Meeting on new ideas for anti-capitalist/anarchist actions
On 20th October 2013 the Stop G8 Network are meeting to discuss taking forward new ideas for anti-capitalist and anarchist projects. Some of the ideas on the agenda are an anarchist news website, a temporary anti-capitalist squatted space and an anarchist festival.[Full Story ]
Infonight about the Stop G8 Week of Action, Tuesday 4th June, Cowley Library
From 8th to 14th June the Stop G8 network will be opening a convergence space and organising anticapitalist actions in London. The convergence centre provide food and accommodation for up to 1000 people. There are four major actions planned including a massive Carnival Against Capitalism on June 11th in the West End of London.[Full Story ]
Brighton public meeting about the Stop G8 week of action
There will be a public meeting about the Stop G8 week of action on Tuesday the 4th of June, 7.30 at the Cowley Club, Brighton.Come along, find out more and get involved!
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Direct Action Training/Skillshare this weekend - Brighton
Stop G8 is running a direct action skillshare this weekend (1st & 2nd June) at the Cowley Club, 12 London Road, Brighton, to prepare people for the Stop G8 week of action from 10th-14th June. On Sunday there will also be a fundraising BBQ from 2pm to raise money for Stop G8.Spread the word and see you at the Cowley!
Timetable below:
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Stop G8 meeting in Portsmouth
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Issue 110 for Worthing's rabble-rousing Porkbolter
Issue 110 of Worthing's dirt-digging, rabble-rousing anarchic newsletter, The Porkbolter, is out on the streets of the Sussex seaside town - and online.[Full Story ]
Cameron guillotined by anti-capitalists
David Cameron visited Worthing in West Sussex on Saturday May 4 to promote the G8 summit, but was captured and guillotined by local anti-capitalists.[Full Story ]
A Mayday of the fluffier variety goes down a storm in Sussex county town!
Local Lewes squatters open a social centre/donation based vegetable shop and tea room as part of the Stop G8 national network and call for anti-capitalist actions on May 1st 2013![Full Story | 3 comments ]
This Thursday 2nd May: Demonstrate at Primark Brighton
- Remember the Dhaka workers and all those killed by capitalismThursday 2nd May
People have been taking to the streets in Bangladesh since Thursday and
there will be mass strikes on 2 May. Let’s show them some solidarity!
2nd May, 4.30pm, Primark, Western Road, Brighton
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Anti-capitalist Stop G8 protest in Sussex
Saturday May 4.
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Stop G8 national meeting - London - April 6/7
The next Stop G8 national meeting will be held in London on the 6/7 April- all welcome except cops and journos
To propose items for the agenda, request accommodation in London or for
more info please contact
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, Stop G8 Fundraising Sunday roast, 2pm - the Cowley Club - Sunday 10th March
4 quid a plate[Full Story ]
Protest against the bankers in Sussex!
A PROTEST against capitalism and the banking system is being staged in Worthing, West Sussex, on Saturday February 23.[Full Story ]
Stop G8 meeting in Brighton, Monday
Sussex Stop G8 will be meeting at the Cowley Club in Brighton on Monday Jan 14, 7pm.[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Northern Ireland Hosting UK G8 Summit?
I am not sure how current this news is amongst activists and rebels, although the article link is from today's Northern Irish BBC page. Just wanted to spread this around the movements to add to the picture of what might take place next year.[Full Story | 2 comments ]
Stop G8 Gathering
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Gathering to plan resistance to the G8 - this Sunday in Brighton
This is a call for all of those who wish to mobilise for a MASSMOBILISATION against the G8 summit in the UK in 2013.
A initial meeting will take place on SUNDAY the 15th JULY, from 11am to 6pm, at the COMMUNITY BASE centre in Brighton, hosted by people from the Smash EDO campaign.
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Smash EDO: Mass action July 16th and G8 convergence
We would love to get you all to Brighton for the 15th and 16th of July.On Sunday the 15th Smash EDO are hosting a convergence to start building resistance to next year's G8 which will take place in the UK, and on Monday the 16th there is a planned summer of resistance mass action where we'll need as many of you as possible.
Below are the callouts for both.
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