* Neda Agha-Soltan, Presente! Murdered June 20, 2009
* Video and Pictures from the Rebellion in Iran
* Iranian Bus Workers Support the Magnificent Demonstration of Millions
* The Revolution will be Tweeted: Activism in the Age of User Generated Content
* Stealing Iran
* Wake Up Jim Cramer! In Iran It’s Much Ado About Something
* Solidarity With Iranian Political Prisoner Mansour Osanloo
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Rich rebellion
24.06.2009 20:42
capitalist running dogs
24.06.2009 21:05
wierd website though...
24.06.2009 22:06
My enemy's enemy
24.06.2009 22:14
A: When that regime is opposed to Israel. To paraphrase Churchill, they'd probabably rally to the defense of the devil if hell was hostile to Israel.
Long live Freedom, Long live equality , down to barbaric Islamic rules
24.06.2009 22:55
Spanish UGT and CC.OO will be rallying in front of the Iranian Embassy in Madrid on 26 June. The two confederations have prepared a joint statement which will be read-out at the protest demonstration and will submit a letter to the Iranian Ambassador.
Aufruf zum weltweiten Aktionstag am 26. Juni 2009.
Knapp zwei Millionen Menschen im Iran erhalten keine Bezahlung für ihre Arbeit – einige von ihnen seit fast Jahren nicht. Unabhängige Gewerkschaftsbewegungen im Land versuchen verzweifelt gegen die Missstände anzukämpfen, werden aber systematisch unterdrückt bzw. nicht anerkannt.
ITUC, EI, ITF, IUF write to islamic Supreme Leader
The four global union organisations organising the worldwide action day for Iran today wrote to the country’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Sayed ‘Ali Khamenei setting out the aims of the action day and deploring the brutal repression that is being handed out to Iranians expressing their legitimate right to campaign for freedom.
Canadian Labor Congress has written to the Iranian Embassy in Ottawa, insisting that Iran must “join the international community in respecting the freedom of thought and expression”. Failure to do so, they warned, the CLC wholly endorses the organization of rallies and public demonstrations – in Toronto and elsewhere in Canada – in support of such an outcome.
There is a daily struggle by workers and progressive activist for recognition of the Workers rights,– Justice for Iranian workers – to include the human rights of all Iranians who have been deprived of their rights.
Secularism, Freedom with no conditions, free all political prisoners, equal right for women, End the forced hejab law, freedom of organisation for workers
no friend of israel's aparthate state either
25.06.2009 00:56
none with any respect for humanity
- my enemy's enemy is not my friend and i dont stand with you either Observer
http://no friend of isreali state either observer
Should we support them?
25.06.2009 14:11
On the other hand, why now? it's not exactly the first revolution in Iran, is it coincidental that this is happening under Obama? what part did the CIA play in all of this? but more importantly, suppose they over throw the government, who's gonna get in power? is it going to be a socialist(ish) government? is it going to develop into another dictatorship?
The US will be in position of power no matter who wins this, the fact that they may have helped in "exiting" people to revolt does not mean that we should not support it. but what exactly are we supporting? is the welfare and well being of people in Iran going to dramatically improve after this? or are they going to change one oppressive regime with another? of course I support a revolution, of course I stand with the people who oppose a draconian government which tortures and kidnaps people, and which takes away the rights of woman, but my parents supported on of those just a generation ago, and this was high jacked (in their eyes). what started as a coalition of Muslims and communists, ended up being a Muslim revolution. what makes this one different? have we learned from our mistakes? I am not so sure we have.
Their position about relations with the west and Israel is none of my concern, yet! a western democracy is still better then a Muslim government. that is, if the well being of people is better. but is it going to be? are people going to be freer after this?
good relations with the west can only be a good thing, because bad relations with it means being constantly blackmailed by it. it does allow more freedom of manoeuvre for the government, it does allow more money to be put into welfare, and more "incentives" from America.
Talking to Israel could also give it some weight on influencing the Palestinian occupation, where as generations of boycotting it give them absolutely no influence and have just made Israel more militaristic in it's attitude.
We should support the people, in this time, they need it most, but we can't support their leaders, because no matter how good they are, a few years in power will corrupt them and repeat the cycle that we've seen everywhere there has been a revolution, more so if it's a socialist revolution.
Support the Iranian anti authoritarian, support the Anarchist struggle everywhere, but be weary of their self proclaimed "leaders"!
Of course, but who?