19th November at 7:30pm
Dancehouse Theatre (Oxford Road, Manchester, opposite the BBC)
Advance Tickets: 0161 237 9754
Information: 07748 347 367
To follow the increase in film showings RBC (Ruf Broadcasting Core) presents the showing of Painful Deceptions and talk/presentation “The 9/11 – 7/7 Connection”.
19th November at 7:30pm
Dancehouse Theatre (Oxford Road, Manchester, opposite the BBC)
Advance Tickets: 0161 237 9754
Information: 07748 347 367
Painful Deceptions
A 2 hour film by Eric Hufschmid, cover compassionately the big lies of 9/11 with a measured, logical and thorough approach. Introduced by Rufmouth from the9.11 Sceptics
“The 9/11 – 7/7 Connection”
Ian R Crane discusses the geopolitical webs that have been spun since the events of 9/11: with particular focus on US hegemony and the US agenda for control, of oil and gas resources. A few weeks after 7/7, Ian’s research had already indicated that the official version of the supposed “terror” attacks in London does not stand up to scrutiny. Prior to escaping from what Ian describes as his “total immersion in the material world”, he enjoyed a career of 25 years in telecommunications and oilfield services in the UK, Continental Europe, the Middle East, and the US. Ian has also spent many years researching comparative mythology, spirituality and changes in individual and collective consciousness.
Ian also runs www.spiritualalchemy.com
This talk and its following 9/11 – 7/7 question and answer session is unmissable to those who want to peel back the layers of spin to spot the core of the very rotten apple.
Rufmouth will once again present his particular take on events. www.rufmouth.co.uk and further information resources will be exhibiting at the event too as well as space for positive resistance, activists and researchers to meet up.
The (mind) revolution WILL be televised and WE the people WILL film it!
Posted by Nemo on behalf of rufmouth
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