Preston Wiginton (left), one of the world’s most active nazis and antisemites, was refused entry by immigration officers at Heathrow airport under laws to keep out “undesirables”. He was to have been the star overseas guest at the BNP’s tenth RWB festival, which opens today in Derbyshire.
It was Wiginton, 44, who organised Griffin’s anti-Islam tour of three US universities at the end of October 2007. As well as financing the trip, Wiginton appealed to users of the Stormfront nazi internet forum to donate money to Griffin while he was in America.
Wiginton had been unknown in the UK before Griffin’s trip and it was Searchlight that exposed him and revealed his extensive nazi activities and connections. This was no doubt what brought him to the attention of the UK Border Agency.
Shortly after his tour Griffin wrote an open letter to “European Colleagues” endorsing Wiginton’s involvement in organising a march in Moscow at which leading nazis addressed a crowd of fascists giving the Nazi salute while shouting “death to the Jews” and “Pure Russia”...
More here:

What's the problem?
14.08.2009 21:53
I'm completely sure I could listen to him all day long without agreeing with his views.
And even if some people do agree with him then what's the problem with that?
We should allow all people of all views into our country so everyone can hear them all and democracy can take its natural course.
There is no Problem Pete
15.08.2009 01:48
Nick Griffins Accountant
15.08.2009 10:20
Karrie Van
15.08.2009 13:58
Those who feel they might adopt BNP policies if they went to hear him speak are perfectly free not to go and hear him speak.
I'm surprised the usual 'anti-fascists' haven't protested at this illiberal and nannying government ban.
The ban also limits the diversity of opinions in the UK, and diversity of opinions and everything else is a good thing which we all celebrate and want more of, not less.
Perhaps it would be nice to have Mister Wigington visit
15.08.2009 18:05
Since 2005, Wiginton has continued to appear at white supremacist events across the United States — and abroad, too. November 4 2008, Wiginton spoke to a crowd of 5,000 Russian ultranationalists at a Moscow rally against non-white immigration including calls for Serbian-style ethnic cleansing. Wiginton responded, "I'm taking my hat off as a sign of respect for your strong identity in ethnicity, nation and race." The audience responded with Nazi salutes and chants of "White power!" in English. Ten days before the Moscow rally, Wiginton served as master of ceremonies at an appearance in Michigan, by British Holocaust denier Nick Griffin, the national chairman of the BNP. He attended a meeting of the only university campus organisation in the whole USA described as a racially motivated hate group.
Being kept out of the UK is probably saving him from arrest and imprisonment. Given his outspoken views on Stormfront:
Beating down a mud [person of color] when they try to poisen [sic] one of our own or when they try to seduce one of our [white] girls may not be God inspired, but rather a righteous act of collective preservation."
— post, July 29, 2007
"Some of the leading skinheads in Russia are my best friends. They are also the founders of the skinhead movement in Russia. … Luckily Russia is the only nation that understands RAHOWA [Racial Holy War]. Because of this … immigrants think twice about coming to Russia."
— post, July 21, 2007
"I am here to tell you of …[a] cancer called illegal immigration … an abnormal growth that is threatening the life of American culture and the life of American people through the poisoning and infecting of our infrastructure … because of unsustainable cost … our streets and neighborhoods with crime … our health and environment with the spreading of diseases … our workforce by displacing jobs and … (our) values and ways of life."
— Excerpt from "Illegal Immigration Spells Cancer for the American Way of Life," undated essay posted to
Nick Griffins Accountant
BNP's new angle?
15.08.2009 22:37
a bit odd
15.08.2009 23:34
The Inability to ban Muslim Clerics
16.08.2009 05:17
When trolling, it is usually best to come up with something better than the same tired claptrap that is trotted out by Griffinite drones. As for banned Muslim Clerics try these:
Abdullah Qadri Al Ahdal
Preacher considered to be engaging in unacceptable behaviour by seeking to foment, justify or glorify terrorist violence in furtherance of particular beliefs and fostering hatred which might lead to intercommunity violence.
Yunis Al Astal
Preacher considered to be engaging in unacceptable behaviour by seeking to foment, justify or glorify terrorist violence in furtherance of particular beliefs and to provoke others to terrorist acts.
Wadgy Abd El Hamied Mohamed Ghoneim
A prolific speaker and writer. Considered to be engaging in unacceptable behaviour by seeking to foment, justify or glorify terrorist violence in furtherance of particular beliefs and to provoke others to commit terrorist acts.
Safwat Hijazi
Television preacher considered to be engaging in unacceptable behaviour by glorifying terrorist violence.
Nasr Javed
Considered to be engaging in unacceptable behaviour by seeking to foment, justify or glorify terrorist violence in furtherance of particular beliefs.
Abdul Ali Musa
Considered to be engaging in unacceptable behaviour by fomenting and glorifying terrorist violence in furtherance of his particular beliefs and seeking to provoke others to terrorist acts.
Amir Siddique
Preacher considered to be engaging in unacceptable behaviour by fomenting terrorist violence in furtherance of particular beliefs.
Face facts. You can go and see Preston Wigington preach racial hatred any time you want. The fare to the US is not that much. You could even get your return fare paid - like SImon Sheppard - if you play your cards right.
Nick Griffins Accountant
interesting viewpoint
16.08.2009 08:44
So what you are saying is keep the Preston Wigingtons out, but let the Muslim hate preachers in?
I realise this is an attempt at appeasement, to try iron out tensions, but I would've thought most people would want to keep all hate mongers out fullstop. But, i guess you are entitled to your own opinions.
fairs fair
16.08.2009 11:17
'You won't like it. But sharia says if they're caught doing it, you stone the woman.'
Lets kick out the white supremists, but also kick out the muslim extremists. They arent welcome here.
Nobody is interested in allowing extremists in
16.08.2009 17:27
Pick up your bat and ball and go home.
Nick Griffins Accountant
No one is illegal
16.08.2009 20:35
No Borders
18.08.2009 22:36
You can agree or disagree with him but how can anyone have a problem with the man expressing his opinion?
Unless of course you have a problem with those you consider uneducated and unable to decide things for themselves hearing opinions they shouldn't be allowed to hear. And surely no anti-fascist could have such a low opinion of any of his fellow citizens.
Let all opinions be freely expressed and let everyone decide if they agree or disagree with them.
Expressing Opinions and Entering the Country
19.08.2009 05:18
"Apparently Wigington calls immigration a cancer."
"Let all opinions be freely expressed and let everyone decide if they agree or disagree with them. "
Fairly obvious that Pete has access to Wigingtons opinions without the man entering the country. So what practical purpose would his presence in the UK serve? When you can find Wigingtons opinions you can decide if you agree or disagree and so freedom of speech is served. So why would the BNP invite him to the country?
Nick Griffins Accountant
ng's accountant
19.08.2009 21:21
"So what practical purpose would his presence in the UK serve?"
Business i'd imagine. Dumbass
Who put you in charge of immigration? Oh thats right - you arn't,
No one asked you and people don't need your permission to do anything.
Go home and collect bottle-tops
rainbow in a beautiful world