Welcome to the first ever Manchester Mob.
These instructions will tell you all you need to know. Be sure to forward this note as quick as possible to other people you know who might like to join in.
(1) At some point during the day on August 13th synchronise your watch by using the speaking clock or the following websites :-
(2) by 7pm based on the first letter of your surname, you should have already located yourselves in the following bars and/or pubs. Buy a drink, act casual and don‚t look like you‚re there for trouble! The MOB reps will leave the pubs at 7:20pm so don‚t delay, anyone arriving late will miss out.
A - I
Moon Under Water Pub, Deansgate, City Centre. Look for a man with an unopened umbrella wearing a red shirt near the upstairs bar.
J - Q
Sinclair‚s Oyster Bar, next to Marks & Spencers in Exchange Square. Look for a man with an unopened umbrella wearing a red shirt stood to the right side of the bar.
R - Z.
Bar 38, Peter Street, next to the Great Northern Warehouse (bar is shaped like a glass wedge). look for a man with an unopened umbrella wearing a red shirt stood to the left side of the bar
(3) At about this time a MOB rep already stood with a pint of Guinness will be waiting. Approach him and he will pass out further instructions. Read the instructions carefully and then hide the piece of paper about your person so that it can not be seen.
(4) The instructions will provide the destination of the MOB site, and you should arrive there no earlier than 7:50pm and no later than 7:50pm. If you are early, stall, if you are late hurry! although no one will
need to rush.
(5) The instructions will contain everything you need to know. Most importantly the time to leave the MOB site by is 7:55pm. The dispersal is just as important to the success of this MOB as is the arrival. Everyone should leave as quickly and orderly as they can and truly disperse.
(6) After the Flash MOB, just carry on walking away, not speaking to anybody, not acknowledging anybody
(7) At all times remember that a MOB is just fun.
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Good Luck!
13.08.2003 15:14
Hope all goes well - have fun y'all!
do you work for whethspoons?
13.08.2003 20:33
13.08.2003 21:36