This Guardian is No Angel.
Friday December 2nd 2005
Poets, journalists, publishers, businesses and readers gathered in Manchester today to launch a campaign to save City Life magazine. Thirteen jobs have been axed but many more journalists will suffer. The editorial team at City Life comprised of thirteen staff but also seventeen freelance staff who contributed weekly to the listings section of the magazine. With a large proportion of their income now severed, these freelancers face an unpleasant Christmas as they scrabble to find employment elsewhere. Guardian Media Group has so far failed to offer any form of compensation to its regular freelancers; some of whom have edited sections of the magazine for up to nineteen years.
Says one: “City Life made up two thirds of my income; what I will do now, I don’t know.” And another: “The majority of my income came from City Life. It is going to take some time to find another job.”
What is certain is that as GMG continues to review its publications, a ripple of fear is sweeping across its regional publications. Many fear more job losses. Threats from above have made it clear that those stepping onto the picket line will not be dealt with graciously. In recent years three long standing contributors were dismissed after raising objections to the direction of the magazine.
As Manchester’s longest running listings magazine is brutally cast aside, concern arises that the left leaning Guardian Media Group is willing to use its awesome power to stamp the freedom of speech out of its loyal staff.
Protest against the closure of City Life by emailing
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