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False Flag Operations and Make-Believe Bogymen

Cornelius Boss | 03.01.2007 19:17 | Anti-racism | Globalisation | Social Struggles

War is a racket. The people don’t –of course- want war. It takes false flag operations and make-believe bogyman enemies to get the masses to accept war. The USA has wasted 21 trillion dollars since 1945 on military buildups to fight enemies that don't exist

I'm sending a copy of this letter to everybody I know .Even though I'm
confident all will agree with its substance. As we hear from time to time,
give two rational people the same facts and they will come to the same

"Terrorist", "terror", and "terrorism", they are the defining buzz
words for this present day-the Shibboleths of an obscene drive for
empire by the United States of America. Any clear-stiltedness as
to the meaning of any or all of these three words has eroded away
in America during this post "9--11" era.

If we study history what we've seen repeated over and again is the
pattern shown by the Algerians,the Palestinians,and the Irish Catholics.
When a group of people is faced with an imperialist occupier with a
vastly superior and overpowering military, "fighting back" or "blowback"
(the CIA term)by the oppressed group usually has to come in the form of
asymmetric guerrilla tactics such as car bombings,suicide bombings, and
remotely triggered explosive devices - admittedly almost always against
civilians.During our entire lives there hasn't been over 700 to maybe 1500
people killed by genuine terrorism such as a planted bomb at a cafe going
off during a lunch hour rush,or a school bus being bombed.

Bottom line, an individual isn't a terrorist until that individual has committed
an act of terrorism."Terror" and "terrorism" are meaningless racist xenophobic
ethnocidal buzz words when they flow from the Zionist controlled, corporate
controlled media which is an un-elected de facto 4th branch of government here
in this country. "Islamo-Fascists","Islamic Fundamentalist"," Radical Islamist"
or "Jehadists" have become silly right wing talking point xenophobic/racist code
word designations implying non-Caucasian inferiority or even sub-human
criminality. Small wonder so many craven sheeple brainwashed lemming-like
Americans equate 26.4% of this earth's population with "terrorist".

A commando raid on a military facility is not!!!!! terrorism .Valley
Forge was not terrorism. Fort Sumter was not terrorism. The attack
on the USS Cole was not terrorism. True, there have been stagey
blood-and-thunder simulated/synthetic terror incidents such as Oklahoma
City: 5-19-95, NY/DC: 9-11-01, Madrid: 3-11-04, London: 7-7-05,and Amman
Jordan: 11-9-05 , all pulled off by western intelligence agencies and their
tentacles ,and- with the exception of Oklahoma City - blamed on Muslim patsies.

Way on the other hand, every 5 seconds somewhere someone starves
to death amidst the immense wealth and resources that surround them
and where there is plenty food, but are unable to afford it because
of the almost immeasurable horrors of free market capitalism .By
rights, we need a war on free market capitalism ,not this nonsense
xenophobic, racist so called "War on Terror".

The events of Sept.11, 2001 were catalysts that spurred up this parallel
universe in which most Americans now live. "9--11" triggered the hysteria
needed for Americans to get themselves flimflammed into accepting endless
war against Muslims and Arabs, a "war" combating threats that don't exist!!
"9--11" was but a phony as a $3.00 bill,on the cheap dramatization.It was
micro weaponry entomopter cluster/formations in N.Y.The perps bastardized the
WABC feed ,the only feed we saw early on -mind you-using PROMIS progeny software with CGI blue screenuploads of "cartoon" computer generated images of Boeing 767s in NY.It was a cruise missile- or no telling what - in DC.There were no Arabs. Nothing was hijacked,and nobody flew anything into any buildings."9--11" was America's Operation Canned Goods (Hitler)....Goggle that...Soon,everyone will have abandoned the absurd 19 Arab hijacker fable.

The earliest calls to emergency dispatchers (and they've been released due to the
freedom of information act) and the like reflect that the first witnesses were
saying that it was a helicopter accident at the North Tower WTC.Early transcripts
prove that only CNN Vice president Vice President Sean Murtagh mentioned anything about a plane that he-against all laws of optics and geometry –claims to have seen from his office three miles from the WTC.Early on, TV announcers said that it was an explosion from inside the South Tower, but wert quickly overridden by TV fakery PROMIS progeny computer generated CGI upload “cartoon” images that bastardized the WABC feed the feed which CNN and other networks picked up. You should be very suspicious as to how the WABC camera crew came to be using the new 03/30 military Webscam system cameras that morning.The so-called still photos were obviously screen shots .Multiple rendering errors were made producing all the re-edits they showed us.Apply Occam's Razor to the fact that no hole larger than about 8x3 meters (far too small for a Boeing 767 for crying out loud) was created in the side of the South Tower that BushMob/FedGov are telling us was struck. A low contrast high brightness photo reveals that there are only three small holes.
(; it goes on and on and on and on and on. I could go on for four hours expounding on how utterly harebrained the official myth is.Every aspect of the official story of 9/11 is pure balderdash physics defying malarkey not worthy of any sane person's consideration.

The term "Al-Qaeda" had never been part of normal western vernacular
except between 1972 and 1982 as a nickname of sorts for Zbigniew
Brzezinski's computer data base of available patsy Golden Crescent
drug trade financed guerrilla trainees that assisted the Pakistani
ISI and the utterly criminal CIA in covert destabilizations in Afghanistan,
Bosnia, and Caucasus Chechnya. "Al-Qaeda" is a word resurrected
from the past by (as some have suggested) Richard Clark, George Tenet,
and Dick Cheney to be used as part of the "9--11" myth/fable/lie. There
is no evidence that any organization named "Al-Qaeda" exists independent
of Western intelligence agencies.

