The venue for the launch- the Sandbar, 120 Grosvenor St- has not been chosen by accident. The Sandbar recycles all its cardboard, glass and paper, and gets its electricity from a 100% renewable energy supplier.
One of the book's editors, Marc Hudson, said "This is a fun, practical book, full of useful information about who's doing what in Manchester on a range of different issues- food, education, transport. It's got cartoons, quotes and is all in bite-sized pieces (4). And the Sandbar is the perfect location for a launch, because they take their environmental responsibilities seriously, while still being a really great locally-owned venue."
Contact details
Marc Hudson on 07591 968 335
Sarah Irving on 07739 147095
1. Manchester Climate Fortnightly is a news-sheet that has been running since June 2008. It covers local action on climate change by the City Council, AGMA, community groups and individuals. It is free and can be downloaded from
2. Manchester Climate Forum was set up in February 2007. It hosts regular meetings for discussion and information exchange. It has also hosted debates between Manchester Airport and environmental protestors (Nov 2007), local election candidates (April 2008) and most recently pro- and anti- Congestion Charge speakers.
3. The Sandbar is at 120 Grosvenor St, M17HL
4. The contents page can be seen at
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14.09.2008 11:52
I've been in the Sand Bar. It is inefficiently lit - many small, inefficiently placed bulbs. Mention that to them when you are there will you?