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Protest at Dawn Raid on Tyneside 05.09.07

TCAR (Tyneside Community Action for Refugees) | 05.09.2007 09:05 | Anti-racism | Migration | Social Struggles

This morning a Sri Lankan family was snatched by immigration from their home in Benwell, Newcastle. They have been active with TCAR standing up for the rights of all against the Home Office. TCAR members mobilised through the Pledge of Resistance to protest against the dawn raid, but regular cops were already on the scene and prevented other members of TCAR from even entering the street.

A noisy protest was held against the raid, and TCAR is now organising against the family's deportation.

Updates and action requests are to follow.

TCAR (Tyneside Community Action for Refugees)
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Action Request

06.09.2007 15:59

They have been told they will be deported to Sri Lanka at 2.30pm on Sunday 9th September on flight UL506 from Heathrow. The family are suspected by the Sri Lankan government of connections to the LTTE (Tamil Tigers), and would be in extreme danger if deported. The family's solicitor is applying at court tomorrow for a Judicial Review to stop the deportation.

Please try and attend the emergency demonstration which will be taking place tomorrow, and/or send faxes of protest to Secretary of State Jacqui Smith and Sri Lankan Airlines (details below). Model faxes are attached, or write your own if you prefer. If you do not have access to a fax machine instructions are given below on how to send faxes over the internet (thanks to NCADC for these).

Emergency Demonstration
Friday 7th September, 10.30-11.30am
Outside Government Offices North East, Gallowgate, Newcastle (opposite St James's Park Metro)

1.) Please send urgent faxes immediately to Rt. Hon. Jacqui Smith, Secretary of State for the Home Office asking that the Uthayakumar family be given the right to stay in the UK. (if you write your own version please remember to include the Home Office ref: P1046770).

Fax: 020 7035 3262 (00 44 20 7035 3262 if you are faxing from outside UK)

If you are able to fax before 9.30am on Friday 7th September please send a copy to the family's solicitor on fax number: 0207 7371431, and he can take it to the court.

2.) Please fax J. Wijesinghe Manager UK & Ireland, Sri Lankan Airlines (if you write your own version please remember to include the families removal flight details: Sri Lankan Airlines Flight UL506 From Heathrow To Sri Lanka at 14.30hrs on Sunday 9th September)

Fax: 020 8572 0808 (00 44 20 8572 0808 if you are faxing from outside UK)

Faxing without a fax machine

There are two methods of faxing using the internet:

From you browser go to:

the number must be entered with the country code


020 7035 3262 (Home Office)

would be

44 20 7035 3262

Send a fax via email

Use this email address format :
So, to send a fax to Liam Byrne you would put: remote-printer.Jacqui_Smith @44207035

Just copy your fax message into the body of the email.

Thank you for your solidarity,

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Uthayakumar family deportation STOPPED!

08.09.2007 16:13

GOOD NEWS! We have just heard today from friends of the family that the deportation of the Uthayakumar family has been stopped. Theres been coverage of the event in local North East newspapers The Chronicle and The Journal (information not online yet) and made front page of Sri Lankan National newspaper 'Daily Mirror' ( The fact that it has made front page news in Sri Lanka has added to the strength of their case as it is more dangerous for them to go back there now and the solicitor has said he can use it as more evidence. So it looks like our actions and press campaigns have been successful. The family is still being held in Yarlswood detention centre but the solicitor is putting in a fresh appeal on Monday. Thanks for your support TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER! TCAR!

Tyneside Community Action for Refugees
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Hide the following 6 comments

Well done on catching them at it.

05.09.2007 19:49

Interesting to see the size of the van (no company markings, no marking at all in fact, black van) that they put one family into.

Keep up the good work.

Oscar Beard

makes me sick

05.09.2007 20:45

how can they. 5 years old and looking forward to her first day at school. i am ashamed to be english

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What a shame

06.09.2007 19:13

It's owful that school girl was snatched.Need a fai trial


No fai trial

06.09.2007 19:14

This is not fair trial with asylum seekers


Emergency Protest

07.09.2007 18:43

The Uthayakumars' solicitor applied for a Judicial Review this morning in an attempt to stop their flight, but no word so far if it was successful. An emergency protest was organised by TCAR outside the offices of Local Government North East this morning, and petitions were handed in to a Home Office representative. The family's case and protests have received good coverage from local press, with a large article on page 9 of the Evening Chronicle, and a follow-up apparently planned for tomorrow. The principled support from Kawsika's school has been fantastic. Thanks to every who attended the protest, faxed, or contributed in other ways.

TCAR will now be working hard to build for the march from the west end into the centre of Newcastle on 22nd September, which is being organised as part of the international day of action called by the No Borders Network (see flier).

Together we are stronger!
Together we will win!

(thanks to Gatwick Detainees Welfare Group for the googled image we've used on the flier)

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Deportation Cancelled

09.09.2007 22:20

GOOD NEWS! We have just heard today from friends of the family that the deportation of the Uthayakumar family has been stopped. Theres been coverage of the event in local North East newspapers The Chronicle and The Journal (information not online yet) and made front page of Sri Lankan National newspaper 'Daily Mirror' ( The fact that it has made front page news in Sri Lanka has added to the strength of their case as it is more dangerous for them to go back there now and the solicitor has said he can use it as more evidence. So it looks like our actions and press campaigns have been successful. The family is still being held in Yarlswood detention centre but the solicitor is putting in a fresh appeal on Monday. Coverage of the dawn raid, case and situation is also on Indymedia ( Thanks for your support TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER! TCAR!



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