behind the scenes manipulation of the world
36 Billionaire Hedge Fund Managers Invested in War, Warmonger Media, Animal Slaughter, Deforestation, Banksters, Drug Cos. Etc
Who manages your state retirement funds, your corporate pensions? Who invests Social Security trust fund money?
Billionaires Running Hedge Funds Invested In Oil, Warmongering Media, Deforestation, Slaughter, Pharmaceuticals, Banksters Etc
Billionaire tax fund managers use money to create hostile takeovers, sell off assets,
accumulate monopolies, raid public and corporate pension funds, pricegouge.
While penny thieves go to jail these billionaires run the country behind scenes.
Some of them have been involved as beneficiaries of NSA industrial espionage.
Sheldon Whitehouse: Why should a billionaire hedge fund manager pay a lower tax rate than a brick mason?
Myths behind public pension reform

36 billionaire hedge fund managers are listed at

1 John Arnold invested in pharmaceuticals and other products

2 Louis Bacon Moore Global Investments invested in Facebook, Bank of America with its foreclosure fraud and evictions,
Merck with its toxic vaccines which have killed people, Time Warner, Pepsi
with its antkiller aspartame in diet drinks and caramel color carcinogen
in all drinks, its pricegouging Frito Lay
products, its clout to keep coffee out of Taco Bell (only Pepsi products there)
CitiGroup usury, Lowes deforestation and mousetrap torture

3 Steve Cohen SAC Capital Advisors, a Stamford, Connecticut
He paid a 1.2 billion dollar fine for insider trading
4 Chase Coleman Tiger Global Management

5 Leon Cooperman Omega Advisers invested in the criminal enterprises of AIG and of the usurer Citibank
"On May 26, 2005, as part of a series of actions against the alleged criminal activities of large corporations, Spitzer filed a complaint against Greenberg, AIG, and Howard I. Smith (ex-CFO of AIG) alleging fraudulent business practice, securities fraud, common law fraud, and other violations of insurance and securities .." Wikipedia.

6 Ray Dalio's hedge fund is invested in Vanguard. Republican Supreme Court Justice
Sam Alito when on a lower federal bench broke his promise and failed to recuse himself regarding Vanguard.

7 James Dinan York Capital Management

invested in Time Warner's warmongering, DISH's profiteering from meat ads,
8 Stanley Druckenmiller is invested in 3 war profiteers and warmongers: Halliburton, Google and CBS of Leslie Moonves, grand nephew of David Ben Gurion. CBS has made hundreds of billions in blood money from meat ads, alcohol ads, ads for lethal prescription drugs. Sumner Rothstein Redstone is executive chairman of both Viacom and CBS, and through them of National Amusement Theatre Chain, MTV, Black Entertainment Network, Paramount Pictures.

9 Glenn Russell Dubin, Highbridge Capital Management invested in
the animal torture of Abbott Labs, Lowe's with its brutal mousetrops and deforestation, datamining Facebook, Gilead's toxic flu promotions, Endo Pharmaceuticals

10 David Einhorn of Greenlight Capital is profiting from investment in oil.

11 Israel Englander of Millenium Management is invested in a host of earthharming groups
including SPDR and American Electric Power, the deforesting pricegouging utility.

12 Noam Gottesman Gig Partners

invested in Citigroup (which busted all US antiusury laws)
Gilead which pushes lethal flu shots, Barnes and Noble, bookstore
chain involved in deforesting and promotion of war promoting authors
such as Sarah Palin, bellicose Time Warner, Viacom, holding company, 4th largest media conglomerate in the world, warmongering on more than 1 continent.
13 Ken Griffin's hedge fund is invested in Google (begun as a CIA project and still helping US military in criminal wars, as well as Safeway, a corporation which has attempted in DC to destroy the food coop movement

14 Michael Hintze of Australia
invested in war profiteer mercenaries of CACI, warmonger
Rupert Murdoch's deforesting NewsCorp, profiteer from
animal cadaver sales, Viacom's bellicose newscasts, Onyx
and Gilead toxic flu shots and other drugs

15 Brevan Howard is invested in Ishares, bought by CVC Capital Partners, a spinoff of Citibank

16 Carl Icahn is one of Apple's biggest investors

17 Paul Tudor Jones II

18 Bruce Kovnar is invested in the criminally run AIG as well as petroleum,
Morgan Stanley and the toxic flu shot promotion of Walgreens.

