Now I've seen 'security' at a wide variety of events / festivals all over the place. Many of them look similar, but i'll give this lot my third-place award for maintaining a crew of heavies & munchkins.
I think, on balance, you wouldn't ask for the time, directions, or could I borrow a cup of sugar?.
I also noticed the photographer, I guess he's taken some of me ........ Perhaps we could compare notes, down the camera club.
Those in ear cb radios arent legal pmr, their probably from amercia, did they
20.08.2009 23:06
Using images
20.08.2009 23:14
Are the images copyright-free? Would you mind if we used one or two on LU?
Lancaster Unity
20.08.2009 23:30
They all look very nice with their branded political security hats etc (though I can't think of any other party that needs to have a branded security team) but surely legit security need to show a badge when on duty.. Correct me if I'm wrong, oh Indymedia Oracle...
I'm well 'ard says BNP security
20.08.2009 23:40
Dear Question, an answer
21.08.2009 04:07
These clauses create the offence of engaging in conduct for which a licence is required when not in possession of the appropriate licence. The penalty on conviction in a magistrates' court, is up to six months' imprisonment or a fine of up to £5,000, or both.
The current designated sectors or activities that must be covered by a licence are as follows:
security guarding - under contract
door supervisors - under contract and in-house
vehicle immobilising - under contract and in-house
private investigation - under contract
security consultants - under contract
keyholders - under contract.
These activities are defined in detail in Schedule 2 of the Act.
The Secretary of State can, by statutory orders, add or remove activities from the above list.
The following categories of people will need licences:
security contractors, directors of security companies and partners in security firms employees of security contractors, security companies and security firms
agency workers performing the designated duties persons who manage or supervise security operatives supplied under contract by a security contractor (but not in-house supervisors of contractors) agency-supplied managers or supervisors of security operatives supplied under contract directors of security companies and partners in security firms who do not themselves carry out the designated activities in-house door supervisors and vehicle immobilisers and their employers, managers and supervisors others who immobilise vehicles on private land against a release fee. The Secretary of State can, by order, add or remove categories of people from the above list.
Some activities can be classified as exempt from the licensing requirements. The strict conditions are laid out below:
Section 4(4) of the PSIA 2001
Exemption for Approved Contractors
A person will not be guilty of an offence under section 3 of the Private Security Industry Act if the following conditions are met. Please note, every condition must be met for in order for section 4 to apply.
Security activities are carried out by a security operative in their capacity as a director, partner or employee; An application for an SIA licence is pending; The licence applied for would authorise the security operative to carry out the security activities at (a) above, and is not one that has previously been refused; The company or employer is currently registered as an approved provider of security industry services under section 14 of the Private Security Industry Act 2001; and the SIA has authorised that company or employer to use directors, partners or employees whose applications are pending to carry out the security activities at (a) above.
I see no SIA Identity Badges, clearly, several of the persons in the pictures are on public property at certain points. Being clearly branded as Security suggests that the photography was undertaken as "Investigation" which has separate licence requirements. Given the likelyhood that the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act was not considered in bringing unmarked security personnel to the front of the event, it might also be sensible to consult someone more knowledgeable than Nick Griffin on that aspect of the Security arrangements.
Nick Griffins Accountant
here we go again
21.08.2009 07:20
You seem to do lots of research and whinging but then never dont do anything about it.
So i think the BNP can sleep at peace on this issue
Nazi Fest Disrupted
21.08.2009 09:27
I hear they are moving it for next year, worry not we shall find you.
Simon Bennett
21.08.2009 11:53
This is a pictture of him, although he sometimes has a shaven head.
Height and muscles can be a big disadvantage
21.08.2009 16:13
There's plenty to be said for anti-fascists learning martial arts like jujitsu / taijutsu / aikido / hapkido where a smaller person with a lower centre of gravity (and one who is less likely to start a fight, but more likely to want to defend themselves from attack) has the advantage over a big lumbering muscular brute with a high centre of gravity.
I've watched 4ft something petite women beating the living crap out of 6ft something burly men using some of these arts - it was incredibly entertaining!
The floor hits much harder than a person can, and can be found everywhere without needing to be carried with you.
Muscles are for wimps! ;-)
Ninja Pirate
ninja pirate & schoolboy errors
21.08.2009 18:56
I would've thought a real ninja would know their Sun Tzu:
"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle."
- Sun Tzu
Its absolutely ludicous suggestion to even consider getting in a fight with someone if you know nothing about them and just judging their ability by looks alone. I know this girl who has climbed 7c/8a sports routes (which is a very high grade), you'd never guess looking at her. Equally, my old dentist is one of the top paragliders in the country. Again, you'd never guess, he just looks like he owns a caravan but he actually spend his holidays doing allsorts of highly skilled stuff. If you pick every fight just by looking at people down the end of your long nose, you wont be winning them all, no matter how well trained you are.
And you show a distinct lack of understanding as to what security is for. But, just for you, here are the 4 main purposes for using security: 1) detect, 2) deter, 3) observe and 4) report.
Since no-one went waltzing up through the gate i guess they did (2) to an sufficient level.
Question isnt if antifash infiltrated, question is how many
22.08.2009 21:38
"security" look abit like the wolfs hook nazi gang originating from north notts area, degenerates well known in last few years for literally murdering each other in front of their kids.
No Doubt many of them were c18 "back in the day",like Baby P's murderer
23.08.2009 04:21
Apparently Barker used to make the 2yr old Baby P seig heil when ever he entered the room according to his grandparents
There are plenty of forums this & places where people should be reminded of what these honourable men are like.
No -
No Doubt many of them were c18 "back in the day",like Baby P's murderer
23.08.2009 05:57
Apparently Barker used to make the 2yr old Baby P seig heil when ever he entered the room according to his grandparents
There are plenty of forums this & places where people should be reminded of what these honourable men are like.
No -
To alfie - a misunderstanding?
23.08.2009 06:08
I think you may have misunderstood what I'm saying, so let me clarify - I'm not suggesting strolling up and picking fights with their gate crew in an attempt to bust into their "festival"! (I appreciate I wasn't explicit about that before!)
I'm suggesting that for antifascists who are less likely to actually start a fight but quite likely to get started ON by big meathead fash who will undoubtedly use their size to intimidate and will have no qualms about getting physical (not necessarily these "Security" in broad daylight in front of the cops, but big meathead fash in general), then you could do far worse than get a bit of training in a martial art like jujitsu / taijutsu / aikido / hapkido - all arts in which size and having big muscles don't matter so much.
Also all arts which cope very well with having things like baseball bats swung at you - because they take advantage of facts like the other person being in motion towards you, them initiating the fight, and coming at you with a weapon.
So, to reiterate again - I'm not suggesting getting in a fight with them on purpose. I'm suggesting learning something so that as a perhaps smaller, perhaps weaker, probably more likely to want to defend yourself person, you have something to hand if the fash start on you.
I know that I'm almost certainly not going to deliberately start a physical fight with some random fash - that to do so is risky at the best of times. But it gives me some comfort to know that if they start one with me, I know enough to defend myself under a wide variety of situations and against a wide variety of weapons, and will always have a bit of ground under my feet which I can make good use of. That's all I'm saying, really.
I like that Sun Tzu quote - it's a good one.
Ninja Pirate
03.12.2009 21:35
Oh Dear
03.12.2009 21:39
ah well, i did try lol