NEO-NAZI NORTH EAST INFIDELS (NEI) / Durham EDL member Richard "Saex" Boon of Newcastle, has posted the most appalling comment on the cold-blooded murder of MP Jo Cox from Birstall, Kirklees (near Batley), West Yorkshire, on the Britain First facebook page, approving of her murder. Jo's killer was a gunman in his fifties also armed with a knife who shouted out the words - "Britain First" while shooting her.
Richard "Saex" Boom is a former civil servant, who has worked at the MOD for ten years and also Newcastle Job centre, before he went sick (supposedly from disabilit), setting up his motorcycle repair garage business called "Busted Knuckle Garage" in Newcastle where he repairs motorbikes.
The screenshot was captured by this Twitter user, and tweeted out. See the screenshot on this article for a larger view: - Facebook have since removed the post, but Richard Boom's horrific comment is not forgotten.
Richard Boom is an incredibly evil neo-Nazi. Watch out for him at NEI / EDL North-East rallies and so-called Unity Demos. He apparently attended Dover with National Front bikers.
Richard "Saex" Boon: - NO PASARAN EVER TO NEO-NAZI SCUM!!!!!