Members of the community in Camden have said of MI5 that this behaviour is counter productive and has ruined relations with the Security Services.
The youths were subjected to incessant threatening phone calls, were put under surveillance and their families were threatened. They were told their families "would not be safe" and that they would be "set up" as terrorists if they did not comply.
The men are resident in Kentish Town.
Recently Animal rights activists living and / or working in Camden have been subjected to threats, abuse and questioned by frightening individuals using heavy handed tactics. Campaigners have been targeted, threatened, smeared and persecuted. Neighbours have been forced into informing using underhand means. Activists have also been the subject of "whispering" campaigns, provocation, goading and incitement. Campaigners have reported that mail has gone missing [postmen again?], they have been subjetced to harrassment by telephone, on the internet and have had homes broken into. Is this too the work of MI5? People who have spoken out have been accused of "making stuff up" and where they believe they have identified possible MI5 agents have been accused of slander, libel, of being liars and fantasists. With the coming Camden Lab and the growing number of people experiencing this there could be a chance that rogue security services agents are responsible.
Please see the Independent article for more info before screaming "conspiracy theory!".

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