For crying out loud, there hasn't been a front line modern American
jet hijacked since the 1970s, and for a reason.Anti hijack mechanisms
have been in place since then .Although it's remotely possible in
theory to hijack an Airbus A340, a DC9 or a Folker 100, maybe even
a Boeing 737 or a Boeing 777. The Boeing 757, 767, 747, and 768
cannot!!!! be hijacked. Upon an attempted hijacking the big jet
would be taken over electronically from the ground and directed
to a military facility.

The Pentagon has its own air defense system .No aircraft can approach
that infamous five sided building of death in Northern Virginia
without an approved electronic footprint. Lacking a legitimate footprint,
the airborne object will be zeroed in on and shot down with heat
seeking missiles absent of human involvement.

We all need to understand the mechanism. The MI-6, Mossad, CIA
double and triple agents create the patsy rings or cells. The patsies
are kept in the dark as to the nature of the project/objective at hand.
The CIA, MI-6, MI-5, et al agents will wiretap themselves in order
to create false warnings and implicate the patsies. These western
intelligence agencies make good and sure that the patsies fly around,
get wiretapped, get video taped, email one another, use credit cards,
these kinds of things, by which the scapegoats by proxy create phony
paper trails, money trails etc. All this in time seals the Patsies' doom.
Bogus torture induced confessions are matter-of-course.At what point in
time do Americans in mass get it through their thick skulls that western
intelligence agencies hardly ever actually gather any real intelligence?
Their role is to create false warnings to serve empire.

More often than not, the false flag operation is pulled off under
the cover of training exercises. Examples are: 9-11- 01 (Amalgam
Virgo, Vigilant Guardian, Northern Guardian, Vigilant Warrior, Tripod
II - 15 in all); London:7-7-05 ( Topoff-3 ).The MI-6, Mossad, MI-5,
FBI, CIA et al agents will blow up something and kill innocent people.
Patsies get the blame. That's what the patsies are for. Most Americans
believe the lies, or are gatekeepers or even pseudo-left gatekeepers
against the truths about the false flag ruses that are being played
on us becoming omphali of public perusal.

Certainly one of the more astonishing quotes by a major US political
figure in recent years is this one:

If the American people ever knew the whole story about Iran Contra,
we Bushes would be chased down the streets and lynched.

~ George Herbert Walker Bush

What goes 500 fold when compared to Iran Contra is the absurd "9--11"
myth. If the American people knew the whole story about "9--11"
there would be 30,000,000 Americans gathered around the Mall in
Washington, DC at this very moment they, demanding trials in the
mold of Nuremburg 1945 of the guilty among BushMob/FedGov and the
U.S. mainstream media. There will be no Republican party in 2008.Mark
my word. The whole story about "9--11" will be known by then. Our
duty is to lay the ground work for exposing the phoniness of that
preposterous 19 Arab hijacker physics and thermodynamics defying
nonsense myth and avoid in any way acting as gatekeepers protecting
what is an obvious set of lies.

The "9--11" truth movement is just that- a movement. Critical mass
will be reached in this movement's development as soon as an ample
number of Americans reject notions such as a 757 passing through
cable spools without even as much as knocking them over, or that
an 8:42 AM weekday trans- continental flight would only have 44
passengers, or that buildings crumble and fall in perfect controlled
like implosions five hours after the fact because of a fire in a
couple of areas (building#7). A full length big screen theatre version
of Loose Change will be hitting the theaters next summer. It's curtains
for the absurd "9--11" myth. Soon, only a few flat earth wackos
will still support the official version.

If Iraq had had nuclear weapons we wouldn't have attacked them .Six
hundred fifty five thousand Iraqis now dead would still be alive.Myriads
would not be displaced. Many of our young men that are now dead or
wounded wouldn't be. We wouldn't be spending $2,000,000,000 a week
killing innocent women and children and poisoning the soil, surface water,
and water tables of Mesopotamia with depleted uranium salts.
I wish to God Iran already had a nuclear arsenal. The U.S. only respects
nations that do. And what's more, the U.S. imperialist, militarist,
hegemonic beast and its ally Japan with an endless military buildup,
military exercises, weapons tests in the Far East, accompanied by
constant threats and inhumane economic sanctions have forced North
Korea to get more serious about its own fledgling nuclear weapons
capabilities. I don't see how anyone can criticize the North Korean
leadership for fostering their nation's nuclear capabilities. Nations are
literally held hostage on this earth with this out of control U.S.militarist
imperialist jingoistically crazed belligerent dystopian rogue superpower
beast hypnotized by its own Manichean world vision and delusions of
superiority and persisting in all this bereft of the slightest bent toward
complying with any existing standards of behavior as far as being part
of any global community .Political scientists apply here the term "American
Exceptionalism". Loose translation-the US thinks it has a license to kill
and steal with impunity.

We are in Iraq for the same reason that we were in Hawaii, Cuba,
the Philippines , Iran (1953), Chile, Guatemala, Panama (which we
stole from Columbia), Nicaragua, Ecuador, et al.We are there to
pirate and pillage the resources of Iraq on behalf of global capitalists ,
criminal banking oligarchs , and Trilateralism following a campaign of
demonizing lies against Iraq's head of State- nothing new. We're also
there to tap into the kind of money laundering opportunities that only a
war can present.A good $28 billion plus is missing so far. The US has
done these kinds of things unchallenged since 1893.

Abu Musab al Zarqawi is fiction.''Zarqawi'' is a Pentagon psyop code
name and nothing more. He never lived. He never died.

The country is governed for the richest, for the corporations, the
bankers, the land speculators, and for the exploiters of labor.

~ Helen Keller, 1911

She couldn't see. She couldn't hear.But she knew what kind of country
she was living in.

Oh, and by the way, Viva Chavez!!

Cornelius Boss
- e-mail:


The Power of Nightmares DVD

03.01.2007 19:48

Chapter 1
Chapter 1

You can download a DVD ISO image of the 3 part series from the Internet Archive:



Hide the following 28 comments


03.01.2007 19:44

ENough of his conspiracy bullshit already!

