The eco-activists fresh from helping to plan the next climate camp headed down to the SUV garage in various states of attire to highlight the link between our unseasonably warm weather and the emissions of the polluting 11 miles per gallon SUVs.
We began with a couple of women dressed as yuppies who went in and posed as potential buyers. They were informed by the dodgy car salesman that although the new Hummer 3 was technically classified as a Heavy Goods Vehicle it still fitted into some large parking spaces. Then the first of our “real” activists arrived and started telling our Yuppies why not to buy these vehicles of mass destruction.
A banner saying “Stop urban 4x4s” was then dropped from the tram bridge overhead. Several others then entered the forecourt and attached themselves to the front of the obscenely large vehicles, one lay covered in fake blood a casualty of the killer hummer. The other activists dressed as clown soldiers, pixies, a gas-masked bride, Tony Blair, a skeleton, Marylin Monroe with a half burnt American flag, the yuppies and various generically-modified hippies infiltrated the garage then bounced around the £50K+ luxury soft tops and SUVS.
A police motorcyclist then turned up on the scene and promptly called for 3 tactical aid units. The main concern of the 15 odd Police that turned up was not the protection of our planet for the future generations but wasting taxpayers money protecting these bourgeois assesories from scratches.
We had D-locked the electronic gates open so we could move in and out freely but after an hour and half the police turned up concealing their new specialised hydrolic cutting equipment and promptly cordoned off the whole gate. They did a good job of helping us to stop people from buying these vehicles. We continued to demonstrate and hand out flyers to the public and a special certificate to people who drove past in SUVs congratulating them for destroying our planet. We tried to keep the typically unresponsive police entertained with discussions about the complexities of the climate crisis.
We found lots of people on the street found it hard to see past the shiny SUVs to our sophisticated analysis that cars cause climate change, which is bad; so big cars cause more climate change, which is even worse!
We raised awarness of the link between the fact that all vehicles, but SUVS in particular, are a very significant contributer to climate chaos. We helped the police stop the selling of these killing, destructive machines. We handed out flyers to hundreds of people and managed to knock the hats of no less than 7 police officers as they passed under our banner.
It was agreed by all involved that we would not cause criminal damage on this action, resulting in no arrests, in what was a very easy to organise and effective action.
Hide the following 15 comments
Freedom of choice?
17.10.2006 15:02
I'm not critising your aims, I'm questioning your 'ban-this-now' attitude.
No Freedom of choice
17.10.2006 15:30
We live in a society where we don't have freedom of choice. We cannot choose to kill people today. We should not be allowed to choose to kill people tomorrow.
I choose to buy bombs. Why can't I choose this? I choose to buy slaves. I can choose to do all sorts of unsociable things. But society does not allow this. And rightly so.
And what about the people who choose to live a peaceful life in Iraq or Palestine? Where is the freedom to choose this? Motorists have stolen this freedom.
It is time that motorists, and not just 4x4 drivers, learn that they cannot do whatever they want. They have a responsibility to future generations to ensure that we have a world that we can live in in the future.
Climate change is killing people now. If people don't think about their actions instead of just complaining that they can't drive whatever they want then we really are all doomed.
Hardly lifestylists!
17.10.2006 15:59
Well done to all those who took the time out of their 'lifestyles' to do this and risk disruption to their 'lifestyles' by arrest and possible charge to make a very vaild point.
We need fewer hummers, fewer apologists and fewer armchair critics!
Good show
destructive comments
17.10.2006 17:31
(it took the hypocritical warmongering civil rights bashing excesses of new labour to wake me up, I somehow managed to sleepwalk through thatcherism)
I have noticed how immediately any effective protest actions are attacked with a comment,it is almost as if someone is being paid to watch out for anything that looks as if it has legs and then attempt to undermine it and rubbish it or question its integrity and try to make the action look pointless
it is in fact bizarre that the people who are trying to stop wars and climate change are seen as enemies of the state when in fact they are generally the opposite
mike d
Well done...
17.10.2006 18:02
Well done, from the Alliance Against Urban 4x4s
18.10.2006 10:08
Freedom of choice, fortunately, doesn't even enter the equation when any sensible rational human beings talk about Hummers. In war zones? maybe. In the UK? Why?
Blake Ludwig
Freedom of choice?!
