Listen to the real evidence the liveroool crown court didnt want you to hear.
A Innocent Vunerable Adult imprisoned for 9 years.
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The Full Story

Too often vulnerable adults are in our community are harmed. They have little or no voice either. Not long ago if you approached social services telling them someone was being harmed by a carer or member of their own family they would not listen. So many vulnerable adults have been harmed that they can longer look the other way. However its STILL happening. We want to change that forever. Craig has been in care from the age of 8. He has been systematically abused, mentally, physically, even sexually. Now as an adult its still happening, one carer even took him home with her, had sex with him, then ran him back to his own residence afterwards phoning the police to say she had been raped by him. The story doesn’t end there…it gets worse..It needs to be stopped. The people that prey on vulnerable adults are still out there, next time it might be someone you are close to. Most of the time where abuse takes place it is where sole carers are able to exploit the fact that there are no witnesses. We want to campaign to get Care Service Providers to require a minimum of two staff during night times. This protects BOTH the staff AND the person(s) being cared for. If you agree that vulnerable adults need protection please sign our petition, lets make this mandatory LAW. (Craig’s Law) Thank you