Mother Goose

Well there you go

03.01.2007 21:40

Would you believe it? That entire post and not a shred of substantiation to support to outrageous claims. Of course that's pretty normal for the 911 Truth (ahem) movement.


9/11 Truth Movement

03.01.2007 21:58

The 9/11 Truth Movement is made up of people with lots of different politics, sure there are some crazies involved, this is normal, it's the same with the broad anarchist movement... But it doesn't mean that they don't have some things right...

The right wing 9/11 truth people are fairly awful, but there are some on the left who are very good, for example, Ralph Schoenman:

And Nafeez Ahmed:

The above links have short, very good, videos from 2004.


An all-consuming 'war on terror'

03.01.2007 22:33

December 31, 2006

PHILADELPHIA -- The official mantra is that we fight in Iraq because it is the "central front in the War on Terror." The exact opposite is the case.

We are trapped in fighting an unwinnable - even nonsensical - "war on terror" because its invention was required in order to fight in Iraq. After years of slaughter in Iraq, the neoconservative fantasy of a series of cheap, fast, neo-imperial victories is dead. But the war on terror lives on, stronger than ever.

How did the war on terror take on a life of its own and trap the entire political class, and most Americans, into public beliefs about the need to fight a global war on terror as our first priority, even when there's little or no evidence of an enemy present in the United States? What accounts for $650 billion worth of expenditures, along with baseless cycles of "sleeper cell" hysteria and McCarthyist policies of surveillance and "pre-emptive prosecution" not seen in this country since the early 1950s?

Consider how Congress responded to the war on terror. In summer 2003, a list of 160 potential targets for terrorists was drawn up, triggering intense efforts by members of Congress and their constituents to find funding-generating targets in their districts. The result? Widening definitions of potential targets and mushrooming increases in the number of assets deemed worthy of protection: up to 1,849 in late 2003; 28,364 in 2004; 77,069 in 2005; and an estimated 300,000 in 2006 (including the Sears Tower in Chicago but also the Indiana Apple and Pork Festival).

Across the country, virtually every lobby and interest group recast its traditional objectives and funding proposals as more important than ever given the imperatives of the war on terror. The National Rifle Association declared that it means that more Americans should own and carry firearms to defend the country and themselves against terrorists. On the other hand, according to the gun control lobby, fighting the war on terror means passing strict gun-control laws to keep assault weapons out of the hands of terrorists.

Schools of veterinary medicine called for quadrupling their funding. Who else would train veterinarians to defend the country against terrorists using hoof and mouth disease to decimate our cattle herds? Pediatricians declared that more funding was required to train pediatricians as first responders to terrorist attacks, because treating children as victims is not the same as treating adults. Pharmacists advocated the creation of pharmaceutical SWAT teams to respond quickly with appropriate drugs to the victims of terrorist attacks.

Aside from swarms of consulting firms and huge corporate investments in counter-terrorism activities, universities across the country created graduate programs in homeland security, institutes on terrorism and counter-terrorism, all raising huge catcher's mitts into the air for the billions of dollars of grants and contracts just blowing in the wind.

The same imperative - translate your agenda into war on terror requirements or be starved of funds - and its spiraling consequences surged across the government, affecting virtually all agencies. Bureaucrats unable to describe their activities in "war on terror" terms were virtually disqualified from budget increases and probably doomed to cuts. With billions of dollars a year in state and local funding, the Department of Homeland Security devised a list of 15 National Planning Scenarios to help guide its allocations. To qualify for Homeland Security funding, state and local governments had to describe how they would use allocated funds to meet one of those chosen scenarios.

What was the process that produced this list? It was, in part, deeply political, driven by competition among agencies, states and localities that knew funding opportunities would depend on exactly which scenarios were included or excluded (anthrax, a chemical attack on a sports stadium, and hoof and mouth disease were included; attacks on liquid natural gas tankers and West Nile virus were excluded).

Most instructive of all was the unwillingness of the government to define the enemy posing the terrorist threat. Al-Qaida is a tiny threat compared to the size of the enemy required by the thousands of interest groups crowding toward the counter-terrorism trough. For this reason, the enemy in these scenarios is referred to by the Department of Homeland Security as "the universal adversary," present everywhere and capable of taking on any shape. Instead of responding to real threats posed by real enemies, we find ourselves preparing for an endless list of possible bad things that could happen, as if the devil himself were out to get us.

The dimensions of the war on terror are still expanding rapidly in the face of a small - if not entirely absent - domestic terrorist threat. But politicians, forced into playing Chicken Little to avoid seeming to suffer from a "pre-9/11 mentality," can offer no break on spending or war-on-terror rhetoric. Neither have universities and the press. While universities rush to the counter-terror trough, it's as good as it gets for the press. "Hurricane Osama," the real storm of the century, is always just about to hit - and never goes away. Every false alarm of another 9/11 attack on the way sends the news media into paroxysms of sensationally foreboding, emergency-mode coverage, helping enliven the credibility of hundreds of TV episodes, films and potboiler novels with the same plot: maniacal, brilliant Middle Eastern terrorists poised to strike but for the heroics of a few bold souls operating within a generally incompetent government.

Americans have learned that the Iraq war was a disastrous mistake. But they have yet to be able even to imagine the truth about the war on terror more generally. As long as politicians and pundits justify alternatives to the present course in Iraq by invoking the need to fight the war on terror more effectively, the United States will remain, as Osama bin Laden observed in his November 2004 videotape, trapped in a maelstrom of waste, worry, and witch hunt that "bleeds America to the point of bankruptcy."

Ian S. Lustick, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania, is author of "Trapped in the War on Terror." His e-mail is

Ian S. Lustick (repost)


03.01.2007 22:47

And now someone is making additions to it. Why not go the whole hog and promote it? Why not just flood the whole newswire with all this fantasy junk?

