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Palestinian Army of Islam must show good faith by releasing journalist

David Lundy | 10.05.2007 17:26 | Palestine

"The Palestinian Army of Islam, which has claimed responsibility for the kidnapping of BBC journalist Alan Johnston, must show good faith and release him immediately," declared Kyriacos Triantaphyllides, GUE/NGL Chairman of the EP delegation for relations with the PLC, following the release of a video by the Al Jazeera network in which the Palestinian Army of Islam takes responsibility for the kidnapping.

"Mr. Johnston is a journalist carrying out his duties in an effectively very difficult region. As such, he must not be used by independent factions as a bargaining chip" he said.

"We are now at a historic crossroads where the legitimate Palestinian government of National Unity is doing its utmost to establish contacts with the European Union. Prime Minister Haniyeh himself has promised the official European Parliament delegation who met him last week that he is sparing no effort for the release of Alan Johnston. Thus, kidnapping an independent journalist, besides being a terrible act of cruelty, is counterproductive to the efforts of the Unity government."

GUE/NGL Press Gianfranco Battistini +32 475 64 66 28 David Lundy +32 485 50 58 12

David Lundy


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10.05.2007 20:00

"We demand that Britain free our prisoners, particularly the honourable Sheikh Abu Qatada al-Filistini," said a speaker on the audio recording, posted on the internet by a group calling itself Jaish al-Islam, or the Army of Islam....Abu Qatada, a radical Islamic cleric suspected of close links to al-Qaeda, has been described by the British government as a "significant international terrorist". He is one of more than a dozen Arab men Britain has been holding under detention or house arrest as threats to national security, while acknowledging that it does not have sufficient evidence to put them on trial. "

I hope Alan is freed safetly soon but the demands of the kidnappers aren't that outrageous - I mean, what is the difference between detaining someone without trial and kidnap ? If they prove Alan is alive and well then a prisoner swap should be considered - it would save the tax-payers money too as the men could just be deported. Qatada once pleaded for British hostages to be released, why not send him to Palestine ?


Who Really Has Him?

10.05.2007 20:06

Note that this is another "previously-unknown group", of which even the FBI has stated several times over the past three years is usually indicative of an intelligence Front.

Who wants journalists to fear entering the Occupied Territories?

Who profits from the perpetuation of obstructing the Palestinian voice from the world?

Qui Bono?

Speak your mind

10.05.2007 23:49

If you have one.

No, the Israelis didn't do it -- though I am sure they are chuckling. And if you follow the news from the area you will realize that while often Palestinian political groups DO "shoot the cause in the foot" this way it isn't the politicals either. Current belief, especially given the demands, is that it's "bandits". You need to remember that in addition to all the kidnappings and holding for ransome that ARE political in nature there are also a lot that are ordinary "criminals out to make a buck".

Let me explain something. "Cui bono" is imprecise. Who DOES benefit is the wrong question. To understand motivation for actions what you want to know is "who THINKS they benefit".

In effect (pretend this is a mystery) -- if uncle Charlie is found murdered "cui bono" would have you invetigate who ARE the heirs under Charlie's will. But more sense to suspect those who THOUGHT they would inherit under the will. If a person didn't know he or she was Charlie's heir, how could that have served as a motivation?

Mike Novack
mail e-mail: stepbystpefarm

'Independent? journalist'

11.05.2007 13:21

a BBC journalist is not an 'independent' journalist, he is part of the war machine.


Qui Bono?

12.05.2007 09:15

Right who benefits? Actually that would be the Islamic militants themselves if they get their prisoners released. Or does someone have evidence that the FBI actually said it was Mossad?


So Who Has Him?

12.05.2007 22:09

No, what the FBI said was that "previously-unknown groups", like the one alleged to have kidnapped the man, are usually Fronts for intelligence services.

The Israelis are the only ones who would love the media to swear off the Occupied Territories.

Any evidence it is NOT Mossad?

Qui Bono Indeed


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