On the verge of finishing his most controversial article to date, fears are high that a murder attempt will be made on his life.
Having feared for his own life already, Chris Spivey is acutely aware that The Powers That Be will do anything and everything possible to ensure no further false flag events are exposed and that his appeal against his conviction of harassment against Lee Rigby’s family is never heard in a court of law.
As reported by Guerrilla Democracy News in 'Chris Spivey- Dead Man Walking,' Chris Spivey is quoted to have written, “Therefore, the only way to stop the appeal going ahead – which they have to at all costs – is if I am dead… Hence the forthcoming prison sentence.”

Having started to break apart the Paris false flag event, Spivey teased his millions of readers by saying he had uncovered something “that sent a fucking great shiver down his spine.”
He wrote in 'I see Dead People':
“The article, on a subject that I have in the past spent many, many hours looking into, came about via something that I discovered whilst writing a section on the Parisian Bataclan Club attack – an almost slapstick comedy event – which allegedly occurred whilst the cartoon band, The Ejits of Deaf Mental were on stage… Well actually the evidence points to them not being on stage as it happens, but you know what I mean.
And having found this new piece of information that sent a fucking great shiver up my spine, another unexpected event closely related to this new information took place – call it coincidence, call it divine intervention, call it luck, call it whatever the fuck you like, but it happened – leading me to have a moment of clarity that left me me, once again amazed at how little I really know about the way that these evil monsters ruling over us, operate.”
Keen on getting the details absolutely right, that all the i’s are dotted and the t’s are crossed, Spivey is confident that his latest article would have the same- if not bigger- impact than his infamous article on Lee Rigby, ’Look back in Anger.’
Take for example what he wrote in his latest article 'John Hamer's: The City of London':
“And I am trying, oh how I am trying, hence the two major articles that I am working on and continue to grow (Paris and the other one) are still not ready because I fully intend to make them as damning, damaging and irrefutable as possible.”
Having escaped a prison sentence following his harassment conviction last year, Spivey is still very firmly in the cross bars of a government sponsored assassination attempt.
To remind you what Spivey said himself “Once again amazed at how little I really know about the way that these evil monsters ruling over us, operate.”
We know an Israeli army unit stormed a West Bank hospital in November last year to assassinate a 28-year-old Palestine man; and while Spivey may not be murdered in such a public and spectacular fashion, being in hospital and separated from his family is possibly the worst place he could be at the moment...
Assured by his loyal gate-keeper Lisa that his daughter Stacy is fine and being looked after, an appeal for transport has been made on his Facebook page.
Let's all pray Chris Spivey makes a speedy recovery and that he makes it out of hospital alive.