Mother Goose

I'm an irishman can you get your brief to help

04.01.2007 00:56

If i was speaking to your client i would advise him to deny all the charges,but i am not speaking to him or you.I understand.If i was here today,which i am not then that would be my advice to you if you were here to discuss that,which you are not.Then that would be my advise.
The request from an irishman in the 70's to a remand prisoner with legal connections.It cannot be published who or were.But in a certain remand prison this gobbldygook passes as jurisprudence.And it also passes in the courts of England,with a masonic wave.But what does it matter to say so on here.It is like pissing with the wind.Notice i say not into the wind,at least that way one gets a reply.The man involved turned out to be an innocent.And fortunetly for him the brief concerned had enough influence to stop it going to trail.

The Acussed Is Pissing In The Wind


04.01.2007 12:06

your thinking . . . . gist is good, terms the accurate terms to use, "culprits" perhaps the "alt" usual suspects - easy to blame, suits current prejudices - but - follow the cash ? slush fund recipients - remember the "fence" factor - fallback position for "retired" criminals, prior to the cashier/puppeteer role - most of all, comprehend - in fact - RESEARCH "double bubble" as a strategy used against people about to discover / explain what is actually happening - in this case, dismissing too much of the "populist" tale. (i.e. real planes. yes. . . . nevertheless, perhaps it is time for a "peace process" adequate to take up "big" , long term crimes - a de-conspiracy theory, even.) see " 2 : remember the scams " etc.
or action
- ps remember the "group unthink" problem at the centre of all structures that use treachery as a promotion tool rather than wisdom, then the difference of approach that it requires as a group needs to swap a "repel boarders-crush doubters attitude" with a "rethink everything - old plots flawed - safe way out exists" situation.
even in "vast" ( ramshackle ) criminal conspiracies. . . .

but do look out for the double


Just stop.

04.01.2007 14:44

Please, please stop posting this half-witted conspiracy bollocks.

It just risks making others, with valid criticisms of US and UK foreign policy, look like idiots.

The evidence to suggest that the perpetrators of 911, July 7 and the Madrid bombings are those who have been publicly accused vastly outweighs the tangetial, if-you-look-at-this-blurry-jpeg-from-this-angle hokum that has so far been put forward by the conspiraloons. Did those who supported the war in Iraq benefit from July 7 or the Madrid bombings? A categorical no. Both those events just gave weight to those who opposed it to begin with, as the election results in Spain and Labour's approval ratings in the UK show.

As for the existence of Al Quada - yes, the US government and several media agencies have over-hyped what it is, suggesting its a vast network, rather than a catch-all name used mainly by Western organisations for a very loose affiliation. But there is strong evidence that a small core organisation does exist, which can be defined in different ways, and has been referred to by Osama bin Laden by that name - even if many of the other groups which dealt with him were not aware of it. See Jason Burke's excellent book on that subject and kindly shut the hell up.

Norville B

Kill em'

04.01.2007 16:28

Why do people appeal to the conspiraloons to stop posting?

Their posts must be deleted, not hidden, and I don't think this goes far enough - better if they are hunted down and destroyed like animals. I mean how disgusting is it to question our leaders over issues like 9/11/ and 7/7 - these people are no better than animals and they should be destroyed together with their disgusting thoughts, thanks god that KRB are building lots of prison camps in the US, lets hope Blair does the same and they get used for all the conspiraloons.


Norville & the "conspiracy bollocks"

04.01.2007 17:22

Mother Goose and Norville B have very strong cases to dismiss this posting. In fact both MG and NB have made such strong cases all we need do now is allow our mainstream media unravel the stories for us and the truth will be revealed. Thanks MG, thanks NB - now I can stop worrying and just get on supporting the dominant discourse that denies western deviousness, destructiveness, and utter willingness to sacrifice their own and other nation's people for strategic political, economic and military ends. There are so many recorded examples of this in both US and UK history that it would be a PITA to spell them out. But if you want, I'll substantiate this point with examples if you can't Google them yourself - just look for Zinn, or Fletcher Prouty, or Caroline Baker. You could also refer to like Ward Churchill for his own take on the genocidal and oppressive regimes of the good ol' US of A against the indigenous populations that have survived. But let's recap what most of us could agree on:

The western powers are fundamentally corrupt and flawed, their foreign policies are Machiavellian, the "leaders" are bought and sold as corporate whores, fiscal advancements are the highest good and the ends justify the means. The glorious leader of the US benefited from well-documented rigging of the 2000 and 2004 "democratic" elections; both the glorious leaders of the UK and the US outright lied about the reasons for going to war in 2003; the glorious leaders refuse to acknowledge their own complicity in the deaths of 650 000 Iraqis and several thousand UK/USA forces; these glorious leaders have steadfastly reduced, undermined, obstructed and evacuated civil liberties in both supposedly "free" and "democratic" countries; both nations benefited directly - and indirectly - from staging a war and both 9-11 and 7-7 events sufficiently softened the public's opinion about warfare that objections were easily lost in the clamour for justice (revenge) and international security; without the paradigm of the "war on terror" the resource wars will become harder to justify to a war cautious public. This is why dissent is being outlawed.

Of course there are terror cells - be these jihadists or Mossad's dirty tricks brigade, or the CIA or even lily-white MI5. The Islamic terrorists are probably not as influential or as powerful outside of the Middle East as our corporate media would like us to get into a frenzy thinking they are. Almost certainly, Islamic terrorism barely existed outside of the Middle East before 9-11. 9-11 is the single biggest event of terrorism and the most difficult to rationally explain without making huge leaps of faith, suspending disbelief, and conveniently having a TV-molded short attention span. The one and only objection that people who believe the official 9-11 story base their feelings on bears little relation to truth (in the scientifically verifiable sense) but more to a desperate need to believe that no matter how corrupt and mendacious their politicians were, there is a limit to how low they would stoop, especially when it came to their own people.

