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Glenn Pells, Nazi UKIPer @exposing_ukip @slatfascists @edlnews @tellmama‏

Antikipper | 14.12.2014 10:43 | Anti-racism | Indymedia | Social Struggles | London | Oxford

Officially (on paper at least) UKIP still maintain they refuse to allow members of fascist groups into their party, but a mere cursory glance at UKIPers on Facebook and Twitter reveals hundreds of party publicists who trumpet not just UKIP but a whole host of far right organisations across the board from the EDL to the FN. So much so, that the common retort /excuse of UKIP's senior members is that EDLers, Britain Firsters and BNPers are "pretending to be UKIP to discredit the party", even though many of the aforementioned neo-Nazi UKIPers are regularly liked and retweeted by top ranking UKIP officials, giving them the social media seal of approval.


Glenn Pells, lorry driver from Loftus, Cleveland, an official, card-carrying UKIP party member was exposed earlier this year by Hope Not Hate for being an open Britain First supporter. Before 2012, the party had expelled members who were openly neo-Nazi, however, since the death of Lee Rigby, and the collapse of the electoral hopes of the BNP, and the drift away of their supporters, UKIP have softened their line towards the British Far Right to court their former voters, and this sea change is noticeable in the recent recruits welcomed into the party with EDL, BNP, and Britain First pedigree. Mr Pells has via Facebook and Twitter endorsed both organisations, and has "liked" EDL pages since 2009, which comes as absolutely no surprise to the casual observer.

Now it has become de-rigour to be racist, homophobic and chauvinist towards the camera by leading UKIP party officials, at grass roots level the floodgates have been opened for everybody and everybody, from casual pub racists to hardcore white supremacists, to join-up and become fully-fledged, paid-up members of UKIP.

Despite his open Twitter and facebook admiration of Pells towards BF, the EDL and other fash organisations, and the high profile expose on the HnH blog, UKIP have refused to cancel his membership. Indeed Pells has dressed himself in a fancy suit and put himself forward as an election candidate for 2015. Given some of the sickening, vile and downright national socialist remarks he has posted on social media, anybody who opposes racial and religious hatred should realise the danger himself and other fascist UKIP recruits pose to society. Throughout Central Europe, far right parties have spawned respected politicians, including France, Greece, Italy, Scandinavia, Belgium and Holland. Thanks to UKIP dismissing their membership entrance policy, the same thing is set to happen in the UK.

The combined screenshots above show a selection of the horrific neo-Nazi material posted online by this BNP-style suited and booted thug. (Many more can be found via Google by pumping in his name followed by random racist keywords).

Glen Pells seriously believes Islam is the "work of Satan" in his online blasts of fanaticism which sets the tone in a lot of his comments. He believes in hate preacher Pat Condell's "clash of civilisations", and his hopeful civil war between Muslims and non-Muslims, and many of his facebook posts talk about war and "eradicating Islam". Pells is seriously deluded, bordering on quasi-religious fervour.

Pells is the first to condemn the religion of Islam for homophobia, and yet he retweets homophobic news articles from Pat Dollard (Breitbart correspondent) including articles which sneer at the civil rights of gay men, proving his faux concern about gay rights is an what is known in the trade as "a sham of a convenience". (article retweeted )

His appalling YouTube videos leave a sulphuric taste in the mouth when watched by people like myself of conscience. All the ingredients of a national socialist foamfest are present in his stack of video postings, the expected toxic dose of Islamophobia complemented by all-out Hitlerite anti-Roma hatred(shame on him - Adolf murdered half a million Roma men, women and children in concentration camps), and calls for all leftwing people including trade unionists to be "removed from society", once more a chilling reflection on his deadly fascist intentions.

His YouTube Channel: -

Inspired by Pam Geller and Robert Spencer, for whom he pays tribute with loatheful YouTube comments, his thuggish extremist selfie-rants leave the notorious raving racist raver pirate radio broadcaster DJ Bossman Davey-Jay firmly in the shade. Aggressively striking up fear against trade unions, educated people, leftwingers, and non-white minorities left, right and centre, the rising star of UKIP goes full Niemoller, delivering the watcher a warning that if society is not careful, and fails to clamp down upon today's far right bigots, the future will be a worry if not the full-on race war that Mr Pells believes will happen in the year 2027.

Until blood is spilt on the streets in an all out (and thankfully fictional) religiously charged race war, young Mr Pells is defecates his pants with the fear of women playing a greater role in managing their own lives in male-dominated Western Society. He waxes unlyrically about a supposed "feminist plot" going down in the United Kingdom. Lefties are everywhere, he believes, hiding under beds, behind closets, and lurking ominously in the subversively lactating fountains of breastmilk. This feminist plot must be banished safely back to the 1950s if England is to break free from the curse of modernity and sexual equality.

All women should cover up in public, and do what they are told to do by men, unless they are Muslims choosing to wear a headscarf, when they should be arrested and charged with treason. David Cameron should, by Mr Pells' Machiavellian reckoning should be charged with treason not for removing benefits from disabled people, single mothers, or the bedroom tax, but because he failed to round up Muslims and destroy Islam. A "tap-room Pat Condell", Pells does not pussyfoot around when it comes to racial and religious extermination.

Pells also rants in favour of zero hours contracts on video, a friend of big business pretending to reach out to working class communities, whereas the only type of working class person he courts, is the brainwashed, bigoted Sun reader besotted over Katie Hopkins.

Here he rants with extreme anti-Roma hatred in his most vile rant, accusing Romanian Roma of excreting in the streets, smuggling rats into Britain, bringing back smallpox, and daring to give birth to children.

In a most outlandish rant, having called for trade unions to be banned, and all leftwing politics to be made illegal for the sake of the Fatherland, he comes out with a verbal smack to minorities suffering discrimination: -

....."if you're black, you're laughing, if you're Muslim, you're laughing........ if you're white, you're English, God help yer...."

