Monday 29th October 7.30pm, £20/ £14 concessions
- benefit social at Chorlton Irish Club with Claire
Mooney, Republic of Swing Bateria Samba Band and
Disco, Friday 30th November 8pm - 1am, £10/ £5 concessions
Contact details for both events are 07947 260208 or

The events are in aid of the appeal to help communities on Nicaragua's North Atlantic coast, which was hit at the beginning of September by Hurricane Felix. It has left over 100,000 homeless and several hundred dead in this already poor and remote area. Crops, livestock, homes and health centres were also killed or destroyed.
Manchester has a historical link with the area; the strong and vibrant Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign of the 1980s and 1990s included a direct link group between Manchester and Bilwi (Puerto Cabezas, the main town in this area). The events are being organised by many of the people who were active in this group, some of who are still concerned about friends in the area from whom they have not had word.
In addition, October 18th is the anniversary of the death of former Manchester city councillor and lesbian & gay activist Margaret Roff in a fire in Bilwi, where she was staying as part of a solidarity group. Friends of Margaret are hoping that these events will also be a mark of respect for her.