London Indymedia

EDL faces in Slough 01.02.2014

Anon | 03.02.2014 02:16 | Anti-racism | London | Wales

EDL faces who turned up in Slough

Photos of EDL faces who turned up in Slough



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Attachment 2 - EDL faces in Slough

03.02.2014 02:34

Attachment 2 - EDL faces in Slough


Attachment 3 - EDL faces in Slough

03.02.2014 02:53

Attachment 3 - EDL faces in Slough


Attachment 4 - EDL faces in Slough

03.02.2014 05:22

Attachment 4 - EDL faces in Slough


Handsome, cultured looking bunch... New fascist group in London...

03.02.2014 09:32

Released this video...

Anyone have any info on them?

Anne Frankly


03.02.2014 14:41

is apparently the next stop for the EDL. They are planning to march their on the 22nd March.

Few of the Worcester Division spotted in those pics, also their coach was spied arriving in Slough, details on another Indymedia post...

Let's get our feet on the streets in March people and make sure this is the EDL's final outing!


welsh zionists lol

03.02.2014 16:16

wotever next welsh zionists nazis with inbred faces ago go wot a shower of ungodly pig looking and loving golden showers of shit lol a dwindling band of nerdo well retards wot a scream....well dun antifa


Hiding the issue

03.02.2014 16:52

The subject of mass immigration is now one so tied up with the images if either the stupid on the Right or the idealistic on the Left that the important voices of the majority population are not being heard.

We risk a lot is simply calling racist anybody who questions if the last 60 odd years of immigration have been positive. Like it or not this is a key issue for a lot of people, individuals who would not dream of voting for the likes of the BNP but are unhappy with how they see their society and area changing.

The EDL have wider support that you might think, theirs is a message that rings true for many, we would do well to remember that and develop arguments that go beyond shouting "Nazi" !


Its London in March

03.02.2014 17:10

spread word

Next fash demo

stop the intimidation

03.02.2014 18:33

It does not make sense to publish these photos. I doubt any of them are nazis or fascists. You are clearly trying to get them sacked from their jobs. Not good guys, not good. We need to recognise that edl supporters may be genuinely concerned about the Islamic religion. We need a different approach. Worth a discussion?

sensible debate

Joining ANTIFA

03.02.2014 19:55

Does the black hoody, black face scarf and the black back pack you people wear come with membership or do you have to buy your own?

Also my girlfriend does not like to wear black (she says it makes her look pale), would she still be welcome wearing another colour outfit say green or blue or is it essential that one dresses is a complete black outfit? Would we even be welcome as we come from very ordinary backgrounds- we both work in retail, whereas I understand that most of your members come from middle class and University backgrounds.

I would like to join but I need to be sure about the outfit, the correct colour to wear and if you welcome people from working class backgrounds.



The rest of the world rocks, Britain snores.

04.02.2014 00:47

"It does not make sense to publish these photos. I doubt any of them are nazis or fascists. You are clearly trying to get them sacked from their jobs. Not good guys, not good. We need to recognise that edl supporters may be genuinely concerned about the Islamic religion. We need a different approach. Worth a discussion?"

No, its not worth discussing Mr EDL man trying to pass himself of as "one of us".

You people in the EDL don't know shit from shoe polish. You know nothing about the EU bar what some numb nut in the pub bollocked on about while drunk and having read the Daily Fail. You know nothing about the religion of Islam bar what some racist made up in his squalid head after drinking too much and reading some Israeli bullshit on the web (which is there because the Israeli army put it there).

You just haven't the first clue how this world works and how easily manipulated you are for soaking up the planted opinions of those who actually have an education...and are still daft enought to squandor it on racism and political conspiracy.

You know nothing about migration and the political patterns behind it. You wave an Israeli flag ONLY because its gets a fight going with other groups, you "support the boys" only because it gets peoples backs up at a time of serious opposition to war.

If only you knew the truth. If only you really knew just how much of an embarrassment your tawdry attention to detail really is.

You are just reactionaries out for a fight and a booze up. Football hooligans and nothing else. Wasters with no lives.

No, discussing this with you is completely pointless.

You are the dog-end of history.



04.02.2014 00:55

q,,,are the pigs the ones with masks on the ones without masks on or the ones all dressed in yellow with breasty things on the top of their heads???? for the life of me i just cant workit out lol loeven fukin louder,,,wot a pile of regututated pigshit they are lol


Good photos

04.02.2014 01:58

Thanks for posting :)


@ Malenky

04.02.2014 15:35


You people in the EDL don't know shit from shoe polish. You know nothing about the EU bar what some numb nut in the pub bollocked on about while drunk and having read the Daily Fail. You know nothing about the religion of Islam bar what some racist made up in his squalid head after drinking too much and reading some Israeli bullshit on the web (which is there because the Israeli army put it there).


While I would agree the average EDL supporter would indeed not "know shit from shoe polish" do not underestimate the wider population. As a school teacher in an inner London borough I can tell you that it is a very real matter of concern for many people. Parents and teachers who are not racist see school resources having to be used because pupils have limited skills in English, resources that are not available to their children. This breeds resentment.
I know of a number of individuals (two of them colleagues) who have taken the time to investigate Islam and it's teachings and it is fair to say some of it is very concerning, in the same way that much of the teachings of the Catholic Church are equally concerning.
Finally don't worry so much about the Israeli Army, I'm sure they have better things to do then post to indymedia !



04.02.2014 18:55

Your assumptions are wide of the mark and I don't appreciate your insults. For your info, I am generally supportive of antifascists, its the tactics against edl I am questioning. Your analysis of them is generalisation and caricature and does not facilitate proper debate on future strategy in countering them. I will make my point again about publishing the photos. What does it achieve? What is the motive? Why label edl supporters nazis when they are clearly not. In my view there has to be a discussion on how we oppose them in the future. So my invitation to you Malenky is why not make a constructive contribution.

sensible debate

@Jimbo, you twat

05.02.2014 09:54

Yet another sad fascist attempting to stereotype militant anti-fascists as university students, middle class blah blah blah.
I have been an active anti-fascist for years, I am working class (I have also worked in retail - as well as at sortation centres etc.)
Most anti-fascists I know are working class, some have been to university, many more have not. Its typical of the fascist mindset that you have to negatively stereotype your opponents, just like you do with immigrants, Muslims etc.
I also notice you neglect to mention the fact that many fascists are middle class, like the public school/Oxbridge educated landowner Nick Griffin, and that little twat Yaxley Lennon who owns a tanning salon and a number of properties.
I'm guessing you're just pissed off because once again we have made you look like a bunch of sad has beens/never were's and now you're stamping your little feet and sulking.
Well tough shit. Now fuck off and take your snidey comments with you.



05.02.2014 14:55

Touched a Nerve!

I have never been a sympathiser with the EDL but from what I can see most of them do manual work, whereas you have probably never got your hands dirty, probably hands as smooth as a babys bum!



05.02.2014 18:01

If you don't support the EDL why have you taken the time and effort to post on here x2 to defend them against anti-fascists??
As mentioned. I am working class and have worked in manual labour most of my life, including, as mentioned, in a sortation centre and retail, as well as cleaning, removals, logistics and other manual work.
I have met many EDL and other fascists who are middle class professionals, again as mentioned, Nick Griffin is public school/Oxbridge educated and a substantial landowner, Yaxley-Arsehole is a business owner and other fascists are equally as middle class.
Your stereotyping is the failing foot stamp of a member of a dying right wing organisation that's dying on it's arse.
Now, fuck off!



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