19 Marc Lasry Avenue Capital
invested in Citigroup, Scorpio Tankers, the forest destroying
Verso Paper Corporation, Royal Bank of Scotland etc etc

20 Edward Lampert is an exception.

21 Daniel Loeb Third Point bought 60 million shares of Yahoo Loeb has invested Third Point in AIG of Maurice Greenberg (who helped frame Eliot Spitzer), deforesting lumber, and Constellation Brands (alcohol). A French court convicted winegrowers of selling fake pinot noir to Constellation Brands. A class action lawsuit stated Constellation was responsible for the quality of the wine it sold. The state of Rhode Island cancelled his hedge fund saying it was too risky. Loeb moved out Jerry Yang and moved 3 Wall St cronies onto Yahoo board.

The activist actor George Clooney criticizes Loeb

22 Stephen Mandel Lone Pine Capital
invested in furmongering Gap, one of the last chain stores retailing
bloody fur, the censorship of Facebook, Google's warmongering, Mastercard usury,
the vivisection (animal research) of Johnson and Johnson etc.

23 Daniel Och is invested in Time Warner's warmongering for the last 25 years, Google's militarism and monopoly, Exxon's earth destroying oil spills, pricegouging, and conspiracy against electric cars

24 John Paulson

25 Julian Robertson of Tiger Management invested in 2 warmongers: Time Warner Cable and Google

26 David Shaw in investing in Berkshire Hathaway has blood money from Omaha Steaks. Like other hedge fund managers he is invested in the monopoly of Maurice Greenberg's AIG, the datamining, censorship, and false numbers claims of Facebook, the CIA partnership of Google.

27 James Simons' hedge fund Renaissance Technologies is invested in the animal agony of research by Eli Lilly and Bristol Myers. Eli Lilly through Senator Frist, himself part of a billionaire family, got many drugs exempted from liability lawsuits. Eli Lilly's Prozac causes homicide, suicide and other acts of violence.

28 Paul Singer of $19 billion Elliott Management.

29 George Soros One of his companies, Charter Communications, is attempting a takeover of Time Warner Cable

30 Thomas Steyer founded Farallon Capital Management
Vida, Time Warner, Google, Loeb's Yahoo

31 David Tepper is invested in Citigroup, the bank which first in South Dakota and then around the country busted antiusury laws in order to initiate its credit card usury rates.

Highest Net Worth Hedge Fund Managers Here is a list of hedge fund billionaires ranked in terms of
their amounts of Assets Under Management: 1. Ken Griffin. $57.9 billion. 2. David Shaw. $53.2 billion.
3. Alan Howard. $40.1 billion. 4. James Simons. $38.1 billion 5. Michael Platt. $35 billion.
6. Israel Englander. $32.6 billion. 7. Philip Falcone. $26.9 8. Daniel Och. $26.9 billion.
9. Julian Robertson. $22 billion (in 1998) 10. Carl Icahn. $21.5 billion. 11. Stephen Mandel, Jr. $20.5 billion.
12. Steven Cohen. $18.2 billion. 13. Andreas Halvorsen. $18 billion. 14. Joshua Friedman. $17.6 billion
15. Chase Coleman. $15.8 billion. 16. John Paulson. $14.2 billion. 17. Edward Lampert. $12.3 billion.
18. Marc Lasry. $12.3 billion. 19. James Dinan. $12 billion. 20. Ray Dalio. $11.4 billion.
21. William Ackman. $11 billion. 22. Glenn Dubin. $10.1 billion. 23. Stanley Druckenmiller. $10 billion.
24. George Soros. $9.2 billion. 25. David Tepper. $6.9 billion. 26. Leon Cooperman. $6.5 billion.
27. David Harding. $5.5 billion. 28. Thomas Steyer. $5.2 billion. 29. Paul Singer. $5.2 billion.
30. Daniel Loeb. $4.5 billion. 31. Louis Bacon. $4.2 billion. 32. Richard Chilton, Jr. $3.7 billion
33. John Arnold. $3.5 billion. 34. Seth Klarman. $3.1 billion. 35. Noam Gottesman. $2.6 billion.
36. Bruce Kovner. $2.3 billion. 37. Paul Tudor Jones. $1.3 billion. 38. Michael Hintze. $686.8 million.
39. Thomas Sandell. $598.2 million.
40. Henry Swieca. $354 million.

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