G8 Debrief: Brighton
G8 Debrief: 6pm, Tuesday 19th July, Cowley Club, 12 London Road, Brighton[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Moral High Ground
One of Brighton & Hove WDM's activists reports on their occupation and banner drop on a crane in Edinburgh on 5th July to protest at the UK government's hypocritical claims about alleviating poverty and declare there should be 'NO MORE BROWN-WASH'[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Blockade Interview
2:25 3MB QuickTime file.An interview with a blockader on the A9 between Stirling and Gleneaglesm. Multiple independent blockades succeeded in cutting road transport on the A9 multiple times today (6 July 2005). The interview took place around noon.
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Activists climb Edinburgh crane to say "No More Brownwash"
At 6am today (Tuesday 5 July) three activists from Brighton & Hove WDM climbed a crane in central Edinburgh to call for the end of Gordon Brown's attempts to co-opt the aims of the Make Poverty History campaign and twist them to the UK government's own advantage.[Full Story ]
WDM mocks Blair in G8 run-up
To symbolise existing injustices, a grinning Blair fed crumbs from the rich nations' table while Bush on stilts whipped the developing nations in the run-up to the G8 meeting at Gleneagles July 2005.[Full Story ]
Critical Mass in Southampton
Critical Mass is to make a return to Southampton at the beginning of July to coincide with the G8 Summit in Scotland.[Full Story ]
Tickets still available for Resist G8 train from London!
Return & Single FaresLondon to Edinburgh (Return)
Long Stay Train // 1st July to 9th July
Leaves London at 3pm arrives Edinburgh at 9.30pm. Train returns to London at 6.46pm on the 9th July.
Tickets are still £50 Rtn and £40 single (conc. fares available, Just email!)
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Direct Action Training: G8, DSEi and Beyond. THIS SUNDAY!
Direct Action affinity group training.Sunday 19th July @ Institute for Autonomy
Come and share experiences and learn effective tactics for action.
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Critical Mass Brighton
The first Critical Mass in Brighton for ages took place tonight,Thursday16th at 6pm. Went really well and hopefully will now become regular. Meet at The Level 5.30pm for 6pm. Route to be decided bythose who show up![Full Story | 1 comment ]
Rearranged medic training in London this weekend
The Action Medics group has rearranged the training this weekend. It was due to be in Portsmouth, but is now in London.[Full Story ]
Tickets £50 for Resist G8 trains!
The South East Assembly has chartered two trains to take people up to the protests against the G8 summit in Scotland.
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Anti-G8 Trains Poster to Download and More Info
Here's a poster advertising the trains to the anti-G8 protests in Scotland. Please download and distribute with urgency![Full Story | 1 comment ]
Anti-G8 Event in Brighton: How the Cops See Crowds
Anti-G8 Event. Please publicise widely>>>>[Full Story ]
Exclusive premiere STILL WE RIDE - London thursday 16th
the rampART is proud to present...A SPECIAL FREE PRE G8 BIKE RIDE PREMIERE
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Sail 8
Bob Geldof has called for a modern-day Dunkirk, sailors to sail to France and bring across protestors for Edinburgh.[Full Story | 8 comments ]
>>GET on board on the Resist G8 Trains!!
Ticket deadline is June 13th so buy now!![Full Story | 2 comments ]
5th South-East Assembly of Resist G8
Next meeting of the SouthEast regional assembly in London.[Full Story | 1 comment ]
A 2 day intensive BIG SHOE camp in preparation for the G8 and other parts of life will be taking place in London this weekend. Participants will be required to attend both days.[Full Story ]
G8 NVDA Training in London
We are offering an Non-Violent Direct Action training in London on June 18th from 11am - 4pm at a central London venue to be confirmed.[Full Story ]
Buy your Tickets now for train to G8!
Critical Mass to return to Southampton
In solidarity with protests around the world coinciding with the G8 conference in Scotland, Southampton activists are calling out for a return of critical mass to Southampton[Full Story ]
Dissent! Gathering Draft Agenda: Nottingham 20th-22nd May
Please forward this information, and remember to register![Full Story ]
Anarchist Masquerade Ball!
A posh fundraiser for the mobilisation against the G8 summit.Saturday June 4th, 12-9 pm
Cambridge (in the Green Area, Strawberry Fair)
Dancing, Music, Info-shop, Speakers, Frivolity
Bring masks, ball-gowns, jackets, costumes, friends
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Southampton G8 meetings
Last minute reminder about two G8- related meetings-[Full Story ]
Anti-G8 Day School: Brighton, 28th May
Anti G8 day of events and workshopsAs part of the Brighton Fringe Festival, Brighton
Dissent! with the TRAPEASE popular education road show
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Tickets still available for Resist G8 Trains!
>>SE Assembly transport office open every Wednesday & Thursday 3pm - 7pm at LARC, 62 Fieldgate Street, Whitechapel, London E1.DEADLINE FOR TICKETS IS JUNE 24th!
[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Dissent! Benefit: Brighton, Tonight!
Brighton Dissent! Benefit! Tonight![Full Story ]
weekend training in Nonviolent Direct Action, Legal skills, and Action Support.
This in-depth training is a chance to come together withother likeminded people and prepare yourself for taking direct action or supporting others to take action at the G8 Summit and beyond.
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Anti-G8 Benefit: Wednesday 11th May, Brighton
The 2005 G8 Summit is rapidly approaching. Tens of thousands of pounds are still required to be able to provide food, accommodation and infrastructure necessary to support those coming to take action! Start organising benefits, donating money (money can now be donated direct via the Dissent! website - www.dissent.org.uk - or paid into a bank account - again, see www.dissent.org.uk for into)[Full Story ]