Centre, from 12 noon to put their message across to the public.
They are promising a "street theatre" approach with some surprise props.
The local group will also be inviting people to join them at a "Carnival
Against Capitalism" in London on Tuesday June 11.
This event, dubbed J11, is part of a week of actions planned in the
capital in the run-up to the G8 summit, which this year is being hosted
by the UK in Northern Ireland.
The Stop G8 network has issued an international call-out for
anti-capitalists and thousands of people are expected to take to the
streets of London, with many protesters going on to demonstrate at the
summit in County Fermanagh.
A statement from the Sussex group said that the G8 represents the
capitalist system which is imposing austerity on people across Europe
and the world while allowing bankers and speculators to get richer and
richer at everyone else's expense.
It added: "As economic crisis bites, and the planet burns, the bosses
and their politicians are celebrating business as usual. Capitalism: a
system that kills, exploits, and degrades the many for the profit of a
The group has already held a successful fundraising gig with Attila the
Stockbroker at Worthing's Beechwood Hall Hotel.
For more information go to www.sussexstopg8.org.