Two of our erudite and well-informed cyclist comrades, Chris and GDM, join us in a conversation discussing safe and ecologically sustainable transport in a capitalist driven metropolis. The show's theme is informed by the numerous cycle-related deaths in London in November 2013 including:
* HGVs (Heavy Goods Vehicles) - should there be a ban on these machines in highly-populated areas like central London?
* the current response by the Met: 'Operation Safeway' which sees 2,500 cops monitoring junctions with the purpose of issuing on the spot fines to cyclists with set monthly quotas
* rather daft MP comments from politicians sitting on transport committees on things like paying Road Tax and creating mandatory bike registration
* continental European traffic initiatives called 'Shared Spaces' and London initiatives like '20 is plenty' (limiting vehicle speed to 20mph) and effects on road safety
And lots, lots more. We also get a very thorough update on the legal situation at 195 Mare Street, the grade II listed building. Occupiers lost in court to unscrupulous developers and builders who are eager to throw-up more yuppie flats in a bid to join the accelerating race towards total gentrification in Hackney.
DJ All Exit joined us on the wheels of steel with a unique set of tunes to get your feet thumpin.
That's it from us in 2013 - thanks for listening and we'll see you next year!
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