Anyone interested in this video workshop?
In case you don't already know, Undercurrents is an Oxford/Swansea based video documentary collective that has done some very good stuff on a variety of important subjects from a radical angle.
Some of their people are ex-BBC producers who were outraged by the Criminal Justice Act and felt the need to leave and establish an independent documentary news network.
I am sure this workshop will be very well worth attending.
Chris Edwards
-----Original Message-----
[mailto:] On Behalf Of hamish
Sent: 14 October 2003 17:16
To: Imc-Uk-Video@Lists.Indymedia.Org
Subject: [Imc-uk-video] undercurrents video acatvist workshop on in manchester next week
Hi all,
The is an undercurrents video acatvist workshop on in manchester next week - the is space if you know any one who whona do it (:
Hamish XXX
Course: video activism
Tuesday 21th October
10am - 4pm
DIY video making, this course will include:
why do it - watch films, question and answer session
intro camera - interview techniques and framing
intro editing - capture and timeline editing
intro web/or CD-ROM distribution
0161 273 1736