Last weekend saw the British National Party (BNP) return to the village of Denby, Derbyshire. For the third year in a row, the fascist party were holding their annual Red, White and Blue "festival" in the village, on land owned by party member and former Tory councillor Alan Warner. Anti-fascists protested outside the site. The BNP's recent successes in the European Elections appear to have strengthened the demonstrators' resolve with reports indicating that 1,000-1,500 anti-fascists mobilised against the event.
Last year the event was protested by several hundred activists in the nearby village of Codnor, while a smaller group of antifascists attempted to block access to the site. The campaign against the festival has continued throughout the year with Warner (1 and 2) and event organiser, David Shapcott, having been "visited" by anti-fascists. Warner appears to have decided that enough is enough and told the Derbyshire Evening Telegraph earlier this year that he was looking to move.
Photos: Demonstration against the BNP Event in Codnor 1 | Demonstration against the BNP Event in Codnor 2 | Protest against the BNP Event in Codnor, Derbyshire : Police Action | Demonstration against the BNP Event in Derbyshire: Surveillance Operations | AirRobots Drone deployed at Demo against the BNP Event in Derbyshire | The 'welcoming Gate Crew' BNP Event at Codnor, Derbyshire | Report of anti BNP protest in Codnor with 20 photos | BNP 'Red, White and Blue' festival hit by direct action | Photos from Protest against the BNP's Red White and Blue Festival 2009
On the newswire: Angel-faced BNP racist aged 12 | Radio Derby's friendly chat with the BNP | Report from the protest against the BNP's RWB festival 2009 | First report back from RWB demo | BNP nazi guest barred from UK | Nazi farmer Warner gets another visit | Stop the BNP's 'Festival' of Hate | BNP confirm RWB will be held in Derbyshire for a third year | Fascist farmer targetted again | The BNP's 'RWB' Organizer Gets An Early Call
Previous Features: Protests greet BNP "festival" | Anti-fascists Prepare to Stop BNP "Festival" | BNP Withdraw Festival Licence Application in the Face of Protests | East Mids Campaigners Up The Anti as BNP Make Electoral Gains | Midlands and Yorkshire organise against the BNP
Links: Antifa England | Hope Not Hate | Stop the BNP's RWB Festival | Unite Against Fascism | Indymedia UK Stop RWB topic page
The BNP were protected by a massive police presence (<<a href="/en/regions/nottinghamshire/2009/08/436640.html">1 and 2) involving officers from five counties, including mounted police, a dog team, the Derbyshire police helicopter (which they share with Nottinghamshire) and an unmanned surveillance drone. The operation cost around £500,000 and Derbyshire Police have appealed to the Home Office to bear the cost. According to mainstream media reports, 19 people were arrested during the demonstrations (including a number for "acting unlawfully"). It is not clear these were all protesters as it has also been reported that three people were charged with racially aggravated public order offences
In the run-up to the festival, Preston Wiginton, an American white supremacist who had been invited to speak at the event, was banned from entering the UK.
BNP might not be back in county for festival in 2010
20.08.2009 08:19
Read on...
Anti-fascist groups say protesters will march against the British National Party's Red, White and Blue festival no matter where it is held. It was revealed yesterday that the party was looking at alternative sites after hosting the event in Denby for the third time last weekend.
Simon Darby, from the BNP, said Scotland and the south of England were being looked at as possible venues for 2010. Reasons for the proposed switch include restrictions placed on the Denby site by Amber Valley Borough Council. The authority this year restricted the number of caravans allowed and refused to grant a licence to serve alcohol.
Mr Darby also said the "hassle" given by protesters to Alan Warner – a supporter who hosts the event on his land in Codnor-Denby Lane – was a factor. Other issues include the size of the Derbyshire site, which may not be big enough if the number of supporters increases. The party also wants to hold the festival in a region it has not yet visited.
Mr Darby said: "They are provisional plans at the moment – there are a number of sites that want us. We have now held it in the north, the East and West Midlands and Wales. Talking to local people last week, they are very good about it, very stoic, and understand that it's not us to blame for the trouble but the protesters. It's also getting a bit big for the site and we have to think about the impact on Alan and his family."
However, Mr Darby said a decision was "not imminent".
Kirit Mistry, of the Racial Equality Council in Derby, organised protests against the festival alongside Unite Against Fascism and Stop the BNP. He said: "It's positive news that the event could be moving out of Derbyshire. Communities in Amber Valley and Derby have mobilised against it. Hopefully, wherever they decide to relocate the festival to, local communities and organisations can do the same."
