel Sofie

"Norway announced an increased quota of minke whales so we decided to increase our quota of sunken whalers" - AGENDA 21

Another whaling vessel was sabotaged a few days ago, on April 2nd, nearly a year since the last attempted sinking of the Skarbakk, another Norwegian whaling vessel. The attack was claimed by Agenda 21, a group responsible for last years sabotage and a string of other actions against Norway's whaling industry. Using the name of a 1992 United Nations Conference on the Environment, the group is a spin off from the more known Sea Shepherd Conservation Society and promised Norway that if they did not comply with international conservation law, they would sink their whaling ships.

It wasn't an empty threat, with Captain Paul Watson supervising the sinking of two ships; the Nybraena in 1992 and the Senet in 1994. The anonymous and covert goup Agenda 21 then took over with the scuttling of the Elin-Toril in 1996. Claimed on the website of animal rights magazine Bite Back, the activists explain: "Entry was made through the wheelhouse. The engine room was accessed by removing the locked door from its frame using axe and crowbar. Two sea valves were opened fully submerging the engine and electrical systems."

Related Features: Schnews: Ships in the Fight | Norwegian Whaling Ship Scuttled | The Whale Wars - Sea Shepherd Returns From Antarctica | Japan issues arrest warrant for Nottingham activist | Arrests As International Whaling Commission Fails To Protect Whales | Nottingham Activist Returns From Whale Saving Mission In Antartica | Sea Shepherd activists injured as Japanese military open fire | Activists Held Hostage By Japanese Whalers In Southern Ocean | Whalers use Public Relations to twist the truth

Links: United Nations Agenda 21 | Sea Shepherd Conservation Society | Ocean Defence topic page

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Failure to protect bluefin tuna has huge consequences

19-03-2010 10:24

Bluefin Tuna at Tsujiki fish market, Tokyo. Photo:
It is a huge disappointment. The United Nations wildlife conference in Qatar this week, where delegates from 175 countries gathered to make decisions on the protection of recently endangered species, has pulled grey clouds over the world of conservation. The CITES meeting failed to add the threatened Atlantic bluefin tuna to the Appendix I listing of the CITES legislation, which would have resulted in a ban on the international trade of the fish.

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Sea Shepherd: It All Pays Off..

05-03-2010 22:07

Southern Ocean, February 2010