Should he win a place, we could see the income of the BNP improve dramatically, to the detriment of everyone who opposes it. Richard Barnbrook tithes 10% (£5,000) from his income as a London Assembly member and Griffin would be expected to do the same. This amount can buy an awful lot of lying leaflets and/or petrol for the infamous Lie Lorry. Once inside Europe, Griffin's BNP would also strengthen its links with the many other far-right groups that are represented at Brussels, some of which are a good deal more overtly to the right of the BNP.
We have a good deal of work to do to keep Griffin or any of his acolytes out of Europe, and he knows there is a real possibility of winning a seat this time. With Euro-scepticism rife and the right-wing press slagging off the EU on any pretext, the mood is in his favour. But we'll fight him and we'll keep him out - and Blackpool is the very first stage of this fight. While he announces his campaign, we'll be there to show him and Blackpool BNP that there is massive opposition that is prepared to stand up and be counted.
A triple demo then - opposition to the BNP conference, opposition to the BNP in Blackpool and a big two-fingers to Griffin's opening shot in his campaign for a seat on the European Parliament.
Time: 12 noon
Date: Saturday November 15th
Location: the square at the top of Victoria Street at the side entrance to the Winter Gardens. A map that clearly shows the location is at the top of this post.
Directions: If you're coming from the prom, aim for Blackpool Tower and Victoria Street is just a few metres to the North of it. Victoria Street is pedestrianised so walk to the other end of it and you'll find us in the big square next to the Winter Gardens. For drivers, the best way is to park up in the Hounds Hill shopping centre multi-storey car park, go out through the shopping centre and you're in Victoria Street. Turn right and the demo is a fifty metre stroll.
Dress up warm. It's chilly in Blackpool in November.
Map here: