St Nicholas Church, Market Place, Durham City.
Saturday November 3rd 2007, 10-5pm
North East Working Class Bookfair
St Nicholas Church, Market Place, Durham City.
Saturday November 3rd 2007, 10-5pm
You are invited to visit the 1st Ever North East Working Class Bookfair!
There are no bookshops in the North East for working class people to view our history and contemporary movements’ literature, and so the time is ripe for such a venture, which will become a self-funding annual event, an event to be written into any active groups’ calendar.
Cunningly placed after the ‘Big Meeting’ in the run up to Christmas in Durham cities vibrant Market Place. This event will be popular as a place to; meet like minds, get up to date books and magazines, learn of future movement events and it is at a time suitable for the purchase of presents. There will also be a social event, talks, and/or entertainment booked for the evening, to be confirmed.
The range of local groups invited includes; political groups, Trade Unions, community groups, campaign groups, and history societies.
This Bookfair will help us spread news and ideas from the past, and help to circulate news of struggles and ideas based in the current time. Trevor Bark today said "The Durham Miners Gala is great but it is only 1 day a year, this event fills the gap somewhat."
Call 07931 301901 for more information.
Link to the bookfair on the Durham County Council website;