A selection of Pells's screenshots are featured above on the picture accompanying this article. Many are on facebook, but he has an internet footprint that spans a large range of rightwing websites from the neo-conservative to the neo-Nazi.

He is administrator of a UKIP Facebook group exposed by EDL News, which aims to forge links between UKIPers, BNPers, Britain Firsters and EDLers. This very same group a few months back engaged in a sickening tirade of hate against Asian UKIP member Ummer Farooq.

So it seems the leadership managing UKIP have all but given up on their previous failed efforts to sanitise the party.

Glenn Pells has since joining UKIP, applied to become an election candidate. Heaven forbid any local authority which welcomes this hardcore racist bigot in its council chambers and committees. A throwback to the bad old days of BNP councillors getting elected to local authorities, his extreme bigotry is a stark reminder to anybody who does not believe that UKIP are racist, to wake up and smell the (white) coffee......

UKIP propagandist trolls who contaminate all newspaper comment sections from the Guardian to the Daily Mail, mutter incessantly about UKIP being "a breath of fresh air".

Or rather, with disciples of hate on-board Farage's joyride, stale air, a haunting blast of populist poison......

......the stale air of Auschwitz and Belsen.

Consign nationalism to the dustbin of history where it rightfully belongs.





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VIRGIN TRAINS INCIDENT @leejasper @599bt @edlnews @exposing_ukip

14.12.2014 10:58

Society is becoming more and more racist following UKIP's acceptance into the establishment.

Yesterday, as reported by witnesses on Twitter, black, eastern european and chinese passengers were racially abused on a train from London to Liverpool whilst Virgin Trains staff did fuck all.

To add insult to injury, the racist criminals who subjected their victims to an hour of abuse were pointed out to the British Transport Police and they did nothing but arrest someone who was non white, and had been quiet throughout.

What the UK needs is more campaigning against institutional racism.

Snorting coke in the toilets, getting drunk on the carriage, the racists (EDL / NF / NWI types) chanted "Hes a fucking black cunt" at a black passenger and f*cking staff did nothing.



Black Civil Rights

Racist bastards

14.12.2014 11:11

like Pells and the far right train thugs

should be fuckin' locked up


14.12.2014 11:19

....."if you're black, you're laughing, if you're Muslim, you're laughing........ if you're white, you're English, God help yer...."

Pells should bloody well explain his youtube rant to the victims of police racism in the UK.

Black people are stopped, searched, and killed in police custody whilst white men in a similar situation are treated far much better.

Only a nazi wanker would rant such lies as this.

Malcolm X Fan

What a scumbag.

14.12.2014 11:20

I note he also supports zero hours contracts.

Everything about this EDL supporting piece of filth sucks.

Northeast Antifa

Pells = A Tap Room Pat Condell

14.12.2014 11:38

I couldn't agree more.

His parents must have been BNP or NF thugs.

Fuck UKIP.

The Northeast

14.12.2014 12:06



Nazi Scum

14.12.2014 12:19


Oi Polloi!

Pells: Thick As Well As Bigoted

14.12.2014 12:23

Mot stupid thing about Pells is he has recently been tweeting (only yesterday) that the EDL are on the rise.

They are fucking dead!!!


EDL Are Full Of Child Abusers

14.12.2014 12:30

So Pells imagined babies being abused by Muslims in the screenshot which he calls "thughing".

Not surprising he is also in the EDL and supports Britain First.

EDL Nonce Division

EDL Nonce List

14.12.2014 12:32

Docter Doxx

EDL Are Full Of Child Abusers

14.12.2014 12:34

So Pells imagined babies being abused by Muslims in the screenshot which he calls "thighing".

Not surprising he is also in the EDL and supports Britain First.

EDL Nonce Division

Pells Uses Far Right Racist Terminology

14.12.2014 22:11

Pells used the extremely offensive term "rape jihad" on Twitter, illogically trying to connect the child abuse scandal in Rotherham to the religion of Islam.

No other member of a political party outside of BNP, NF and Britain First (or 'Tommy Robinson' has been found to use such extreme fascist terminology.

See screenshot.

UKIP Exposer

pells wants all muslims expelled from the uk - farage does not care less

14.12.2014 22:16

UKIP local authority electoral candidate Pells and fellow UKIPer "Normal Bloke" want all Muslims expelled from the UK.

Nigel Farage knows but does not care less.


Pells wants neuremberg-style laws against muslims

14.12.2014 22:21

Adolf Hitler banned Jews from public life.

Likewise, neo-Nazi UKIPer Glenn Pells wants all Muslims banned from holding public office.

Remind everyone what will be the outcome of allowing UKIP to get a foothold into parliament.



Pells Toys With White Supremacy

14.12.2014 22:32

Taking his inspiration from his secret chums on Stormfront, Pells believes that white south Africans are being murdered by a black government in an act of "white genocide"......

Top marks for your white supremacism, Mr Pells.

You have passed with flying paranoid, Aryan colours.

You can now join the KKK.


Glenn Pells Tweets Amti-Semitic Slur Against Alan Sugar

14.12.2014 22:51

Spurs fan Glenn Pells tweets an extremely offensive anti-Semitic slur against Sir Alan Sugar, the managing director of Tottenham Hotspur FC.

Adolf Hitler used age-old anti-Semitic slurs against Jewish people regarding money, using the ultimately deadly racial stereotype that Jewish people are "tight with money" that helped stir up hatred of Jewish people in Nazi Germany.

Dave Whelan was quite rightly condemned making such remarks about Jewish people recently.

Now here is Glenn Pells making similar remarks.

Remember UKIP approve of his membership and he will be an electoral candidate next summer.....



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