1.) Edinburgh Claimants destroy forces recruitment brochures - Anti-war 26.02.2003
2.) National Asylum and Immigration Act breaks human rights - Human Rights 20.3.2003
3.) Huge demonstration in Glasgow! - Anti-war 15.2.2003
4.) No more speakers in our name! - Anti-war 13.2.2003
5.) International Demonstrations against War and Imperialism - Anti-war 15.2.2003
6.) Critical mass against the war in Edinburgh - Anti-war 26.1.2003
7.) Blockade of BAe and Ark Royal - Anti-War 13.1.2003
Anti-War actions |
Edinburgh Claimants destroy forces recruitment brochures
On Wednesday, 26th of february, Edinburgh Claimants have destroyed armed forces recruitment material in an Edinburgh Job Centre in resistance to the threatened war with Iraq. The shredded material was returned through the letter box. The group also explains its action, that “ The army and other armed forces try to take advantage of unemployed people?s poverty ”
[full story | Edinburgh Claimants]
Human Rights- 20.3.2003 |
National Asylum and Immigration Act breaks human rights
Justice Collins, in his judgement yesterday on Section 55, said there were quite clearly breaches of Articles 3, 6 and 8 of the Human Rights Act and this has quite clearly influenced NASS to take the action to suspend issuing negative decisions.
Section 55 and 57 came into force on January the 8th and withdrew all support, such as food, shelter, clothing for refugees who claimed asylum in country without legally giving them the right to work, so to force them onto the streets and into complete destitution.
The National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns estimates that there are up to 7,000 asylum seekers who have received negative decisions since 8th January 2003. On average 60% of all applicants have been refused support.
These Sections are even more appalling as most asylum seekers in Britain come from war-torn countries such as Afghanistan and Iraq.
[ NCADC| Scottish Refugee Council | Noborder | audio: interview with activist | audio: interview with NCADC ]
Direct Action against the War - 15.2.2003 |
Huge demonstration in Glasgow!
The peace demonstration in Glasgow was absolutely massive. It was at least the 50 000 reported earlier, but numbers were also said to be 80 000 or even more.
The march was colourfull and peacefull, there were no incidents. Four “ arrests ” were made, but people were released without being taken to the police station.
Protests against politicians plans to bomb Iraq's citizens in the name of humanity and the greed for oil were held all over the world, and are said to be the biggest in a long, long time, probably since the Vietnam war. Protests occurred even in small villages and cities, like the 600 persons strong demonstration in Lerwick on the Shetland Islands. (BBC)
Approaching the elections in Scotland on 1st of may 2003, there were people present across all political persuasions. The university of Strathclyde distributed an “ International survey of anti-war protesters ” (tel: 0141 548 2214). This survey is co-ordinated by Prof. Walgrave of University of Antwerp, Belgium and distributed at the protests all over the world, asking the protesters about their political beliefs and experiences.
Direct Action against the War - 13.2.2003 |
No more speakers in our name!
Scotland's parliament was temporarily reclaimed today, when First Minister's Question Time was interrupted three times. Anarchists and allied anti-war protesters heckled their “ representatives ” over the Scottish Executive's disinterest in the wishes of the Scottish people - as exemplified by Labour's support of the war on Iraq.
“ No more talks in our name ” on Saturday either, when the after-demo rally is banned. Also there seem to be calls out to have also demos starting from the south of Glasgow and the East.
International Anti-War Day - 15.2.2003 |
International Demonstrations against War and Imperialism, 15th of February.
On Saturday, 15th of February, masses will take the streets all over the world to protest against the forthcoming war in the greed for oil and economical control of resources. As the politicians are getting shit-scared, the suspension and abolition of democratic, constitutional and human rights to assemble on the streets to voice alternative opinions are excluded in the lie of "security". The demonstration in Glasgow is expected to be one of the largest Scotland has seen in a long while. The Labour conference will simultaneously take place, and Blair is planned in to speak at 2pm.
[more feature on global imc about February, 15th | feature on global imc about the cancelled demos | call for red and black block at Scottish demo | International anarchist call for global action against capitalism and war]
Critical Mass against the War - 26.1.2003 |
Critical mass against the war in Edinburgh

On Sunday, 26th of January, a crowd of cyclists, drummers, pedestrians and wheelchairs took the street to protest against the forthcoming war and to deliver a clear message of “ Don't attack Iraq ” to the American embassy.
[full story | another report | more impressions]
Direct Action Against the War - 13.1.2003 |
Blockade of BAe and Ark Royal
On Monday 13th, protesters took direct action against the War. BAe, British Aerospace was blockaded in Edinburgh, and access to the Ark Royal, before leaving towards Iraq, was blocked, too, when it was stationed at Loch Long (near Faslane Trident sub base).
[full story]
more features:
Indymedia Scotland January03/December02 features