A various mix of activist who were present at the Reclaim The Bases Summer Camp have decided to call for another Reclaim The Bases Weekend, calling for groups to organise events at their local military bases on the weekend of the 17th and 18th of January. There is no fixed form for those events, and no fixed meaning. The only guideline is "Reclaim The Bases events should not harm or dehumanise other people"
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Any more info ?
07.01.2004 21:49
e-mail: email@reclaimthebases.org.uk
Homepage: http://www.reclaimthebases.org.uk
More info?
11.01.2004 19:50
Im not talking about the RtB campers (unless it was one of you of course) but the hosts for the specific MH protest as none of the usual groups seem to have put their name forward for it.
Joe C - Interested
Joe C
e-mail: japoteg@yahoo.co.uk