Model letter to British Airways
- application/msword 28K
Hermine claimed asylum in the UK on 23rd November 2007. Her claim was refused, and her support withdrawn in July 2008. She was detained by the Home Office, then tagged and released with no rights to work, benefits or housing. Since September she has been accommodated and supported by the Boaz Trust. Hermine has a recent medical report, which confirms that she has been tortured; her legal representatives are preparing a fresh claim for asylum.
Please can you take a few minutes to act on Hermine's behalf? She is an intelligent and popular lady who has been an excellent volunteer at Boaz and has a lot to offer our country. If she is returned to Cameroon her life will be in grave danger.
What You Can Do
All day to day Thursday 13th January and all day Friday 16th January
1) Fax Willie Walsh, Chief Executive Officer British Airways and urge him not to carry out the forced removal of Hermine Clautilde Mofor Kaldjob. We have attached a model fax / letter for you to use (Hermine - British Airways.doc ). You can copy, amend or write your own version - please include all the following details: "Forced Removal of Hermine Clautilde Mofor Kaldjob, on British Airways Flight BA302 from Heathrow Airport at 06.15 to Paris / Yaounde". Remember to add your name, address, city, country, post code, telephone number & e-mail.
Fax Number: 020 8759 4314
2) Send a fax or email (immediately) to Rt. Hon. Jacqui Smith, Secretary of State for the Home Office asking that Hermine Clauilde Mofor Kaldjob be granted protection in the UK. Attached is a model letter (Hermine - Home OfficeJS.doc) you can copy, amend, or write your own version. If you do so, please remember to include her Home Office ref: M1362051. Remember to add your name, address, city, country, postcode, telephone number and e-mail.
Email addresses:

"CIT - Treat Official"

Fax Number: 020 8760 3132
And, if you have time, could you please email us at Boaz to let us know action you have taken.

If you have got this far, I guess you intend to do something, so…thank you!
Please feel free to forward this email on to your friends and family who may be willing to take a stand against this injustice.
If you have any questions about Hermine's case or the work of Boaz, please contact the Boaz Office on 0161 202 1056.
Thank you once again for your support. Every fax, email and prayer counts.
On behalf of the Boaz Team

End of Bulletin:
Source for this Message:
Friends of Hermine Mofor