24-02-2008 12:57
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Pics from the demo against the Gaza siege, Saturday 23rd February 2008, in front of Downing St.
21-02-2008 11:29
An Evening of Dissenting Voices from Israel
7pm Wednesday March 12th
Doors open for exhibition and bookstall 6.00pm
21-02-2008 07:25
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21-02-2008 00:54
The demonstration outside Marks and Spencer in solidarity with the Palestinian people will be cancelled on Thursday, 21st February because supporters will be attending the opening rally of the Cuban Speaking Tour at the Venezuelan Embassy, see http:www.cubansarecoming.org
15-02-2008 12:50
The London School of Economics Students' Union (LSESU) yesterday voted overwhelmingly to call on its university and the National Union of Students (NUS) to divest from companies that provide military and commercial support for the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land, condemning the decades of human rights abuses and systematic oppression that has occurred as a result.
14-02-2008 12:38
12/02/08 Brighton and London Palestine Solidarity demonstrators blockade Camel Agrexcos main UK headquarters in Hayes, Middlesex but run into the violent workforce first.
12-02-2008 20:05
A report on the recent "End the Siege of Gaza Protest" outside Downing Street
12-02-2008 01:43
”We must take a neighborhood in Gaza and wipe it off the map” Cabinet Minister Meir Sheetrit, New York Times, 10th Feb
06-02-2008 00:27
the Smash EDO conspiracy case is now set for July 28th
30-01-2008 10:40
Over 600 students turned out to debate a motion on Israeli apartheid at the London School of Economics Students' Union (LSESU) Union General Meeting (UGM) last Thursday, 24 January 2008. Students packed the Old Theatre and spilled out into the corridors for the motion, entitled 'Make Apartheid History', which condemned Israel's Apartheid regime and called for the LSESU to lobby the school and the National Union of Students (NUS) to divest from Israeli and international companies that support the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands.
27-01-2008 19:14
Huge mobilisation of mainly Palestinian protesters in Whitehall outside Downing street.
24-01-2008 13:03
Brighton activists prevent access to Fishersgate EDO MBM by locking on to gates and super gluing themselves to external doors. Two activists scale the roof and occupy.
22-01-2008 23:29
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Author of 'Image & Reality of the Israel-Palestine Conflict', 'The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering' and 'Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti Semitism and the Abuse of History'. He is the son of two Holocaust survivers and one of the world's foremost political scientists.
22-01-2008 22:39
The picket of Marks & Spencer's flagship store on the Marble Arch end of Oxford Street continues every Thursday from 6 - 8pm, urging people to boycott M&S as a focus of the boycott of Israeli goods in Britain because of its huge amount of trade with Israel and longstanding support for the racist ideology of Zionism. We have to stop Zionist crimes against humanity now!
22-01-2008 14:17
Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.
15-01-2008 02:17
President Bush left Israel after pledging to come back to help celebrate Israel’s 60th anniversary.”I intend to come back to help the peace process move forward but also to celebrate Israel’s 60th anniversary,” Israel's 60th anniversary is referred to as the Nakba or catastophe by Palestinians. Its the anniversary of 1948, the anniversary of their ethnic cleansing. How can Bush be committed to peace and celebrate this?
14-01-2008 12:54
A demonstration in Whitehall, opposite Downing St on Saturday afternoon called to an end of the siege on Gaza. Pictures are copyright.
14-01-2008 11:21
Supporters of Hizb ut Tahrir Britain gathered at Marble Arch on Saturday 12 Jan for a march to the Saudi Embassy in Mayfair to show their opposition to George Bush's Middle East tour and American policies on the Middle East, as well as to the current corrupt ruling elites in the area. Pictures are copyright, all rights reserved.
28-12-2007 18:06
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call out to all anti-arms traders, anti-capitalists, peaceniks, liberals, anarchists and everything inbetween. lets smash the arms trade together!
12-12-2007 20:36
End the siege on Gaza – Vigil outside Downing Street this Saturday
The international Campaign to end the siege on Gaza
There are 1.5 million people, including women and children, in the Gaza Strip suffering the consequences of an oppressive siege and threatened with further measures of power cuts and cuts in foods and medicines allowed into the strip.
Please show your support by attending the candlelit vigil to call for an end to the siege which has so far caused 33 deaths and is causing untold misery to the residents of the Gaza Strip.
Saturday 15 December 2007
4pm to 6pm
Opposite Downing Street, London
Supported by: PSC, PFB, BMI, PRC, STWC