SATURDAY 21st August 2010
33 Silksworth Row
Central Sunderland
Barbecue - meat & veggie, Books & Mags;
Local and general history, Environment, football and other sport, culture, railways, mining, fiction, social science, Marxism, co-operatives, economics, anarchism, international relations, socialism, trade unions, sex, drugs & rock n' roll
Sunderland against the cuts should be there, & this is a good opportunity to discuss the current political situtation.
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get back to uni
18.08.2010 16:04
Right wing cliche
18.08.2010 22:24
If you stepped out from your steroetyping and used your brain for once you would find that the real working class movement ALWAYS valued education. The early trade unions (which contrary to stereotype were not dominated by Marxists) and organisations like the Workers Educational Association which has been going for 100 years now (all around the country). You right wing dimwits are so thick its pathetic, you really do live in a fantasy world of your own construction and you try to force square pegs into round holes. Get a grip/life etc...
18.08.2010 22:53
Modern Left out of touch with working class
19.08.2010 07:59
This is in stark contrast to previous decades when the left was literally dominated by the working class. Today, you just don't find too much working class participation in politics. People still vote, but they're mostly apathetic and they don't consider alternatives to the establishment parties, even though Labour doesn't give a whit about workers. But you've got the BNP making plenty of inroads with working class voters thanks to the anti-immigration, anti-Muslim platform and heaping blame for society's ills upon immigrants and Muslims. Whenever times are tough, people always go after the minorities without considering that this pattern has been repeated many times before and led to the Nazi takeover of Germany.
The establishment still is very much afraid of any alternative to capitalist exploitation, especially Marxism, and the BNP is absolutely a tool of the upper classes to rile up the working class and distract them from the real source of the problems. What we are witnessing is the slow and gradual rise of a far-right party in almost the same exact way that the Nazi Party rose, with upper class financing and working class votes.
The solution is to pinpoint those areas where the BNP has been gaining in support and establish lines of communication with the workers there and educate them, instead of simply protesting and demonstrating. One of the biggest failures of the left has been the inability to educate people out of their prejudices, and things are getting worse since society is becoming more stratified and working class children aren't getting the education they deserve.
The ideologues of the left need to get out of their ivory towers and start talking to workers face to face, with particular focus on the poorest, least educated workers.
20.08.2010 07:46
Toxteth Tommy
20.08.2010 12:49