03-05-2008 16:25
Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of the brave Palestinian people and their struggle against U.S. backed IsraHell's state terror.
High resolution version for printing purposes here:
03-05-2008 00:00
An open letter to Michael Ignatieff on his speech delivered at Holy Blossom Temple in Toronto in which Mr. Ignatieff apologized for having stated that Israel's 2006 attack on the United Nations observation post at Qana was a war crime.
15-04-2008 23:32
Iraq is big and under USUK occupation. Palestine is small and under Israeli occupation. Hmm. Which one shall we protest against... the one that our country is not occupying of course!
12-04-2008 12:28
This year marks 60 years of the creation of the state of Israel resulting in the ethnic cleansing of over 750,000 Arab Palestinians and the destruction over 400 of their villages. There are a number of disgraceful events planned by Zionist groups who do not represent the majority of British Jews or Israelis. These are mainly happening in London and Manchester in next few months, ignoring the reality of the ongoing illegal military occupation of Palestine.
07-04-2008 08:19
The Israeli Army has decided to close down the Islamic Charitable Society in
Hebron, Palestine. They claim that the society is linked to Hamas and channels
money to terrorism but this is not true. The army has stolen a large amount of
food and equipment from the Society including computers and 2 school buses.
Food and bread for the orphans has been stolen also.
31-03-2008 21:32
More inspiring words from the real clowns...we operate purely on donations..hint hint ;o)
31-03-2008 17:34
March 2008 marks the 5th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq. Over 50,000 people rallied in Trafalgar Square to protest the continued occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan, the on-going siege of Gaza, and the threats of attack on Iran.
28-03-2008 05:51
The Geneva Conventions: the core of international humanitarian law
The Geneva Conventions and their Protocols are international treaties that contain the most important rules limiting the barbarity of war. They protect people who do not take part in the fighting (civilians, medics, aid workers) and those who can no longer fight (wounded, sick and shipwrecked troops, prisoners of war). Links to selected resources.
27-03-2008 09:15
Join the WALL OF SOUND TO SILENCE TONY BLAIR, when he gives a lecture on
"Faith and Globalisation" on Thursday 3 April at Westminster Cathedral (details below) in London.
17-03-2008 00:07
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Can I be the first to congratulate the Stop the War Coalition (STWC) for its consistency. Arriving in Trafalgar Square for the rally we are treated to some truly insomnia curing speeches from the usual speakers who have absolutely nothing new to say. Same old faces, same old rhetoric. This time however they get heckled by a small but load group at the front of the rally. To be honest I am surprised this has not happened before now. Yet again we have another A to B march where everyone is expected to obey the Police and do nothing to rock the boat. Unsurprisingly there is absolutely zero coverage of the event on the local/national news or the papers the following day. Perhaps they are trying to get heir own episode of ‘Unreported World’? Worse still the STWC have previously been turning a deliberate blind eye to the blatant harassment of certain sections of their marches by the Police in general, the FIT team in particular. Their stewards always seem to side with the cops and were even seen trying to forcibly end a sit down by students in Parliament Square at a demo last year. Galloway suggests during his speech that the STWC are going to start breaking the law soon…
Oh really? Now remember this: “I never thought I would say this but we have to take whatever steps necessary to stop this war. If that means taking direct action like blocking the roads and railways then so be it!” Encouraging words from Tony Benn. Just one problem. He said that in Hyde Park over five years ago and fuck all has happened since then.
16-03-2008 21:55
The celebration of the ethnic cleansing of Palestine seems to be spreading from one city to another.
16-03-2008 17:14
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Brief comments and images from Saturday's Stop the War/CND/BMI march in London. Images are copyright Peter Marshall; all rights reserved.
15-03-2008 20:27
Its 5 years to the day since the historic 2 Million strong demonstration against the Iraq war. Here are some photos from the anniversary event in London, on 15 March, 2008.
13-03-2008 13:09
13 March 2008 - Press release to announce appearance of Caroline Lucas MEP at the 5th anniversary Stop The War Coalition rally in Trafalgar Square on Saturday 15 March.
09-03-2008 18:53
After events in Gaza in recent days in which Israeli attacks have killed 115 Palestinians and wounded 350, the British Muslim initiative, Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Palestinian Forum in Britain and Palestine Return Centre called for an emergency demonstration opposite Downing St on Saturday afternoon.
Pictures copyright © 2008, Peter Marshall. All rights reserved.
06-03-2008 14:48
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On Thursday 5th March, The University College London Students’ Union (UCLU) voted overwhelmingly to twin UCL Union with the Unions of Al-Quds and Al-Azhar Secular Secular Universities in the West Bank and Gaza respectively with immediate effect.
05-03-2008 16:39
Come out and support the Smash EDO campaign fighting to remove bomb manufacturers from our community
05-03-2008 10:59
Week 2 of Boomchucka Circus 2 Iraq's antics....
02-03-2008 22:07
DATE: 5th - 9th March 2008
TIME: 11 AM to 8 PM
except Sunday 9 March 10 AM to 5 PM
LOCATION: The Arab British Chamber of Commerce
43 Upper Grosvenor Street
London, W1K 2NJ
CONTACTS: The Palestine General Delegation to the UK
Tel: +44 (0)20 8563 0008
27-02-2008 19:18
A group of Palestinian women are visiting the UK on a speaking tour