manchester city council are using a funding crisis at cab to end independent, impartial advice in manchester (swan street bureau is the thin end of the wedge) and put their own 'manchester advice' in, instead. this is despite the fact that 'manchester advice' refer to cab and that cab provide in depth advice and advocacy for the people who need it most. manchester advice don't. please help. the situation is desperate. get your city councillor involved, write to the papers- manc eve news is doing an article on it soon, petitions (urgent ones!) direct action, tell people whats happening, anything.. please.
cab exists so that everyone can access free, independent, impartial advice and so that noone is denied access to their rights, advice and help because, for whatever reason, it is difficult for them to get the information and help they need. caught in a political game, its only real resource ultimately are the people of manchester. please act soon. by the end of december, it will be too late for central bureau, swan street. up to last week, the demand for the service was greater than it could meet. what is going to happen to those people now?
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cab action
22.02.2007 10:50
take action.
if the council is pulling funds
lobby them get the help of others by focussing on the service provided.
but also think big national action in which local cabs could do something in solidarity with you..once they feel the power of organised resistance they will think twice of brushing you away like flies.
volunteers are also able to operate more freely..a march to the town hall a band a lobby all to rattle the local power mandarins..time to call end to free volunteer labor..a social strike would be the ideal shake up the voluntary sector industry..with its top whack payscales for the elite personnel directing the chaos and shoeleather expenses or scraps for the bottom dogs..these of course scrutinised by the benefit police..
they operate principally as a support lung for the labour party and its social policy unit ..they neither resolve things or change things but tinker with capitalism throught the amelioration of the clients circumstances..but like trial by jury we defend it and ask for more..
so cab workers to the barricades..