NB and MG, I am really sorry that you are seemingly unable to stomach the treachery of your government, the thuggish reality that if the governments of these free nations see you or me in the way of their strategic objectives, we will be mowed down with barely a hesitation, but with multiple layers of plausable deniability built into the plan of course. 9-11: made to happen or allowed to happen. More than likely it is the former, but the latter also operated at different levels of the strategic command hierarchy. Don't you guys get it? The existence of a government is in itself a conspiracy. Going to war was the result of a far more difficult conspiracy, but we now know that dossiers were sexed up, evidence constructed, evidence to the contrary eliminated. It is the cowardly and the easy option to dismiss this more thoughtful consideration of darker forces operating within the government (and we all know that this does happen - look at any scandal and the degree of concealment that goes into keeping that from being on the Sun's front page) to further the government's strategic but likely to be unpopular agenda. But, if you are unable to see the bigger picture, or tolerate complexity, or stomach the despicability of the leaders, then by all means - dismiss the problem-solving, hypothesising, and research of those who dispute the official version as "conspiraloons". The government needs useful idiots like you.

Captain Chuckles

No, no, no!

05.01.2007 01:03

The real "useful idiots" are the ones who hide the real scandal of 9/11 - the subsequent invasion of Iraq and increased police powers - behind the pile of unsupported, risible speculation about "death rays", "controlled demolition", and "cruise missiles".


A message from the Grandwizard?

05.01.2007 13:53

"During our entire lives there hasn't been over 700 to maybe 1500
people killed by genuine terrorism such as a planted bomb at a cafe going
off during a lunch hour rush,or a school bus being bombed. "

What is the source of these ridiculous assertions???

"Bottom line, an individual isn't a terrorist until that individual has committed
an act of terrorism."Terror" and "terrorism" are meaningless racist xenophobic
ethnocidal buzz words when they flow from the Zionist controlled, corporate
controlled media which is an un-elected de facto 4th branch of government here
in this country. "

Straight from the mouths of Aryan Nations.

"rue, there have been stagey
blood-and-thunder simulated/synthetic terror incidents such as Oklahoma
City: 5-19-95, NY/DC: 9-11-01, Madrid: 3-11-04, London: 7-7-05,and Amman
Jordan: 11-9-05 , all pulled off by western intelligence agencies and their
tentacles ,and- with the exception of Oklahoma City - blamed on Muslim patsies."

Yeah yeah, we know. They are using mind controlling microwaves to fatten us up for the lizard people...

"The MI-6, Mossad, CIA
double and triple agents create the patsy rings or cells. The patsies
are kept in the dark as to the nature of the project/objective at hand.
The CIA, MI-6, MI-5, et al agents will wiretap themselves in order
to create false warnings and implicate the patsies."

It would be nice to see some proof of this conjecture.

"More often than not, the false flag operation is pulled off under
the cover of training exercises. Examples are:"

Straight from the mouth of Alex "gun nut" Jones.

"The "9--11" truth movement is just that- a movement. Critical mass
will be reached in this movement's development as soon as an ample
number of Americans reject notions[...]"

No. It's a small collection of loons that share a lot in common with the culture of fascist militias. It will achieve the square root of fuck all, because it has no significant support from opinion leaders.

"Soon, only a few flat earth wackos
will still support the official version. "

And here goes the typical: 'anyone who doesn't believe us is in denial and hasn't critically appraised the subject' bullshit.

"Oh, and by the way, Viva Chavez!! "

Fuck Chavez and his authoritarian structure and poor human rights record. My enemy's enemy is NOT my friend.



Can you make this an addition too?

05.01.2007 14:01

RE: The Power of Nightmares

"Do you believe it possible that the American Neo-Cons engineered the 9/11 atrocity as a catalyst for their program?" Cliff Babbs, Daventry

"No.", Adam Curtis


Smart Arse

I am a robot

05.01.2007 14:10

Please hide me from myself.

I am scaring you.

I don't have to make sense, just shout a lot.

Pay attention to me I am right you are wrong - it needs no further justification.

Everyone who disagrees is mad or anti semitic.

mother goose

The value of 9/11 analysis:

05.01.2007 15:08

Dismissing 9/11 truth groups as conspiraloons is a cheap ploy. It also misses the fundamental fact that should a full investigation actually confirm the hypotheses of the 9/11 folk (i.e. controlled demolitions, false flag ops, convenient distractions and criminal negligence on the part of NORAD, SAC, and the USAF, among others), then there will be many thousands more people who are likely to get up off their sofas and protest the criminal US and UK governmental regimes.

It may even be in the best interests of the 9/11 truth movement dissenters - that is, the genuine activists rather than the plants and turncoats that frequent this site as blockers and provocateurs - who dismiss 9/11 counter-explanations as "conspiraloons" to pause for a moment and recognise the value in having greater numbers of people rise up against the UK/USA systems. If the truth behind 9/11 ever does get out, and if it is ever shown to have been initiated or facilitated by the neoCons, y'know the shit will hit the fan as people will cross the tipping point and use that anger and betrayal as energy to protest.

Too many alleged activists on this site are just too content to swallow the official explanation, despite it having more holes in it than a mosquito net. But who needs those sheep anyway? To bring this system down, one will need to think critically about the one and the only reason we now are living in a far-right repressionist world, with a long war against terror. That trigger justifying event was 9/11. Deal with it. If the trigger is found to be false, the war on terror falls away, it loses its populist fear-based reactionary support from Joe Public and the public outrage can be used to call for a reversal to the erosion of civil liberties and human rights, governments can be charged with the crimes they have committed, and amendments made wherever possible to those the west have decimated. 9/11 is the smoking gun, and it does need to be unpacked.

