Imc Radio London Archive
Indymedia radio London started by producing pre-recorded radio articles for the Brussels EEC protests in December 2001 and the New York W.E.F. protests in Feburary 2002 and went on to produce a 13 hour live web stream radio commentary of the 2002 Mayday. In November 2002 the group was given a slot on ResonanceFM which broadcasts on 104.4 FM, which is Londons only art community FM radio station. The original slot was just half an hour but has since been increased to one hour once a week. The show goes out every Wedensday between 1pm and 2pm (GMT) and is streamed live on the internet at the time of transmission (see The shows are recorded and eventually archived here.Right click to download the mp3's (save target as) for archiving or to rebroadcast. Otherwise left click and listen to stream. :)
<<2006>>11/01/06 Listen hi res(b/band 54mb)
04/01/06 Listen hi res(b/band 53mb)
28/12/05 Listen hi res(b/band 56mb)
21/12/05 Listen hi res(b/band 55mb)
14/12/05 Listen hi res(b/band 55mb)
07/12/05 Listen hi res(b/band 50mb)
09/11/05 Listen hi res(b/band 53mb)
02/11/05 Listen hi res(b/band 56mb)
25/8/04 Listen hi res(b/band) Listen lo res(dial up).
18/8/04 Listen hi res(b/band) Listen lo res(dial up).
11/8/04 Listen hi res(b/band) Listen lo res(dial up).
4/8/04 Listen hi res(b/band) Listen lo res(dial up).
28/7/04 Listen hi res(b/band) Listen lo res(dial up). NB this show the recording is dammaged so dosnt sound too good
21/7/04 Listen hi res(b/band) Listen lo res(dial up).
14/7/04 Listen hi res(b/band) Listen lo res(dial up).
7/07/04Listen lo res(dial up).
30/6/04 Listen hi res(b/band) Listen lo res(dial up).
23/6/04 Listen hi res(b/band) Listen lo res(dial up).
16/6/04 Listen hi res(b/band) Listen lo res(dial up).
9/6/04 Listen hi res(b/band) .
2/6/04 Listen hi res(b/band) Listen lo res(dial up).
26/5/04 Listen hi res(b/band) Listen lo res(dial up).
19/05/04 Listen hi res(b/band) Listen lo res(dial up).
12/05/04 Listen hi res(b/band) Listen lo res(dial up).
05/05/04 Listen hi res(b/band) Listen lo res(dial up).
28/04/04 Listen hi res(b/band) Listen lo res(dial up).
21/04/04 Listen hi res(b/band) Listen lo res(dial up).
14/04/04 Listen hi res(b/band) Listen lo res(dial up).
7/04/04 Listen hi res(b/band) Listen lo res(dial up).
31/03/04 Listen hi res(b/band) Listen lo res(dial up).
24/03/04 Listen hi res(b/band) Listen lo res(dial up).
17/03/04 Listen hi res(b/band) Listen lo res(dial up).
03/03/04 Listen hi res(b/band) Listen lo res(dial up).
25/02/04 Listen hi res(b/band) Listen lo res(dial up).
18/02/04 Listen hi res(b/band) Listen lo res(dial up).
04/02/04 Listen hi res(b/band) Listen lo res(dial up).
21/01/04 Listen hi res(b/band).
14/01/04 Listen hi res(b/band) Listen" Lo res(dial up).
06/01/04 Listen hi res(b/band) Listen Lo res(dial up).
Pisstake of Indymedia show (not by the Indy show crew)Grungy Media.
2003 Articles Interviews etc.
Listen Recorded 3rd May 03. (64 kbs mp3) Interview with camerawoman who is currently teaching Afgani women video skills.
Interview covers womens issues in Afganistan, the state of the country and the films produced by the group. Article is 31.29 mins
17/12/03 Listen hi res(b/band) Listen Lo res(dial up).
10/12/03 Listen hi res(b/band) Listen Lo res(dial up).
1/11/03 Listen Lo res(dial up).
24/8/03 Listen Lo res(dial up).
17/8/03 Listen Lo res(dial up).
30/7/03 Listen Lo res(dial up).
16/7/03 Listen Lo res(dial up).
9/7/03 Listen Lo res(dial up).
2/7/03 Listen Lo res(dial up).
18/6/03 Listen hi res(b/band) Listen Lo res(dial up) Pink&Silver/Black Block poetry, report from Timisorara border camp.
11/6/03 Listen hi res(b/band) Listen Lo res(dial up). Global & UK news. Evian audio, Peru uprising article.
4/6/2003 Listen hi res(b/band) Listen Lo res(dial up). Post Evian G8
28/5/03 Listen Lo res(dial up).
21/5/03 Listen hi res(b/band) Listen Lo res(dial up).
14/5/03 Listen hi res(b/band) Listen Lo res(dial up).
9/4/03 Listen hi res(b/band) Listen lo res (dial up) Jo Wiling interview.
26/3/03 Listen Hi res (b/band) Listen Lo res (dial up) 'Post start of war
19/3/03 Listen 'Pre start of war'
12/3/03 Listen
19/2/03 Listen : Round-up of No To War demos (February 15th)
Xmas 2002 Listen Lo res(dial up).
2002 Reports, articles and music
- Listen Music and reports/articles on - world bank barcelona 2001-no border network/fortress europe reports-G8 Genoa july 2001protests-Brussels EU summit Brussels protests-World Social Forum Brazil-World Economic Forum N.Y.C. protests-Barcelona 1/2 million people protest EU summit April 2002 36.16 mins
- Listen Pre European Social Forum report Italy 2002 15.54 mins
- Listen Interview with sex workers union April 2002 5.42 mins
- Listen Womble trial report May 2002 13.39 mins
- Listen Spitalfields Market report April 2002 20.04 mins
- Listen Report on climate change -Rising Tide April 2002 4.21mins
- Listen Hackney trade union report April 2002 15.57 mins
- Listen Peoples Global Action report 15.56 mins
2001 Reports, articles and music
- No New Round Radio Independent radio coverage of W.T.O. Doha in November 2001 A coordinated, globally distributed effort to cover no-wto actions and countersummits, archive of many mp3's.
, 21.09.2005 20:00