The South East Assembly has chartered two trains to take people up to the protests against the G8 summit in Scotland. For people who want to travel on the train we need you to PAY NOW so that we can meet our deadline for payment.
London to Edinburgh (Return)
Train 1 // 1st July to 9th July
Train 2 // 4th July to 8th July
Tickets £50 Rtn
If you would like a ticket on one of the trains, please download & complete the train booking form, and send it to us, along with a cheque or postal order for £50, made payable to “G.E.N.I.” and send a SAE to: BM South East Assembly, London, WC1N 3XX.
If you cannot afford £50 please let us know as we hope to offer some tickets at a concessionary rate. Likewise, if you can afford to donate some money to pay for another person to travel, we welcome donations (however small).
Download train booking form(pdf)
More info:

SE Assembly - Transport Office (open on Wed & Thurs 3pm - 7pm only)
LARC, 62 Fieldgate Street, Whitechapel, London E1