Heads' up

WAR IS A RACKET - but then, even "xyber-coup"s aint original

05.01.2007 16:39

. . . . book title . . . . bloke blew the USA version of the 1930s coup trend. Took 'em to congress. Marine, if i remember.
Worth checking out.
(oh yes - he was the bloke IN CHARGE of the USA Marines )
+ it s worth checking out the tale - a BIG movie aint got produced about it yet, but . . . .

or - a name - hey - SMEDLEY DARTINGTON

speak out and why it matters

05.01.2007 18:18

9/11 does not go away. It is with us on a daily basis. It is the emotional rationale for a long litany of radical changes in US policy:

a supposed "War on Terrorism"
actual wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
possible future wars against a supposed "axis of evil"
condoning torture and indefinite detention without any kind of due process
scuttling the Geneva conventions
the sacrifice of civil liberties at home

If 9/11 "changed everything," as George W. Bush has said, then it is extremely important that we "get it right." What really happened that day? The administration made a rush to judgment, immediately destroyed much of the evidence, stamped much of the remaining evidence "Secret," and implied that critics were "with the terrorists."
If all you know is what you have read in the papers or seen on the TV News, you are not fully informed, and you are quite possibly misinformed. We believe you have also been intentionally DIS-informed.

A "9/11 Truth Movement," inspired initially by families of 9/11 victims, has amassed a significant amount of research that casts doubt on the official story line, but many people have never heard this or thought through the implications. The Bush administration and the compliant media want this issue to go away, so any attempt to discuss or speak out on this issue is dismissed as a "conspiracy theory." But keep in mind that even the official story of 9/11 is a rather bizarre conspiracy theory.

rabbit hole

Cognitive dissonance is a psychological phenomenon

05.01.2007 18:56

Cognitive dissonance is a psychological phenomenon which refers to the discomfort felt at a discrepancy between what you already know or believe, and new information or interpretation.

The amazing phenominom we see displayed by those who defend the assurd 9/11 19 hijacker myth is descrived by behvual phychologists as assimilation accommodation model of information processing.What this means is rthat Anglo exceptionalism,racism.and xenophobia form a mental paradym.Anything threatening this paradym no matter hoe obvius such as that tiny 8x3 hole thriugh which a Boeing 767 could not have possibly passed thriough or or the rendering mistakes during re-edits of the ametuerish CGI cartons of the fake South Tower strike are ignored or better stated is not accomidated.Obvous information is rejected by the Mother Gooses and the Norville's of the world because of this cognitive dissenance non-accomidation.

John Tatman
mail e-mail:

I pasted the wrong Beta version file obviously

05.01.2007 19:03

Cognitive dissonance is a psychological phenomenon which refers to the discomfort felt at a discrepancy between what you already value or seek to protect, and new information or interpretation.

The amazing phenomenon we see displayed by those who defend the absurd 9/11 19 hijacker myth is descried by behavioral psychologists as the assimilation accommodation model of information processing. What this means is that Anglo exceptionalism,racism.and xenophobia form a mental paradym.Anything threatening this paradigm no matter how obvious such as that tiny 8x3 hole in the South Tower through which a Boeing 767 could not have possibly passed through or the rendering mistakes during re-edits of the amateurish CGI cartons of the fake South Tower strike are ignored or better stated are not accomidated.Obvous information is rejected by the Mother Gooses and the Norville Bs of the world because of this cognitive dissonance non-accommodation.

John Tatman
mail e-mail:

You didn't really just say that, did you?

05.01.2007 19:37

Look, there is no credible evidence to support alternative theories such as controlled demolition or Judy Wood's magical cosmic death ray (that one's a real theory, btw). Holmgren's accusations of remote control pods and holograms is as ludicrous as it sounds. Plenty of people saw a Boing hit the Pentagon; none so a cruise missile. LC is full of more mistakes (deliberate or otherwise) than a Party Political Broadcast.

All you people who shout "9/11 Truth" (as as you're British, shouldn't that be 11/9 Truth) are merely creating a smokescreen to draw away from the real scandals which are endemic in our society; treatment of the ill and immigrants, creeping poverty, privatisation and PFI, and further afield the invasion of Iraq.

This is NOT a 9/11 Truth site and contrary to your assertions, you do NOT have the majority of the population now supporting your risible claims. Consequently I would be very much obliged if you would stop spamming out site and leave it for the real activisits amongst us!


The Charge of the Loon Brigade

07.01.2007 10:56

Rabbit Hole

If 9/11 "changed everything," as George W. Bush has said, then it is extremely important that we "get it right." What really happened that day? The administration made a rush to judgment, immediately destroyed much of the evidence, stamped much of the remaining evidence "Secret," and implied that critics were "with the terrorists."

And how does that prove anythng in itself? I'm afraid without having evidence of a motive the supposition falls flat on its face. The reaction could as easily be opportunism.

Hmmm, and I thought that NIST took and retains extensive samples from the scene of crime. After all, isn't that what archloon Prof Jones is basing his thesis on?

"If all you know is what you have read in the papers or seen on the TV News, you are not fully informed, and you are quite possibly misinformed. We believe you have also been intentionally DIS-informed."

That line of reasoning may work with the man in the pub or your brother-in-law, but here you're going to find that pretty much all critics have waded through the conspiracy bollocks at some point, evaluated it on its merits and rejected it on its merits.

I'd say conversely if you watch Loose Change uncritically, read 911Scholars uncritically, read Jeff Rense, Alex Jones and Kurt Nimmo uncritically you are going to have the mindset of a conspiraloon and be ill-equipped to evaluate the data impartially.

