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Solidarity march with prisoners, Dublin morning

ab | 30.04.2004 14:51 | May Day 2004 | Anti-militarism | World

This morning there was a quick march to the local prison to demand Polly to be released, where she is held against bail of 2000 Euros (?). She is being held in connection to the eviction of a squat on Tuesday evening.

The march was quite uneventfull, apart from some corporate jounralists jumping in the middle of the protest trying to stir up trouble. He was told to leave by the protesters, but refused cooperation and then left the demo.

People walked around the prison several times shouting slogans and carrying a banner reading "Our passion for freedom is stronger than any prison." And other sloglans expressing their discontent with the current system and policing policy as well as "fuck the corporate media", and similar.

After about 2 hours the demo dissolved and there were no further incidents.



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30.04.2004 16:32

So you had a bit of a march, waved a few banners (some with rude words on - you little devils)and had a good old shout.

Well I bet that got the Irish Prison Serivce very worried !


And what did you achieve 'Paddy'?

01.05.2004 11:43

A few snide remarks on a website? Congratulations, your desire to snipe from the sidelines is stronger than any solidarity demo!

not a prisoner


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