18.10.2006 16:53
urban 4x4s, rural workhorses?
19.10.2006 11:11
Anyway - a great action - well done!
19.10.2006 15:08
well done, excellent stuff! i was at manchester and wish i had been there at the action with you- but there *will* be more where they came from!!
feeling rather more positive now after having very despondent day. and to the poster/s who made the points about 'freedom' and social responsibilty, how beautifully put. i have tried to put across that argument too, recently when faced with the old "my father didn't fight in world war 2 so some hippies can tell me what i can or can't drive" bulls**t. i point out that my grandfather certainly didn't serve so that anyone could do whatever they wanted, hang the consequences. (wasn't that the 'official' reason for the war in the first place?) in fact, those kinds of comments are so crazy, sometimes my brain freezes up with the ridiculousness of it all.
why can't people see that they are being childish (and not in a good way) when they demand everything they want now,now,now and forever (what forever is that,now?) no matter how damaging? where are the 4x4 and airline asbo's???!!! (joke, asbos are rubbish)
crash, puff, rant.
none of us are perfect though, are we? just one or two pleas to all of us- keep and open, enquiring mind and try the best you can for peace and a good planet to live on. and let's keep having a laugh (but not at other's expense). sermon ends.
love, katy
19.10.2006 21:35
some coverage
24.10.2006 14:10
a touch narrow minded ?
28.11.2006 16:07
I use an off road vehicle as part of my work (which funnily enough involves helping the environment) and yes i agree, it is way over the top for navigating town centres.
However i live rurally, and have twice had my car vandalised when i have ventured into the city for work related stuff, despite the fact it runs on LPG, and only gets used when needed.
I fully support some of what you guys do, i agree owning these cars as status symbols and virile extentions is pathetic and should be stopped, but for those of us that use these cars properly it's hard not to get a bit peeved at some of the more extreme actions some "campaigners" undertake.
Also, have you actually looked at the emissions of some of these vehicles, and compared them? if so you'd find that there are a lot of CARS out there that are far worse polluters.
How about older cars, which you regularly see pumping out vile concoctions of polluting smoke, why aren't these targetted first? If you can afford a car you can afford one with at least a catalytic converter and electronic fuel injection which will help keep its emissions in check better than a carberetta and non catalysed exhaust.
As for the comment about a car and a tractor, i used to work for John Deere, have you the foggiest idea how much carbon dioxide they produce? and how much fuel they burn ? For the jobs something like a land rover fulfils on most farms, they're perfectly adequate, and far more economical and eco freindly than a tractor.
Please don't misinterpret what i'm trying to say, i really would love to see a reduction in "chelsea tractors" as red ken calls them, but i do believe in a freedom of choice, i just think it should be hand in hand with a social and ecological responsibility by the owner to use the most eco freindly fuels available.
If you want to hit polluters hard, target ships and aircraft, Ships typically burn heavy fuel at the rate of 100+ tonnes a day, and diesel for their generators at 20-40 tonnes a day, why???
aircraft? well i think we all know about how much fuel they burn, and maybe some know about gas turbine efficiency.
Please don't tar all 4x4 ( or SUV for you americanised folks) owners with the same brush, some of us do give a damn about the environment, and do our best to help it where we can.
Get A Life
24.01.2007 11:12
Why don't you cock sucking hippies all get a life or just fucking die and let people get on with theirs, your all fucking scum, im off to drive my hummer and eat big macs.
General Clark
Get a Life
24.01.2007 11:52
Get A life you hippies, if you were all worried about climate change you'd be living in a yurt, not on a computer with all its evil plastic and strip mined silicon, at least the yuppies who buy hummers aren't bloody hypocrites like you lot. Where do you think your electricity comes from, some compost heap?no the nuclear power station down the road, and to whoever wrote the article, learn to spell.
General Clark
24.02.2011 20:45
Nothing gets me off like a giant engine purring softly, the slight wispy scent of gasoline in the air, and the beautiful shapes of an SUV speeding down the highway faster than any human was naturally meant to go.
I understand the environmental backlash, but I will never give up on the combustion engine.
It has served me my whole life long, and never fails to send shivers down my spine.
I love it so much, I will actively defend it.
This is what people do, it's human nature, and you can see examples of this throughout the whole world, across the span of human history.
Faith will often fly in the face of logic, and this is what makes it magic.