And logically, if the evidence is scant as you seem to admit, surely the best thing to do would be to tackle the litany of shit legislation that rode on the back of 911 than buy a lottery ticket in the hope that someone will produce a smoking gun... which will never come as the theories just get more and more absurd and impossible to prosecute in a court of law... conveniently for the conspiraloons.

John Tatman

"Cognitive dissonance is a psychological phenomenon which refers to the discomfort felt at a discrepancy between what you already know or believe, and new information or interpretation."

Thanks for the chuckle. A person who subscribes to theses with no peer support, lectures us on epistemology... oooh, the irony.

I could reply with scores of bullshit linguistic theses all they way back to the middle ages to early 20th century that range from Hebrew being the language of God, to American Indians being subnormal because of their grammar to black people being unable to speak English properly because of their "thick lips". All of which for a brief period of time gained currency and got rejected by the linguistics community after thorough examination.

All of which had MORE support from the professional communities that 911 Truth has now. So, where does that put 911 Truth? Not even on the RADAR considering it has no peer support.

So, epsitemologically, I think you are flying in the face of empiricism and guilty of your own charge.

Lord Tennison

Correcting Observer's nonsense

07.01.2007 11:15

Dear "Observer"

You are probably a decent person. I am prepared to assume that you are reasonably rational, intelligent (at least your posts are coherent), and probably even have an ethical code by which you conduct your life. You do seem to be wearing blinkers about this issue. So, let me patronisingly walk you through this very quickly:
1. The WTCs were built to *withstand* one or more direct aeroplane strikes from the biggest passenger jets at the time, which still compare to those that did hit the towers.
2. Steel structures do not collapse from fire, have never collapsed from and never will collapse from fire.
3. The official pancake theory doesn't work because it does not take account of the central core wich should have been left standing had the floors collapsed as described by the 911 Commission.
4. The official pancake theory doesn't work in terms of explaining the speed at which the towrs fell - 8 seconds and 10 seconds. The resistance of lower floors would impede the free-fall speeds of those towers.
5. The official pancake theory cannot explain WTC7. Nor can the falling debris from WTC1 or 2 (considering that WTC7 was the furthest building away from WTC1 & 2) and small fires within WTC7 be used to account for WTC7's collapse. Also, bear in mind that, as the bunker building, it was stringently reinforced in order to protect the inhabitants of that bunker.
6. No physics can explain how WTC1 & 2 collapsed directly into their own footprint - no toppling to the side as one would expect - just straight down. Interestingly enough, WTC7 also collapsed this way too. Never before, nor since, has any building *ever* collapsed straight down - that is why the demolition of buildings needs to be *controlled*.
7. The other interesting aside to this is Silverstein being caught on videotape talking about making the decision to "pull" the WTC7 building and hey presto! it collapses EXACTLY like the WTC1 & 2 buildings - that is, as a controlled demolition! Trouble is, which is now why Siolverstein backtracked and tried to claim he was talking about pulling the firefighters from WTC7 (and there weren't any anyway in WTC7), is that it would have taken several weeks of planning to plant the necessary explosives required to safely bring down WTC7. Except, they would have us believe that it was all done within the course of an hour or two. That's just crap - it doesn't work whichever way you slice it.

Observer, if you are really so observant, I'd suggest that you just find some footage of those buildings collapse - get them from anywhere rather than pollute your mind with alleged conspiraloon theory - and watch them over and over again, with the sound off. You cannot but help to see that those buildings fell neatly downwards (aside from the huge explosions that crimp the buildings and the lines of squib blasts jetting from the floors blow the collapse line, which serve to eliminate the resistance of lower floors that would delay the speed of collapse and make the whle collapse a messy and more natural event). Your government has lied to you and the media is complicit - there are already far too many reports from people on the scene, including CNN, NBC, and even FOX reporters, firefighters, police, and ordinary civilians, who each claim with remarkable similarity that they heard (and saw, in some cases) a series of explosions before the buildings collapsed.

So, in the face of overwhelming evidence that this was a controlled demolition that would have taken weeks even months to prepare for, just shut your eyes, plug up your ears, and sing the party line and dismiss those who don't as conspiraloons. It is people like you are upholding the conspiracy - that 19 hijackers orchestrated this and were able to get NORAD to stand down as well, for the first time in NORAD's history. How convenient.

The real scandals in our society are not disconnected from 9/11, but rather symptomatic of it. If you, and others, buy the party line about 9/11 then you are idiots. 9/11 is the smoking gun as some previous poster claimed, and it is time you guys woke up to it, because it is this singular event that has been used as the justification for the last 5 years' worth of UK/USA-sponsored international and domestic terror campaigns. There are many roads to a more just society. The people in food collectives, in animal activist circles, even those who champion the no nukes agenda, we are all part of the same push against the injustices of society. This is one thread among many, but one with much leverage. You are only serving the dominant ideologies by dismissing these critiques as conspiracy. Unless, of course, you are really only trying to serve your political masters and are nothing more than a weekend warrior from the safety of your arm chair?

Wake up and smell the thermite Observer ... just like all the other so-called Terror plots cooked up by the USA and the UK. Unless, of course, you believe those are true too? Next you'll be believing in Santas Claus and the fairy circles too. Stop promoting the cause of the government and corporations and start to think critically about the shite they are telling you to believe. To paraphrase Jesus of Nazareth - "let those who have eyes see the Truth". Even if you disagree, then come up with your reasons for disagreeing. The trouble is, you can't, so you have to resort to tired old ad hominen arguments, strawman assertions, and separatist slurs about the commitment those who doubt the official 9/11 narrative and their activist credentials. You obviously have no better argument to make. So, therefore, it should be you who shuts up and quits spamming this site with your reactive bullshit, until you have an intelligeible argument to offer.

Captain Chuckles

Captain Chuckles

07.01.2007 15:53

You never wonder why the theses you parrot are not endorsed by the global professional community; why they are never published in any journals with jargon equivalent of headlines like "9/11 evidence faked!" or "Thermite brought down the Twin Towers!" or "Plane could never have hit Pentagon!"

