Those acts perpetrated cannot be considered to represent any legitimate ideology or faith. The bombings were nothing but indiscriminate acts of murder, aimed not only at their ill-fated victims, but also at the City of London as a whole.
The Iraqi Community Council categorically dismisses the claims and motives of terrorists and urges the people of London and of Britain to stand united against these attacks, regardless of their race, political orientation, or faith.
The breakdown of national unity, a condition under which extremists are able to pursue their appalling and unpatriotic goals, should not be allowed to extend any further. Co-operation and communication between all communities throughout the entire nation is what is needed now.
We hope that the surviving victims of the blasts make full recoveries, although the scars of such an event shall be felt indefinitely. Following many others, we commend the rapid restoration of transport services by the transport authorities, and the excellent response of the London emergency services.
A vigil which is organised by the Iraqi Community Council will be held on Saturday 13th August, 4pm on Albert Square, Manchester (infront of Manchester Town Hall). All Welcome!
Long live the friendship between the Iraqi people and the British people.
Long live Peace
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Ammendments in the time for vigil!!
12.08.2005 16:03
just to let you know that the time for the vigil has now been changed to 2.30pm until 4.30.
The venue is still the same place, Albert Square.
Sorry for the confusion,