He said the racial equality council would offer help and advice to other areas if they wanted support in organising protests.
Mr Warner, whose property has been vandalised and who has been sent threatening mail, thinks protests will continue even if the festival was moved. He said: "No matter where it is moved to, the protesters will follow. It's up to them if they want to move it. I'm just a party member, I have no say over where it's held."
Mr Warner's neighbour, John Lumsden, who is against the festival, said he had been a "prisoner" in his home during the recent gathering and the "entire village would be chuffed to bits" if it went.
Lancaster Unity
Yeah that's right
20.08.2009 09:59
Yeah the way you oppose a people opposed to democracy is to try and smash democracy yourself.
Dan Factor
2000 on demo v. 1 million votes for the BNP in the elections this year
20.08.2009 15:15
Green party got 200,000 more than the BNP, plus there are about
20.08.2009 19:26
But then the BNP do love flogging dead horses when not trying to pick on minorities or disabled people
Green syndicalist
20.08.2009 19:27
And stop saying 'Math' you numptie.
In the general election you watch that million votes shrink somewhat.
anti fascism is not working
21.08.2009 18:41
we have a choice, maintain the failed demo strategy as UAF demand, appeal to the state to ban and undercut these groups as HnH demand, or actually organise in w/c communities to build inclusive and strong communities which will actually defeat fascism from wherever.
Antifascism isnt failing, it needs more support
22.08.2009 21:57
How many people do nazi demos attract??
People do need more support your right though everyday in our communities, antifascists are people too, we generally arent politicians, we need support. This has to be disciplined though as the media scrutinise & police scrutinise antifascists often more than the nazis
The BNP have nationalist cliches, conditioning, a right wing press& PNACs islamic war to bolster them recenty, no suprise they have had an increase in support in last decade.
Basically seems like your telling all the disabled, black, mixed race, gay people & trade unionists we should just shut up & moddycoddle the moaning-ignorant who vote for them without criticism.
James armchair critic!
23.08.2009 18:31
"Antifascism isnt failing, it needs more support" -- no James, anti-fascism is part of the problem as it seperates fascism off from its context and cause
"D02s you seem to be abit of a armchair critic, majority of antifascists I know do organise,work& support w/c communities." -- far from it, i was in ANL in 78, AFA in the 8ts,a shop steward for c20 years, and resolute community activist and i sorry but i see few 'anti fascists' doing full on community work
"How many people do nazi demos attract??" -- ?? mate they deliberately do not do demos. surely you know this? and they get a million votes
"People do need more support your right though everyday in our communities, antifascists are people too, we generally arent politicians, we need support. This has to be disciplined though as the media scrutinise & police scrutinise antifascists often more than the nazis" --- not sure what this means
"The BNP have nationalist cliches, conditioning, a right wing press& PNACs islamic war to bolster them recenty, no suprise they have had an increase in support in last decade." -- no this is not the whole story and is a cop out. If non fascists can not win in a period like now there is something wrong. it is the politics. we have swopped working at the grass roots for the demo strategy that the nazis are smart enough to see does not work
"MAYBE JUST BEING INVOLVED IN LOCAL CAMPAIGNS & BURYING YOUR HEAD IN YOUR ARSE OR BEING TOO FRIGHTENED OR APATHETIC TO TAKE ON FASCISM ISNT WORKING?? THUS ALLOWING THESE SCUM TO GET AWAY WITH IT" ?? no it is that a lot of us with years of experiance of fighting the fascists realise they will not be beaten by daft demos or no platform or shouting "NAZI!!!!" at them
"Basically seems like your telling all the disabled, black, mixed race, gay people & trade unionists we should just shut up & moddycoddle the moaning-ignorant who vote for them without criticism." -- no i am saying your strategy is obviously failing and failing really badly and it is bizarre you can not see it .. a million votes is beyond the wildest dreams of the old National Front or the BUF .. like AFA in the 8ts, anti fascists need to take stock of what they are doing how they have failed to stop the BNP because they have failed to see what the BNP are.
If you wish to carry on this debate i suggest you join Urban 75 which has the best politics forums in the UK and where this debate is being had right now D02 :)
629,676 members for antibnp facebook gp , join
27.08.2009 20:10
still makes me smile:)
If the BNP getting 2 seats bothers you then vote & help get RMT & Green party to work together & to use as much direct democracy as possible, which already seems to be happening in support of the Vestas workers.
Urban 75 is good, maybe we can continue this debate there
29.12.2009 20:49
steveisscum antifa