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Palestinian Army of Islam must show good faith by releasing journalist

David Lundy | 10.05.2007 17:26 | Palestine

"The Palestinian Army of Islam, which has claimed responsibility for the kidnapping of BBC journalist Alan Johnston, must show good faith and release him immediately," declared Kyriacos Triantaphyllides, GUE/NGL Chairman of the EP delegation for relations with the PLC, following the release of a video by the Al Jazeera network in which the Palestinian Army of Islam takes responsibility for the kidnapping.

"Mr. Johnston is a journalist carrying out his duties in an effectively very difficult region. As such, he must not be used by independent factions as a bargaining chip" he said.

"We are now at a historic crossroads where the legitimate Palestinian government of National Unity is doing its utmost to establish contacts with the European Union. Prime Minister Haniyeh himself has promised the official European Parliament delegation who met him last week that he is sparing no effort for the release of Alan Johnston. Thus, kidnapping an independent journalist, besides being a terrible act of cruelty, is counterproductive to the efforts of the Unity government."

GUE/NGL Press Gianfranco Battistini +32 475 64 66 28 David Lundy +32 485 50 58 12

David Lundy


Display the following 6 comments

  1. Demand — Danny
  2. Who Really Has Him? — Qui Bono?
  3. Speak your mind — Mike Novack
  4. 'Independent? journalist' — Jim
  5. Qui Bono? — Arthur
  6. So Who Has Him? — Qui Bono Indeed


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