Of course, you will answer that everyone is too scared and subject matter journals are tightly controlled by secret cabals (most likely the Jews)...

The truth is that structural engineers around the world don't think the ramblings of a general physics lecturer from Nowheresville USA are even worth publishing, let alone reviewing. Just like the experts in image forensics see nothing in the shite that What Really Happened come out with.

Even on a common sense level these daft stories make no sense to the rational mind. If PNAC wanted to create a 'New Pearl Harbour' why the hell would they load a building full of Thermite and pretend that a plane crash brought the building down? Especially considering it is guaranteed to be the most scrutinised event of the 20th century since Auschwitz?

They could have easily rigged the building with explosives and blamed Al Qaeda and saved themselves involving thousands more people than they needed to.

To have pulled off what you have suggested would have required thousands of people to be knowledgeably complicit. And you are REALLY suggesting that could be kept quiet on that scale?

If you believe that, then it speaks volumes. But then again, what can we expect people who can only think in binary: either you believe us or you are supporting Bush.

9/11 Truth will never become more than a marginalised tiny subculture akin to UFO abductees, because it has no evidence to gain any expert support.

Mother Goose

This is exactly the kind of rubbish I mean

07.01.2007 15:55

This is exactly the kind of conspiraloon nonsense I was talking about, which Jones and co shout about and focusses attention away from the real problems which we as activisits need to focus on.

Let's look at them:

1. The WTCs were built to *withstand* one or more direct aeroplane strikes from the biggest passenger jets at the time, which still compare to those that did hit the towers.

Misrepresentation: The towers were designed to be able to withstand the impact of a slow moving plan lost in fog and out of fuel, NOT a modern wide bodied jet moving at over 500mph. The original engineers admit that their model did not include the effect of the fueld fires.

2. Steel structures do not collapse from fire, have never collapsed from and never will collapse from fire.

Lie: There have been numerous failures, including (for example) the steel sections of the Windsor Tower. The risk posed to steel framed structures has been recognised in the UK since the war, and fire protection is mandatory under both Scottish and English building regulations.

3. The official pancake theory doesn't work because it does not take account of the central core wich should have been left standing had the floors collapsed as described by the 911 Commission.

Lie: The internal floors, core, and external loadbearing facade acted together like a large girder or space frame. Remove any one, and they all become unstable and collapse.

4. The official pancake theory doesn't work in terms of explaining the speed at which the towrs fell - 8 seconds and 10 seconds. The resistance of lower floors would impede the free-fall speeds of those towers.

Lie: The towers did not fall in 8 and 10 seconds. Frank Greening has shown the collapse speeds to be consistent with structural expectations.

5. The official pancake theory cannot explain WTC7. Nor can the falling debris from WTC1 or 2 (considering that WTC7 was the furthest building away from WTC1 & 2) and small fires within WTC7 be used to account for WTC7's collapse. Also, bear in mind that, as the bunker building, it was stringently reinforced in order to protect the inhabitants of that bunker.

Misrepresentation: WTC7 was hit my large parts of the collapsing towers. Emergency workers reported massive internal damage hours before the collapse and it was cleared because they expected it to go!

6. No physics can explain how WTC1 & 2 collapsed directly into their own footprint - no toppling to the side as one would expect - just straight down.

Lie: Gravity only works straight down, unless our friend actually expected WTC1 and 2 to tip over like telegraph poles!

7. The other interesting aside to this is Silverstein being caught on videotape talking about making the decision to "pull" the WTC7 building and hey presto! it collapses EXACTLY like the WTC1 & 2 buildings - that is, as a controlled demolition!

Deliberate misquote.

We can continue all day like this: conspiraloons lie or misrepresent evidence in order to claim that the American Government did it, which is patently ridiculous, but meaning that ordinary people are distracted from fighting the fight against the REAL scandals that go on.


Was 9/11 An Inside Job?

07.01.2007 16:32

The March 2007 Edition of Hustler in the USA is running the attached article.



07.01.2007 19:16

So, like are you claiming that it must be true because it's in a porn magazine, or that Hustler counts as peer review?


A friend e-mailed me these links this past weekend

11.01.2007 01:15

A friend e-mailed me these links this past weekend

My favorite 911 truth sites:

bureau of transportation statistics search engine:

aircraft registry:

photos of aircraft:

some direct links

Ella Steele
mail e-mail:

What on earth is the motivation for these people ?

12.01.2007 01:49

I'm still asking.What on earth is the motivation for these people doggedly defending this silly 9/11 fairy tale we were fed by the media ? Surely these people are just pretending, having too much pride to admit they were hoodwinked.

If you ask me- this silly 9/11 fable insults the intelligence of even a ten year old , with a jumbo jet miraculously passing through light poles, cable spools and trestles without damaging these solid objects only to disappear into a 15x20 foot hole.The plane dissappeared, but the passengers are somehow miraculously left so intact that each got his or her individual coffin all which were shown on TV lined up on the all too pristine for a plane crash Pentagon lawn. Miraculously no remains of the plane are to be seen between the rings of the building that we are supposed to believe the 757 penetrated . I guess the passengers must have been miraculously invisible during that interval of time.This is nursery school level physics. As I've said ,you 19 Arab hijacker fairy tale defenders need to have more self
respect than to even pretend to believe the neocon's silly set of lies Every aspect of the official story of 9/11 is pure balderdash physics defying malarkey , not worthy of any sane person's consideration.No planes were hijacked on 9-11-2001.And nobody flew any planes into any buildings on 9-11-2001.Cornelius Boss is right on.The Amalgam Virgo dramatization using crude carelessly done CGI's was passed off on a brainwashed gullible public as the real thing.

Stanley Cravens
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