By Lloyd Hart
Now that Israel and Israel's leadership have been exposed too a much larger global audience and in particular the U.S. and European audience as intransigent, unrepentant violators of international law concerning human rights and is now being accused of war crimes more specifically dealing with targeted assassinations and the collective punishment of the Palestinian people without due process with respect to habeas corpus - and now that Jimmy Carter has written a book slamming Israel and the U.S. support of Israel regardless of its criminal behavior - and now when America's own reputation and authority and most importantly America's traditional foreign policy behavior has been exposed to be on par with and actually much much worse than Israel's psychotic violence - Now and only now somehow, so-called left leaning Jews can clear their throats and find their voice? Now and only now that the true intentions of right wing Zionism of a Greater Israel is exposed oh so completely to the world - so-called liberal Jews feel they must take action?
According to a article by Gregory Levey there is a new left leaning lobbying group being set up by the likes of George Soros and Clinton adviser Jeremy Ben-Ami to counter the work of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). Besides being completely shockingly and probably self-servingly late in coming to the process - the question has to be asked - what the fuck do these guys think they can accomplish?

Do they think they can reverse the global PR damage that has been done to Israel by right and left-wing Zionists alike after they assassinated Yitzak Rabin, walled the Israeli and Palestinian populations off into something that resembles 14th century European Jewish ghettos with the Israeli side of the wall having all money and more or less assassinating Yasser Arafat and the government of the Palestinian territories while at the same time completely demolishing the entire Palestinian territories physical infrastructure and then with the entire world watching, Europe, the U.S. and Israel decide to spin the Palestinian territories into a civil war because they don't like the outcome of an election?
Well George Soros and Jeremy Ben-Ami, have you ever pulled an independent, sovereign nation out of your ass? Because that is exactly what you're going to have to do in order to repair whatever reputation you think Israel may deserve at some point in the future?
Now that Israel suffers the same exposure for its crimes against humanity that the U.S. does or vice versa - the only possible independent sovereign nation that will be acceptable to the global public opinion but most importantly to Israel and the financial aid it recieves - the one acceptable to the American public opinion, you know the honest one, a Palestinian state that forms along the Israeli border that existed prior to the 1967 war in which Israel captured and held the West Bank and Gaza Strip and from which the United Nations ordered Israel to retreat. In which of course with the help of the United States of America Israel truly began racking up it's rap sheet as an international war criminal. Incidentally for those that did not know, Israel fired the first shot in the '67 war just in case you didn't hear the truth through the din of American and Israeli propaganda and lies. By the by, the capital of this new Palestinian state must be East Jerusalem.
Just so you know that I am not being bought off or am paid by some Arab or Palestinian interests. I don't believe the Palestinian side or the greater Arab world have been saints with their hands extended out offering peace the entire time. No, quite the contrary - there has been a very difficult history of violence over the centuries between Arabs, Christians and Jews from which the Arabs and Jews have taken the greater hits.
Most importantly in the recent history of the Holocaust - perpetrated against the Jews during World War Two by not just the German Nazis but almost all conservative Christians who either participated in or were happy the Jews were being slaughtered after being spoon fed and swallowing 1700 years of anti-Semitic propaganda from the Roman Catholic Church. (Henry Ford and the Jews - Neil Baldwin/IBM and the Holocaust - Edwin Black/Constantin's Sword - James Carroll). At the time the Germans were persecuting the Jews during World War Two, several Arab leaders including a few Palestinian ones spoke in support of what the Germans were doing to the Jews and even went so far as to gain Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany as allies (Banking On Baghdad - Edwin Black). At one time or another Arabs, Christians and Jews have all played a role in war crimes.
However, the Arab League has once again recently voted unanimously to provide Israel with full diplomatic and official recognition as an independent state in exchange for Israel's cooperation in the creation of an Independent Palestinian State formed along the '67 lines - with East Jerusalem as it's capital.
And as for all you right-wing Zionist obsessives who carry around the unwritten but most foreword in thought and action - the policy of a Greater Israel and in particular and being most practically manipulated by the Israeli government in terms of controlling the groundwater in the West Bank and the Golan Heights, which Israel proper by the way does not have much of, water that is. You have your greater Israel. It came in the form of the Arab conquest. Whether you wish to recognize it or not. Arabs are not just your cousins genetically. Arabs, the Arabic language and Islam in particular are an evolution of all things Hebrew and Bedouin. It is time for Zionism to stop embracing its most brutal, genocidally murderous master - Christianity, arguably the most ignorant and violent religion ever created and embrace your fellow Jews, the Arab people.
In case you hadn't noticed the white Europeans who have so dominated the last 2000 years of history with every kind of psychotic violence you can imagine including making themselves completely ignorant through many purges and in inquisitions which stripped women of their traditional place at the table of power from the castle to the village and which instituted the idea that white people indeed white Christians were superior to all other races and indeed that Christianity was a white people's religion. And because white Christians were supposedly superior this became the only excuse white Europeans needed to commit mass genocide where ever they went. 32 million Native Americans, Millions of Africans enslaved, murdered and worked to death, 6 million Jews, arguably everyone that died in World War Two - psychotic, violent white Christians are to blame.
The reign of terror of this racist white Christian monster continues today in Iraq. The American and European white media have spent immense amounts of energy vilifying the Arab people and in extraordinarily racist methodology in order to gain the cooperation of the institutional racist societies of America and Europe that allowed and continues to allow the wholesale slaughter of the Iraqi people and also continues to allow the slaughter of the Palestinian people.
You tell me my Zionist friends, do these psychotic, violent white Christians cry everytime a Jew dies. I think not. Rather quite the opposite. It can be argued that the U.S. and British control of the state of Israel is anti-Semitic for the simple fact that all it has done is led to the deaths thousands of Jews. It can be argued that the Bush regimes Road Map to Peace policy is anti-Semitic because it has led to the destruction of the state of Israel's legitimacy as an independent sovereign nation or Jewish state in the eyes of the world making Jews look as though they were on par with or at least heading in the direction quickly of the war criminals that persecuted and committed mass genocide against the Jews in the past.
Lets see, who just dropped thousands anti personal cluster bombs on Arab villages and towns in Southern Lebanon leaving over a million unexploded bomblets scattered all over Southern Lebanon which will more than likely kill rather than cripple thousands of Arabs for the next twenty years.
So, can a so-called left leaning lobby group headed up by George Soros and Jeremy Ben-Ami overcome the Zionist's deeply entrenched Stockholm syndrome and actually get Israel to do something to relax the siege mentality that Zionists walk around with everyday making all Arabs everywhere their enemies forever and ever and ever. Well, I certainly wish you all the luck in the world but the just like in America, Israel is taken over our by right wing fanatics who have complete control of the military and its nuclear arsonal and are completely intransigent to any outside influences. If I didn't think that both left and right wing Zionists were completely nuts and suffering horribly from Stockholm syndrome I just might even join you in the effort to save the Zionists from themselves.
Lloyd Hart

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