UK Oaxaca Uprising Newswire Archive
Chiapas and Oaxaca News May 2010
24-05-2010 17:18
BoCa En BoCa/Word Of Mouth No.5 May 2010Terrible attack on solidarity caravan in Oaxaca, Mexico
02-05-2010 18:47
The UK Zapatista Solidarity Network condemns the attack on an aid and solidarity human rights convoy travelling to San Juan Copola in Mexico. 2 people killed by paramilitary gunfire.Press Release - Solidarity Caravan to the Autonomous Municipality of San Juan Co
27-04-2010 07:40
Caravan of local social movements and international observator tryin toward the militarized area of San Juan Copala, under threat of paramilitariesRepression And Resistance In Mexico Part 1 Oaxaca
16-08-2009 21:57
Ruben Valencia Nunez from Oaxaca Mexico spoke in Glasgow and Edinburgh at the end of July as part of a 2 month European Speaking tour campaigning against the criminalisation of social movements in Mexico.assassination of Oaxacan social movement leader
12-06-2009 14:52
Taxi driver, Sergio Martínez Vásquez, member of the State Council of CODEP, which is part of the APPO social movement, was shot dead on June 7th in Oaxaca state by paramilitaries in the pay of state governor Ulises Ruiz.APPO councillor abducted and tortured in Oaxaca
10-03-2009 14:21
Marcelino Coache Verano’s “kidnapping” between Wednesday and Thursday by an unidentified group left the former political prisoner and Popular Assembly of the People of Oaxaca (APPO) councilor with visible signs of torture and first and second-degree burns on his chest and genitals.International campaign for an end to the aggression against the prisoners fighti
10-02-2009 12:06
In light of the repression suffered by comrades Abraham Ramirez Vázquez, from Mexico, the comrades of the Magonista Zapatista Alliance request that we put pressure on the Mexican authorities, in our own countries as well as in Mexico, to stop the constant harassment undergone by our imprisoned comrades. We therefore propose that all this week pressure is put on the Mexican embassies in Spain and other countries. The Mexican comrades, attacked time and again, know that it is very important that the government is aware of the international support that they have.
New Oaxacan Social Centre Attacked by Cops, Fired On.
09-12-2008 18:08
Early on Monday morning, Oaxaca's newest social centre was attacked by State and Municipal Police.APPO prisoner on hunger strike
29-11-2008 18:50
Following harrassment and beatings of several political prisoners in Oaxaca, a hunger strike has been commenced to demand their release.Oaxaca Is Not Alone: From Coast to Coast, We Demand an End to Repression
26-10-2008 08:46
National call to action for the weeks around October 27 - the anniversary of the invasion of OaxacaBy Solidarity Without Borders - NYC
Oaxacan Activists Arrested for the Murder of Brad Will
20-10-2008 17:22

In memory of SAlly Grace activist raped and murdered in Oaxaca
04-10-2008 12:16

Solidarity and support for VOCAL and the Oaxacan social movement
17-07-2008 17:54
Denunication of ongoing repression and call for international solidarity with VOCAL and the Oaxacan social movement.Christina an eyewitness to the repression.
12-04-2008 14:14

Press Conference by CIPO-RFM at the their Oaxaca headquarters.
12-04-2008 14:07

Entering the threatened Forest in Oaxaca.
12-04-2008 14:01

We were also shown a tree that had been placed across the road by the villagers from San Isidro Aloapam. Its purpose was to stop armed paramilitaries from the nearby town of San Miguel from attacking the village by road in pickup trucks. The closure of the road has added over an hour to the journey made by villagers wishing to reach Oaxaca city.
Two indigenous radio announcers killed and four injured in ambush in Oaxaca
09-04-2008 14:43
Two announcers of the radio station ´´La Voz que Rompe el Silencio`` (the Voice that Breaks the Silence) were assasinated on April 7th whilst travelling by car to the west of the city of Oaxaca according to the civil society organisation Centro de Apoyo Comunitario Trabajando Unidos (CACTUS - Centre for Community Support Working in Unity).Forum in support of Political Prisoners took place in Oaxaca
19-03-2008 19:37

During this forum we listened to the denunciations and testimonies of cases such as Atenco, Oaxaca, Chiapas, Tabasco where the injustice and the violence of the State manifest, whilst unjustly holding dozens of compañer@s prisoner.
Oaxacan prisoner David Venegas is released.
08-03-2008 19:37
After 11 months illegal imprisonment, David Venegas Reyes 'El Alebrije' has been released.Protest March against Kidnap of Activist in Oaxaca
09-12-2007 00:06